Chapter Twenty

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One Week Later

"Have you decided what you're going to do about school?"

Dawn looked up from the onion she was chopping to where her sister Fawn was standing at the stove. She sighed and shook her head. "No, I haven't. I suppose I could transfer to a school here. I just don't know."

Fawn nodded in agreement before turning to face her twin. "Or you could go back to Charming."

Dawn smirked and lifted a brow. "You tired of me already, sis?"

Fawn snickered and shook her head. "Nope, but dad never raised quitters, Dawnie. He's probably worried sick about you."

Dawn tilted her head. "Like you're worried about what dad thinks. How long has it been since you talked to him? Before mom died?"

"That's not the point here. You're running from this Happy guy."

Dawn shook her head. "No, I'm not. We're done, so there's no reason for me to run from him." She grinned, changing the subject. "Harmony called this morning. The way it sounds, the old ladies are making it hard for SAMCRO. I bet that's hilarious."

Fawn snorted as she turned back to the stove to stir the hamburger. "I can't believe the boys are putting up with that."

Dawn shrugged. "Hey, facts are facts. The old ladies run that club. Unless it's discussed at the table, I can guarantee you that an old lady has a hand in it somewhere."

Fawn cleared her throat. "You never said, but who is still there from the old days?"

Dawn smirked at her sister's line of questioning. "What you're really asking is if Bobby is still there."

Fawn shook her head and pointed her spoon at Dawn. "That's not what I said."

Dawn snickered. "You always did have a crush on him. To answer your unspoken question, yes he's still there." Neither of them said anything for a few minutes before Dawn turns to Fawn with a sly smile on her face. "I've been thinking and you're right. I have been avoiding getting on with my life. I'm happy in Charming, and Happy isn't going anywhere, so I need to get used to dealing with him. Tell you what, I'll go back if you come with me. You're due a vacation anyway."

Fawn looked at her sister before shaking her head. "If it will get you back to normal, I'll go with you. Besides, I guess it's time I faced off with dad."


Two Days Later

Gemma grinned behind the morning paper as she heard Clay sit down at the table. She continued to pretend to ignore him as he made a loud production out of making his coffee. Finally, she heard him sigh.

"How long is this going to go on, Gem?"

Gemma kept the paper in place in front of her face as she answered him with a grin. "I don't know what you're talking about, Clay."

"Oh really? The paperwork at the garage is piling up because nobody but you and Dawn understands the filing system. We're out of liquor and food in the clubhouse because nobody has time to go shopping, and I can't get Opie or Jax for runs or anything else because they have to watch the kids. Shit's grinding to a halt here, Gem."

Gemma wanted to laugh at the desperation in his voice but held it in check. "Put the croweaters to work."

Clay pulled the paper out of her hands and shook his head. "Apparently, they've all decided that they're on your side. The boys can't even get laid right now."

Gemma was saved from replying by the text alert on her phone. She looked at it and smiled, getting up to grab her purse and walk to the door. Without a word, she walked out, leaving her husband frowning in her wake.


Gemma walked into Harmony's house to find Fawn, Dawn, Harmony, and Tara all sitting around the kitchen table. Harmony grinned as she walked in and helped herself to coffee.

"There's the queen. You remember Fawn, don't you?"

Gemma smiled as she walked over and hugged Fawn. "Of course, I do. How are ya, sweetheart?"

Fawn grinned. "I'm good. How are you?"

Gemma shook her head and chuckled. "I'm fantastic, but the guys... that's another story. They aren't happy."

Dawn snickered. "Yeah, Harm and Tara were telling us about it. I can't believe you girls did that for me."

Gemma shook her head. "We didn't do it for you, baby, we did it because of you. Happy needs to own the fact that he's in love with you. You're right, he doesn't get to play house." She shrugged. "As for the others, well... they were all getting too comfortable with having everything done for them."

Dawn shook her head, looking sad. "He doesn't love me, Gem."

Gemma scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Of course he does, Dawn. He's just scared to admit that the big bad enforcer needs someone." She looked around the table. "Look, I'm not saying that the freeze out needs to end, but we can't continue the strike. I'm afraid TM is gonna go bankrupt if we don't get that shit sorted out. They've made a complete mess out of everything in just one week."

Harmony snickered and nodded. "Ok, then. What do you say we go rescue SAMCRO?"


As the doors to the clubhouse opened, the guys looked up in surprise to see Gemma leading the rest of the ladies inside. She stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, daring any of them to say a word. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest as the other women did the same.

"Let's get something clear. We're only here to make sure you don't starve and to get TM rolling again. Don't get this twisted. We're still plenty pissed off and won't be speaking to anyone unless it's absolutely necessary. Do we all understand each other?" Once all of the men in the room had nodded their agreement, she turned to the other women. "Fawn, go in the kitchen and make me a grocery list. Dawn, get me a list of liquor to call in. Harmony and Tara, call the croweaters in to start cleaning then start on the dorms." She looked around in disgust. "This place is a fucking pig sty."

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