Chapter Fifteen

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Happy watched as Dawn bounced on the mattress, laughing as her ebony hair splayed out on his pillow and his gut clenched at how beautiful and perfect his woman was. He felt his heart squeeze as he recognized that for all the bullshit he spouted about not wanting an old lady, he knew that he was looking right at her. She was it for him and he'd kill the first man that tried to take what was his.

He wanted to do this right and not treat her like a croweater, or worse, as a prostitute just there for his pleasure. He knew that she had probably never known a tender man, and he wasn't sure if he could pull it off, but he was willing to try because he wanted her to feel what he felt, to know that he was it for her too. He wasn't ready to use the "L" word just yet, but he felt it, deep in his soul.

He was aware that her laughter had faded and that she was looking at him expectantly as he slowly pulled his kutte off and laid it on the dresser. His shirt came next, followed by his jeans, boots, and socks. He left his boxers on and crawled up the bed to lay between her legs, staring down into her deep blue eyes and again wondered what the hell this angel ever saw in a devil like him. He silently called himself a pussy when he felt tears pricking at the back of his eyes as he felt her small hand come to rest on his cheek and saw the soft smile she only gave to him. She ran a finger up over his temple and gently tapped his forehead.

"Whatcha thinking about in there?"

He shook his head and looked into her eyes as if searching for some kind of answer. Maybe he was, and maybe he found it in the way she touched him. "You're fucking perfect, Dawn."

He watched her smile deepen as she shook her head. "No, baby, I'm not. Nobody is."

He shook his head again, lowering it until his forehead rested against hers. "No, little girl, you're wrong. You're perfect for me. You were meant for me. I think a part of me knew it the second I got off my bike at that rest area and saw you sitting there beside Harmony."

Dawn nodded, a small frown coming across her face as her fingers caressed the back of his neck. "You're mine, Hap. I don't care what we call this, or if we never call it anything, but you're mine."

Happy nodded, lifting his head to look into her eyes again as his arms crept around her to hold her body close. "And you're mine, Dawn. All mine."

The time for talking ended then as Happy took her lips with his in a kiss that would leave no doubt about his feelings. Happy couldn't get close enough, couldn't feel her wrapped around him enough. He was halfway scared that when they did come together, it would be too much and he would incinerate from the heat of it. He was drunk on the little sounds she made when he let her mouth be free from his for a moment, high on the feeling of her small hands running up and down his back and arms, leaving fire in their wake.

He grunted with disapproval when she suddenly pushed him off of her and rolled off the bed, ready to tell her to get her ass back in bed, but stopped when he saw her pull her top off over her head, her breasts freed to his ravenous eyes as her hands went to the waistband of her leggings. He sat up on the side of the bed and reached out to pull her to him, resting his head between her breasts as his hands moved hers out of the way. he slid her leggings and panties down together, stopping to let his hands roam over her ass for a moment before continuing.

Dawn's arms wrapped around his head and shoulders, holding him to her for a moment before he stood up in front of her and quickly removed his boxers. He watched with male pride as Dawn looked him up and down, biting her bottom lip before slowly licking it. He smirked before suddenly picking her up and throwing her back on the bed as she erupted in delighted giggles. Her giggles turned to moans that joined his as they both felt the skin to skin contact.

Happy looked into her eyes and kissed her deeply before moving his attention to her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth as his fingers pinched and rolled the other. He reveled in the sounds coming from Dawn and thought that he could happily spend hours just like this, driving them both crazy with need, but he knew that his cock wasn't going to cooperate with that idea. He let go of her nipple with a soft pop as he switched to the other. 

Dawn's head was thrown back against the pillows, her hands clutching at the back of his head to hold him to her even as her legs wrapped around his waist. He moaned against her breast as her hips thrust up against his and he almost lost his composure right then and there. He released her breast and kissed a line down her stomach, stopping to let his tongue dip into her navel before moving down. He couldn't get enough of the smell and taste of her skin but almost wept when his lips found the heaven between her legs.

He drew her thighs over his shoulders and feasted like a starving man, while Dawn got steadily louder in her moans and whimpers. He smiled in pure male satisfaction when he hooked a finger inside her and brushed against her walls as he sucked on her clit, causing her to scream his name. He growled against her flesh, wanting more, needing her to come apart under him. The vibration did the trick, tightening her thighs around his head and her inner walls around his fingers. She arched her back off the bed and caused him to chuckle when she screamed his name loud enough to heard in downtown Charming.

He bit her on the thigh before sliding back up her prone body to reach into the drawer of the bedside table and grab a condom. He made quick work of rolling the condom on before returning to his position between her legs. Dawn reached up with a shaky hand and grasped the back of his neck, drawing him down for a kiss. As their lips met, Happy slowly slid into her, causing them both to moan into the kiss.

He fought to keep his eyes open against the sensation, wanting to watch her face and see her in the throes of passion. He wasn't disappointed, especially when her eyes opened and locked with his. Happy had never considered himself a particularly romantic man, but he felt his heart stop when their eyes met, then kick into overdrive at the rightness of the moment. He would never admit it to anyone, but at that moment, it felt like something slid into its rightful place, almost like his soul was complete.

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