Chapter Four

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Two Months Later

Dawn took a deep breath as she stared at the little storefront. After a phone call that had started out quite tense, she had been able to get Fawn to tell her where to find Harmony. She knew that she could have called her younger sister herself, but she had wanted an excuse to call her twin and simply hear her voice. After their mother had died, Fawn had closed herself off to everyone else in the family. Dawn supposed that she had her reasons, especially when it came to her, but it left her with a hole where her twin had once been.

Growing up, Fawn and Dawn had been inseparable. Then, Colleen had given birth to Harmony when the twins were ten years old and their family had been completed. At least until their mother had decided that she could no longer live the life of an old lady and had moved her three girls to Spokane. Of course, Harmony hadn't wanted to go, being involved with Opie Winston, her father's brother in the club. Something had happened between the two though, because when they pulled out in their mother's old station wagon, Harmony had been with them.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, Dawn straightened her spine and walked in the door of the bookstore, striding to where a young girl was sitting at the cash register. She gave the girl a small smile as she nodded her head in greeting.

"Hello. Is Harmony here today?"

The girl nodded and smiled as she pointed to a hallway in the back of the store. "Yep, she sure is. She's in the office. It's just down that hall."

Dawn nodded her thanks and slowly walked toward the hall. She was nervous, but also a little scared of the reception that she would get. They hadn't exactly left things on a good note. She took a deep breath when she reached the open door of the office and saw Harmony sitting at a desk, looking at something on a computer screen. She knocked lightly on the door frame and waited for her sister to lift her head.


Harmony looked up when she heard the knock on her partially open office door. She was expecting one of her employees but was shocked to see Dawn standing there, looking really good but uncomfortable.

"Wow... hi. Never expected to see you standing there. What can I do for you?"

Harmony motioned for Dawn to come in and sit down, and her sister did, glancing over at Max laying sleeping in his Pack N' Play. She looked back at Harmony with a small grin.

"Never expected to be here. I've had some... changes and wanted to catch up with you."

Harmony glanced at the clock on the wall and nodded. "Well, how about some lunch? I think the special at the diner today is meatloaf."

After packing Max into his stroller and letting someone know that she was leaving, Dawn and Harmony walked down the street to the diner, Dawn chuckling. "Wow, nothing ever changes here, does it?"

Harmony grinned. "No, I don't suppose so." She took a deep breath and plunged into what had been foremost in her mind since seeing Dawn standing in her doorway. "Why are you here? If it's for Max, I... "

Dawn turned with a frown. "Oh god, no! I didn't want him back, Harm! I meant what I said, he's yours. That's not why I'm here, don't worry."

Harmony let out a breath of relief, grinning at her sister. "Well, you have to admit, I had a reason to worry. I mean, here you are, looking sober and relatively healthy, and I had to wonder if that was the case."

As they sat down at a table and ordered, Dawn shook her head and chuckled. "It's been a crazy couple of months. After you came for Max, I got to thinking. I mean, look at my life. I know how it looked to you. I was willing to give up my child for a boyfriend who just hit me and threatened to kill my baby. What kind of person does that?" 

Harmony shrugged. "A strung out one that doesn't realize that they have options. I admit that when I came to see you, I wasn't concerned with your well-being. I was worried about Max, and making sure that he was taken care of."

Dawn nodded. "And you were right to feel that way. I had nobody to blame but myself for the shape I was in." She looked down at her hands where they were clasped together on the table.Dawn shook her head and leaned forward a little. "You have to know... I have to explain to you that it wasn't like that. I knew that if I kept Max, he'd end up dead or I would and he'd be in the system. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't be his mother but I could make sure that he had a good life. The day after you left with him, my old man beat the shit out of me. I realized that night, laying in the E.R., that I had to do something or I was going to die. I checked into the hospital rehab and started getting clean. About six weeks ago, an ATF agent came to see me. Said that Max was in danger because of the club influence over you and that I should take him back. Harm, I didn't realize that she was just fishing for information, I swear to God I didn't."

Harmony reached out a hand and squeezed both of Dawn's, giving her a smile. "I know that and it's ok. It all got straightened out." She took a sip of water before continuing. "So, why are you here?"

Dawn chuckled as the waitress sat their food on the table. "You always could tell when I wanted something." She sighed before continuing. "Alright, I'll come straight out with it. I need a place to start over and wondered if you would help me."

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