Chapter Thirteen

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Harmony and Dawn stood staring at the front porch of Harmony's cabin. On it was five bouquets of roses in different colors. Harmony handed Max to Dawn as she shook her head and chuckled while stepping past the flowers to unlock the front door.

"Well, someone is sorry, because that's a serious amount of roses." Dawn blinked back the tears threatening to fall as she followed Harmony into the house. Harmony turned to take Max and noticed the look on her sister's face. "What's wrong, Dawnie?"

Dawn shook her head and swiped at her eyes with both hands. "Nothing, it's just... nobody's ever given me flowers before. It's making it hard to stay mad at him."

Harmony patted her on that arm and smiled as Max gurgled and laughed at whatever babies find funny. "Well, that's probably the point, or part of it anyway. Honey, I know you're mad, and you have every right to be, but I'm positive that his heart was in the right place and that he honestly just wanted to protect you from whatever he could." She set Max down in his playpen and took Dawn into her arms for a hug. "Sissy, he isn't Eddie. Happy can be mean and scary, especially if he's angry, but he would never ever hurt you like Eddie did. He'd rather die first."

Dawn sighed as they ended the hug. "I know he isn't like Eddie, Harm, and I was wrong to say what I did to him. I was just so mad that he was trying to control what I did."

Harmony nodded as they stepped back outside to bring some of the flowers in. "So tomorrow you'll talk to each other like normal adults and not pissed off ones." They both looked up as they heard the roar of motorcycles and saw Opie and Happy coming down the lane. "Or you'll do that now. Either way."

Dawn chuckled at Harmony as the guys pulled up beside Harmony's car and Dawn's new Jeep and got off of their bikes. Happy held a hand up and looked at Dawn. "Keys?" 

With an amused sigh, she pulled the keys out of the pocket of her jeans and tossed them to him. With a nod, he started the Jeep while Opie popped the hood and looked under it. She turned to an amused Harmony and shook her head. "They're ridiculous."

Harmony just nodded as she turned to walk inside. "Yup, and they're all ours. How lucky are we?"

The two sisters giggled as they made quick work of moving all of the flowers inside and setting them around the living room. Soon, Opie and Happy came walking in with Opie going to Harmony to get a kiss.

"Pack Max up. We're going out for dinner." He pointed to Happy and Dawn. "These two are staying here and handling their shit because I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't cheer the fuck up."

Happy sent a glare his way, making the bigger man snicker. "Man, what the fuck ever."

As quickly as they could, Harmony and Opie left with Max, leaving Dawn and Happy awkwardly staring at each other. Finally, Happy shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Look, little girl, I was a dick, and I know it, but I'm not anything like that fucking waste of space you call an ex, ok?"

Dawn sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry I said that. I was just so mad, and you were being a controlling asshole."

Happy's face broke into a small smile. "You suck at apologies, Dawn."

Dawn grinned as she waved a hand around at the flowers. "And you're surprisingly good at it, although I haven't heard the actual words yet."

Happy shook his head and stepped closer to her, throwing an arm out to snag her by the waist and pull her closer. "Ok, I'm sorry for being a controlling asshole, but you're probably gonna be calling me out for that a lot. It's just how I am."

Dawn nodded as she traced one of his patches on his kutte with a finger. "And I'm sorry that I compared you to Eddie. I know there's a difference."

Happy put a finger under her chin, making her look him in the eye. "I'm new at this relationship bullshit, but I feel something for you that I haven't before, so you're gonna just have to deal if I get possessive or controlling. Call me out on it and we'll discuss it." He smirked at her. "Like adults."

Dawn nodded, grinning. "The flowers are beautiful. Thank you. Nobody's ever given me flowers before."

Happy nodded as he let his hand caress her cheek. "You deserve flowers, little girl. Every day."

Dawn chuckled and shook her head. "Who would believe me if I told them that you're really a romantic bastard?"

Happy gave an answering chuckle. "Nobody."


A Week Later

Harmony and Tara laughed at something Dawn said as they sat around Harmony's office eating lunch.

"Are you two coming to the party tonight?"

Harmony sighed and shook her head as Dawn nodded hers. "Happy invited me."

Tara grinned and winked at Harmony as she snickered. "I'm still kind of mad at Opie so probably not. Besides, I have nobody to watch Max."

Tara snorted and shook her head. "Being pissed isn't an excuse not to go. I'm a little mad at Jax and I'm using the party to get back at him a little. Call Mary, she'll watch Max for the night."

Harmony nodded as she considered Tara's suggestion. Mary probably would love some time with Max and she really did kind of want to go to the party. She missed Opie and wanted to see him. She could admit to herself that she was more than a little frustrated and thought maybe, depending on how tonight went, she might be willing to speed things up a little.

Harmony grinned at the other two women. "I think maybe a trip to Lodi is in order. We could buy some outfits to torture them with."

Dawn looked on as Tara and Harmony snickered and high-fived each other. "But I'm not mad at Happy anymore."

Harmony snorted as she stood up and walked over to the pack n' play in the corner. "You don't have to be mad at him to make him wish he was getting something he isn't." She lifted a brow and grinned at her sister. "He isn't, is he?"

Dawn shook her head as Tara laughed out loud. "No! Well, not yet, at least. Maybe tonight is his lucky night."

Harmony chuckled as she tossed Max's diaper bag to Tara. "That's what I'm talking about! Ok, we are off to make three men very sorry, then make them very thankful."

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