Chapter Nine

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Happy wasn't in a good mood when he made it back to TM later that evening. The fact-finding mission he and Jax had been on hadn't gone the way they wanted and they ended up learning nothing new. His mood got even darker when they pulled into the lot and he found the office locked up and dark. As he got off his bike, Tig and Chibs came walking out of the clubhouse, beers in hand. He pointed at Tig with a scowl on his face.

"Where's your kid?"

Tig smirked and shrugged. "Home by now I would say. Harmony picked her up a couple of hours ago. Why?"

Happy shook his head and growled under his breath before speaking. "I told her to stay here until I got back. I had something I wanted to talk to her about." He stared off into space for a moment before continuing. "Do you know if that Eddie douche ever hit her? She acted weird today when she thought I was mad at her. I wasn't, but she got real quiet, like she was afraid to say anything."

Tig sighed and nodded, causing Chibs and Happy both to frown at him. "Yeah, she told me about it yesterday. I told her that she should have said something and we would have taken care of it before we left Vegas, but she said she wanted to let karma handle him."

Chibs shook his head as Happy's expression just grew darker. "Tiggy, ye know that karma ain't gonna handle shite."

Happy nodded, agreeing with the Scot. "I'm gonna have Juice look into it, see if there's a police report, list of injuries and shit. Depending on what he finds, we might be making another run out there. I ain't letting karma handle shit, man. There ain't nothing stopping him from coming after her except us."

Tig grabbed his arm as he turned to walk into the clubhouse. "What's going on between the two of you?"

Happy shrugged him off and shook his head. "I don't fucking know, but I do know that I don't ever want her to look at me again like she did this morning."


The next morning, Happy was once again on the road to Harmony's house. The night before, after Juice had found the information that he had requested, he'd spent the night in his dorm, pacing and drinking, torn between riding to Vegas or going out to confront Dawn. He had finally decided to wait until this morning, trying to let his anger bank down before seeing her. He wasn't really angry at her, but at the situation, but he knew that if he went in half-cocked, she'd shut down and he'd get nowhere fast. 

He cursed as he took a curve a little too fast. Another thing he had to thank the asshole for when he saw him again. He didn't want her to be scared of him every time he raised his voice, because he knew that happened a lot with him. He needed her to get her fire back because he knew that with her being a Trager, it was there somewhere. There wasn't a shy one in that whole fucking family.

He thought back to the question that Tig had asked him yesterday, and he still didn't have an answer. He just knew that he felt an overwhelming need to protect her. He wanted her safe and whole, with him if possible. He wanted the shadows to disappear from her eyes and see her laugh and be happy. He knew that shit wouldn't happen overnight, but he wanted to be around, close, when it did. He had a feeling that seeing Dawn happy would be epic.

He knew that he could be an asshole and that romance wasn't his normal go-to when dealing with the opposite sex. He had a feeling though, that Dawn would demand it, and that made him uneasy on how to proceed. He was finally letting himself think about keeping her around and that in itself was foreign territory for him, but the thought of someone else making her happy and seeing her smile caused his stomach to clench. God help them if that someone happened to be one of his brothers. He'd probably become homicidal.

He shook his head in disgust as he realized that he had only known her for three days and she already had him tied in knots. Give it another month, and she'd probably have him reduced to candlelit dinners and bringing her flowers for fuck's sake.

He cut the engine on his bike and got off, striding to the front door. He started to knock but tried the door instead, his scowl deepening when the door swung open easily. He was shaking his head when he walked into the kitchen to find Harmony feeding Max while Dawn scrolled through something on her phone.

"Don't you lock your fucking door?"

Harmony lifted a brow and looked at Dawn before looking over at him. "Good morning to you too. We live in the boonies, Hap."

Happy growled as he stalked past them to the coffee pot on the counter. "That's my fucking point, Harm. Just lock the goddamn door when you're home, ok?"

He sat down beside Dawn at the table as Harmony just shook her head and grinned. "Why are you even here? I can give Dawn a ride in the mornings and most nights."

Happy gave her a death glare which she ignored as she picked up Max to burp him. "I'll give her a ride. Besides, I need to talk to her before we go. Privately."

Harmony snickered at the fleeting look of panic that ran across Dawn's face as she got up from the table. "Well, of course. Let me leave my own house so you can do that." She turned to Dawn and winked before grinning. "I'll see you tonight." She turned back to Happy. "We're having lasagna for dinner tonight. Ope and the kids are coming if you want to stay when you bring Dawn home."

Happy nodded, smirking a little. "We'll see. She may not be speaking to me by then."

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