Chapter Eight

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The next morning, Dawn grinned around a yawn as Harmony looked at her in surprise as she came into the kitchen. She walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup as Harmony looked on.

"I didn't expect you to be up this early."

Dawn shrugged as she took a sip of the hot brew. "I have a job. I start shortly. How did things go with Opie last night?"

Harmony sighed and shrugged. "Good, I suppose. We're going to try to start over. Kind of like a do-over, I guess. Now, what's this about a job?"

Dawn leaned against the kitchen counter and shrugged. "Dad told Gem that I would need a job until I could start school so she offered me one working in the garage office. I start this morning."

Harmony grinned and nodded. "That's great! I can give you a ride in when I go into town."

Dawn shook her head. "That's ok, Happy's picking me up."

Harmony's eyes widened and then she smirked. "Happy? Lowman? That was fast, not that I'm against it. Happy's a good guy, even if he is a bit scary."

Dawn held up a hand. "Oh no! I'm not looking for a man, thank you. I don't have the best track record picking those. I'm probably better off being single."

Harmony just grinned as they heard the sound of a motorcycle coming up the driveway. "Well, maybe you shouldn't completely close that door. Ya never know what will happen."

Dawn snorted as she grabbed her phone and cigarettes. "No, I have that door locked and barred. See ya later, sis."


Happy gave an approving smirk when he saw Dawn come out the front door and walk toward him. He was glad that she wasn't one of those women that had to be late for everything. He hated waiting for anything, especially a woman. He also approved of what she was wearing as he checked out her faded jeans, hoodie, and sneakers. She looked good, but not so good that the guys would be distracted all day. 

He refused to acknowledge the part of him that knew that he would beat a fucker for looking at her wrong. He didn't know where that particular emotion was coming from, but he didn't have time for it. He shook his head, thinking that he had literally just met her yesterday. Even if he was interested, it was too soon for that shit. He was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't realize that he was scowling until Dawn tilted her head in question.

"If it was a problem to come get me, you could have just had dad call and I would have ridden in with Harm."

"It's not a problem. Here, put this on."

Dawn took the helmet from him shyly. "You look mad. I just thought that... "

Happy shook his head. "No, little girl, we're good. Now, climb on so we can get moving."

The ride into town was a little uncomfortable for Happy. Now that he was thinking about her as a woman and not just Tig's kid, he had to fight himself from leaning back into her embrace or pulling her closer against his back. He rarely had a woman riding bitch, but he discovered last night that he liked the feeling of Dawn behind him. His fingers itched to reach back and squeeze her thigh to reassure her that he wasn't mad at her. He really wasn't, he was just confused about all of these feelings that he was suddenly having.

He never gave this much thought to the opposite sex. He was the kind of man that found a woman that was down to fuck then left before things could get sticky. He had never been interested in finding an old lady like all the other guys seemed to want. He had never seen the point, not when there were so many women willing to keep things simple. Hell, he could wash his own clothes and cook well enough to keep himself alive if need be. He didn't need a woman to do that shit for him.

They pulled onto the lot of Teller-Morrow after a silent ride, each busy with their own thoughts. As soon as he parked, Dawn was hopping off the bike and handing him the helmet. He shook his head as his hand shot out to stop her from walking away.

"Little girl, we're good." Dawn nodded but wouldn't look him in the eye, and he didn't like that. He pulled her by the arm until she was right next to him. "I wasn't mad at you."

He was torn when she just bit her lip and looked down at her shoes. She looked nervous, almost scared, and he wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her that everything was ok, but he also wanted to go find the fucker who had made her this gun-shy around men. His scowl deepened a little when he realized that it had to have something to do with the prick that she had left back in Vegas. He knew that they would have to have a chat later about all of this, but now wasn't the time or place for that. 

He released his grip on her arm as Tig came walking out of the clubhouse. He watched as Tig threw an arm around Dawn's shoulders and grinned down at her. "Hey, baby girl. Did Harm drop you off?"

Before Dawn could answer her dad, Happy did it for her, knowing that he would probably be having a conversation with Tig at some point as well. "I picked her up and I'll take her home after work." He gave Dawn a grin when she looked at him in surprise. "When you're done for the day, you come find me ok?"

Dawn nodded hesitantly before giving her dad a kiss and walking over to the office. Happy sighed as he got off his bike, seeing Tig give him a look before falling into step beside him as he walked into the clubhouse. "You gave Dawnie a ride to work?"

Happy just nodded as he strode to the bar for a cup of coffee. "Yup, and I'll be giving her one every day." He looked at Tig and shook his head. "Let it go, Tig."

Tig held up both hands in mock surrender but grinned to himself as Happy turned his back to go behind the bar. Things were starting to get interesting around the club.

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