Chapter Nineteen

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Dawn slammed her car door and stomped across the lot as Gemma fell into step beside her. "You look pissed."

Dawn snorted, shaking her head. "Way beyond. He in the clubhouse?"

Gemma sighed and nodded as Dawn headed for the door. When she walked in, she saw the guys sitting around, drinking and joking, croweaters already hard at work trying to keep everyone happy. It was Friday night and the party would be starting soon, not that Dawn cared about that right then. She saw Happy sitting at a table with her dad and Chibs and made a beeline for him. He smiled at her at first then saw the look on her face and sighed as he chewed on the toothpick in his mouth.

"He said you threatened him. Did you?"

Happy shrugged as Tig cleared his throat. "I had a conversation with him."

Dawn chuckled but not in humor. She shook her head as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "You had a conversation with him. Well, gee, I wonder what it was about? You couldn't just let it go, could you? Let me handle my own shit for once."

Tig leaned forward. "Now, Dawnie, it's his business too... "

Dawn cut him off angrily. "No! No, dad, it really isn't." She looked at Happy and shook her head again, trying hard to swallow the tears that were threatening to fall. "You made it clear to me and everyone else that I'm not your old lady, that you don't do that. I thought if I waited... you know what? It doesn't matter what I thought." She waved a hand around at the scantily clad women in the room. "Then what am I? A croweater? An ex-junkie whore that you're just having fun with? If that's the case, why get pissed off at Dax? Did someone get too close to your favorite toy?" She smiled sadly. "I'm done playing house, Hap. You want to have your cake and eat it too, and I was stupid enough to let you have it, but I'm done."

She turned on her heels and walked back out the door, leaving Happy sitting there staring after her.


Happy sat there, staring at the door long after Dawn walked out of it, not knowing what to do. He didn't know whether to go after her or let her have time to cool down. Tig was mumbling to himself until finally he slapped a hand down on the table and glared at his best friend. 

"You really need to fucking learn when to open your mouth and when to keep it shut. Before she walked out would have been a good fucking time to open it! What the fuck is wrong with you, Hap?"

Happy shook his head. "I'll give her time to calm down then go out to the cabin and talk to her. It'll be fine, Tig. She's just pissed because I stepped on her toes a little."

Happy said it to calm Tig down, but he wasn't so sure he believed it himself. He knew that he fucked up, but he had been clear, hadn't he? He didn't do the old lady thing and she knew it. It wasn't his fault if she thought it meant more than it did. "She knew what she was getting with me. She's right, I never did promise more than what she got."

Tig chuckled and shook his head. "So you treated my daughter like a whore, and everyone is supposed to be ok with that, including her."

Opie spoke up from the bar, sounding pissed. "You're so full of shit, Hap. You don't even realize that you called her your old lady, do you?"

Happy shook his head, glaring at Opie. "I have never fucking called her that."

Juice shook his head, agreeing with Opie. "Yeah, you did. Today, when you threatened that Dax kid. You told him to stay away from your old lady." He scoffed. "You've been so busy proving to yourself that you don't need her, that you let her slip right through your fingers."

Before Happy could reply, the door to the clubhouse slammed open and Harmony came striding in, followed by an equally pissed off Gemma and Tara. "What the fuck did you do?"

Happy shook his head and glared at the trio of women. "Don't you fucking start your shit too. I didn't do anything."

Harmony shook her head. "Well, congratulations, Lowman. She's beyond pissed and says that she's done with you, the club, Charming... everything."

Happy just stared at her as he began to get a horrible feeling in his gut. "Nah, she ain't through with shit. She's just pissed. She'll go to the cabin, pout, then come back calmed down."

Harmony laughed bitterly and shook her head. "No, dumbass, she won't. She's leaving. You understand that? She's going to Fawn's."

Happy suddenly stood up and pushed his chair back to start pacing the floor. "All I did was protect her, that's all."

Harmony stared at him then looked around the room at the other men. "When are you morons going to get it through your thick skulls?" She pointed at herself then Gemma and Tara. "None of us need your fucking protection. We don't need to be babied and have our hands held. We manage to handle our shit and most of yours just fine without it. Who do you think actually runs shit around here? You?"

Happy looked around the room. "Then I'll just go to Fawn's and bring her back."

Harmony chuckled. "Well good luck with that. You haven't met her twin yet and there's one big problem. You don't know where Fawn is and neither does dad. I'm sure as hell not telling you and Juice better not run her or I'll shoot him myself." She walked over and poked him in the chest. "You made this mess, now you get to figure out how to clean it up."

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