Chapter Eighteen

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"Dawn, who the fuck is Dax and why do you have his fucking number?"

Dawn was pretty sure that she could have heard a pin drop, that was how quiet it got in the usually noisy clubhouse. She made sure she had a blank look on her face when she turned to answer her suddenly pissed off boyfriend.

"Dax Martinson. He's in my Psych class and offered to be my study partner."

Jax snorted and smirked at her as he took a sip of his beer. "Darlin, the only thing he wants to study is your anatomy."

Dawn rolled her eyes as she smacked him in the back of the head. "Please, I'm old enough to be his mother." She thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Yep, pretty sure that I'm literally old enough." She shrugged. "Besides, for that to be the case, I would have to be interested, and I'm not, so it's not a big deal."

Happy shook his head as she picked up her bag from the chair with one hand while still holding her coffee mug in the other. "You don't seem to be taking this as seriously as we are, little girl. This shit ain't gonna fly."

Dawn sighed as she shook her head. "You're right, I'm not because you all are blowing it out of proportion. I'm gonna go take a shower while you sit out here beating your chest with your buddies."

She made sure to add a little more sway to her hips as she headed for the dorms, just to add insult to injury.


Happy spit out his toothpick and nodded as Jax got up to hand Juice the piece of paper. "Run this douchebag. I want to know everything there is to know about him."

Happy scraped his chair back against the floor as he stood up and started for the dorms. he was going to get some shit straight with his woman because she obviously didn't see this the way that he and the others did. He'd be damned if he was just going to sit back while some dumbass moved into his place. He opened his door to find Dawn taking off her shirt. His jaw clenched for an entirely different reason as he noticed that she was wearing his favorite bra, which meant that she was also wearing the matching thong under her jeans. He shook his head, remembering that he had come back here to yell, not ogle.

"Dawn, we aren't done with this conversation." He slumped against the door as she pulled her jeans down her toned legs and he saw that he was right about her choice of underwear. "Dammit, little girl! I can't think with the right head when you're half-naked."

He saw her smirk as she threw her jeans on the chair and cocked her head at him. "You also can't stay mad." He knew he was a goner when she stopped in front of him and ran a hand over his chest down to his belt buckle. "Wouldn't you rather forget all about this macho bullshit and come shower with me?"

He shook his head as he shrugged out of his kutte and threw it on top of her jeans, following with his t-shirt. "One of these days, I'm not gonna fall for this shit."

Dawn giggled as she helped him out with his jeans, then squealed when he picked her up to carry her into the bathroom. "Yeah, but today isn't that day, so shut up and remind me just who it is that I belong to."


An hour later, Dawn and Happy came walking back out into the main room to find most everyone there, eating pizza and drinking. Tig walked up and moved her head back and forth, looking at her neck before glaring at Happy. 

"Jesus Christ! You need to start having a snack before sex. Maybe then you'll stop chewing on my kid."

Dawn snickered as she pulled Happy by the hand to the food. "Well, if you don't like those, don't look at my ass, dad."

Everyone laughed as Happy just gave Tig a satisfied smirk before following Dawn. Juice shook his head as the couple passed him and Chibs. "I don't get it, man. He went back there pissed off and came out looking like the cat that ate the canary. She's like kryptonite."

Chibs just grinned and nodded. "That's how ye know ye got the right one, Juicy. She knows exactly how to get around him."


The next morning, Dawn was having a face-off against Happy, Tig, Juice, Opie, and Chibs.

"You are not going to school with me!"

Happy shook his head and grinned around the ever-present toothpick in his mouth. "You're right, we're not. We have business in Lodi and thought we'd be gentlemen and escort you to school. That's all." He reached over and turned her hand so that he could see the watch on her wrist. "You better get moving, you're gonna be late, little girl."

Dawn shook her head. "You promise to leave the second we get there?" Happy just nodded and Dawn turned to walk to her car, muttering about interfering men under her breath. True to their word, they followed her all the way to the school parking lot, waiting for her to get out. She kissed Happy goodbye then waved her hand in a shooing motion. "You can go now."

Happy smirked. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't watch to make sure you got inside ok?"

With a dirty look, Dawn turned on her heels and stomped across the parking lot and into the building. The men sat there for a moment until Juice slapped Happy on the shoulder and pointed. "There he is."

Happy nodded. "Dax!" When the much younger man turned and looked in surprise, Happy motioned for him to come to them. When he got close enough, Happy stared him down for a moment before speaking. "We have a mutual friend. Dawn Trager?"

Dax nodded and grinned. "Yeah, Dawn. We have Psych together. Cool chick."

Happy nodded. "Yeah, she is. I'm glad she's making friends, being new to the university and all. He leaned a little closer to speak quietly. "You wanna be her friend, that's cool, but you hit on my old lady or try to get in her pants?" He smiled then, making Dax back up a step nervously. "There won't be enough of you left for a decent funeral." He pointed at the entrance to the building. "You're gonna be late for class."

Juice whistled under his breath as Dax practically ran across the parking lot. "That seemed a little harsh."

Opie looked at him and shook his head. "Wait until you have an old lady. What Hap just did? That was just a friendly conversation."

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