Chapter Two

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Harmony watched as Dawn pointed to the corner of the room, where an old dresser sat with its drawers open. "The emergency is over there."

Harmony wasn't sure what she expected to see when she approached the dresser, but it sure wasn't the sleeping baby that she found. She raised a horrified face to her sister, who was looking everywhere but at her.

"Oh my god, Dawn! What the actual fuck? When did you have a baby?"

She watched as Dawn shrugged. "About six weeks ago. He's the reason I called you." She now lifted her eyes to Harmony's and stared at her. "You have to take him, Harm. I don't want him." Harmony shook her head as Dawn continued. "He cries all the time. I can't fucking stand it, and my boyfriend hates him. I'm afraid he's going to do something to him when I'm not here. You have to take him with you."

Harmony just stared at her sister for a moment in complete shock before looking down at the innocent child sleeping peacefully in the small drawer. He was tiny, not at all what Harmony would expect a six-week-old baby to look like, which made her think that her sister probably wasn't feeding him properly. He was dressed in a filthy light blue onesie with no blanket or anything to keep him warm. The baby didn't look like it had been bathed in days, if ever. The longer Harmony stared at him, the angrier she got.

"I can't just take him, Dawn! What the fuck? How about you be a fucking mother? Where's his father? I'm assuming it's not the boyfriend?"

She watched as Dawn just shrugged and lit a cigarette. "His dad was just a john. I don't know his fucking name. Look, Harm, it's either you or CPS. I don't want him and there's nobody else to take him. Fawn won't even talk to me."

Harmony looked back down at the child, reaching out a hand to softly pat his tiny stomach as he started to fuss. Picking the baby up, she held him to her chest and swayed back and forth to calm him, staring at the wall. She knew she had a decision to make, and it had to be made quickly. With the baby still in her arms, she turned to Dawn.

"I need to make some phone calls. Do you think you can at least feed him while I do that?"

Dawn shook her head. "Ran out of formula this morning. Take him with you to make your calls. I need to get his shit together because if you don't want him, I'm taking him to foster care this afternoon."

Harmony just shook her head in disgust as she walked to the door. Halfway there, she turned around. "What's his name?"

"Maxwell Alexander Trager."

Harmony just nodded and walked out the door, the crying baby in her arms. She didn't know what the hell she was going to do, but she knew who to call.


Dawn sagged into a kitchen chair as her sister walked out with Max in her arms. She wrapped her arms around herself and bit her lip to keep the sobs inside. She couldn't break now, not when she was so close to getting what she wanted for Max. She honestly hadn't thought of going to CPS with her child until it looked like Harmony was going to refuse to take him in. She knew that her sister's familial pride wouldn't let her send a Trager to foster care if she could keep him out.

She looked around the apartment that she shared with Eddie, trying to see it from Harmony's perspective. Her younger sister wasn't rich and hadn't been raised any different than Dawn herself, but she seemed to get the lion's share of common sense out of the three girls. Fawn wasn't as fucked up as Dawn herself was, but she had been in her share of trouble as a teenager. Where the twins differed was that Fawn had grown out of her wild ways where Dawn had just steamrolled right down that particular hill.

She blew out a breath and ran a hand through her hair. She had a pretty good idea that Harmony was calling Gemma Teller and that she would have another visit soon. That was good, actually. Gemma would take one look around the place and practically demand that Harmony take Max. She just had to hold on a bit longer. Harmony walked back into the apartment with Max still snuggled in her arms and Dawn thought that she already looked more like a mother than Dawn herself ever had. Harmony looked at Dawn and raised a brow. "Do you at least have some baby shampoo or something? He needs a bath, Dawn. He's filthy."

Dawn nodded and pointed at the kitchen sink where a half-empty bottle of baby bath sat unused.  After Harmony had given Max a bath and changed him into the one other outfit he had, she continued to pace the floor. She looked over to where Dawn lay on the couch.

"You're going to have to watch him for a bit, Dawn. I have to go get him some formula and I can't take him with me since you don't even have a car seat."

Dawn just waved a hand toward the dresser. "Put him over there. Get diapers too. I gave you the last one I had."

Harmony muttered to herself as she grabbed her purse off the table. "Fucking wonderful."

Dawn waited until the door was shut behind her sister before getting up and walking over to where Max lay looking a lot cleaner and happier. She reached out and rubbed a finger over the fuzz on his head and smiled down at him sadly, not trusting her shaking hands to pick him up. She tried to ignore the ever-increasing itch that she was feeling and the fact that she was starting to feel pretty sick.

"So, listen buddy. I think Auntie Harmony's gonna take you home with her ok? She'll be a good mommy for you, better than I would be. Maybe someday we'll tell you who I really am to you, but no matter what, I want you to know that I loved you. That's the only reason I would ever let you go, so you can have better than I can give you." She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, listening to his small coos with a breaking heart. "I love you, Max. I know you can't understand a fucking thing I'm saying, but god, I hope you know that I love you."

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