Chapter Twenty-Five

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Eight Months Later

Happy watched as Dawn paced back and forth across the waiting room at the hospital. She had been walking the floor since they had gotten there and she was driving him crazy. Finally, as she passed him for the thousandth time, he reached out and grabbed her hand, tugging her down beside him on the couch.

"Relax, babe. She's fine."

Dawn sighed and nodded. "I know, but that doesn't keep me from worrying."

Happy nodded as he squeezed her hand. "You ever wanna do this again?"

Dawn's eyes shot to him with a startled expression, making him grin. "What? Have more kids?" When he nodded, she shook her head and sighed. "I don't know. I mean, I totally fucked up with Max. His first six weeks of life were horrible. Maybe I'm just not meant to be a mother. I thank God every day that Harmony answered the phone that day."

Happy looked at her. "Yeah, but you aren't the same person now. The circumstances are different." He smirked at her as he threw his arm over her shoulders. "I'm not a nameless john."

Dawn stared at him in shock before recovering enough to speak. "Wait... you want a kid? With me?"

Happy shrugged. "Well, yeah. You're my old lady and I... "

Dawn turned to face him and cut him off. "I'm your old lady?"

He grinned and leaned down to kiss her. "Yeah, I thought that was clear. We practically live together now, we're stable. I haven't wanted another woman since we got together and that's saying a lot since you drive me fucking crazy on the daily. Yeah, you're my old lady... if you want to be."

Dawn looked away from him to think for a moment. She never could think straight when staring into his dark eyes. Finally, she turned back to find him studying her seriously.

"I want to be." She grinned when he seemed to sag against the couch in relief. "I mean, you're right. We're stable, living together. I've got my shit together for the most part." She took a deep breath and blew it out. "Yeah, if you want to try for a baby, I'm in."

Neither noticed Tig come in with a cup of coffee until they heard him curse. "Jesus, seriously? Two of my kids are with my brothers." He looked around at the room full of Sons. "I got one more kid left if anyone wants her."

Everyone starts laughing as Juice slowly raises his hand. Tig points a finger at him. "Fuck you, Juicy!"

Bobby cleared his throat and pointed a finger at Juice as well. "You aren't old enough to ride that ride, son. Leave Fawn to a more experienced man."

Juice grinned knowingly at Bobby. "You mean an old man."

Dawn slapped herself on the forehead and stared at her dad in horror. "Oh my god, Fawn! Dad, did you call her?"

Tig shook his head. "Nah, I thought you did."

Dawn pulled her phone out of her pocket as she got up and walked out to the hallway. "Shit! She's going to kill me!"

She dialed and waited for Fawn to answer, not knowing whether she would be at work or not. Finally, on the fourth ring, she heard her sister's sleepy voice.


"Fawn? It's Dawn. Harmony's having the baby."

"What?! Why didn't someone call me sooner? I missed out on you and Max, I'm not missing out on this one too!"

Dawn could hear rustling on her sister's side of the phone and grinned. "What about work? You already took your vacation."

Fawn sighed. "I'm probably gonna get fired, but I need to be there. I'm on my way."

She hung up then, leaving Dawn staring at her phone and grinning as she walked back into the waiting room. Tig looked up from his spot beside Bobby as she sat back down beside Happy. 

"Did you get a hold of her?"

Dawn smirked and nodded. "Yep. She's on the way."

Bobby chuckled. "I thought she couldn't take any more time off from work?"

Dawn shrugged. "She said that she would probably get fired, but she needed to be here. I have a feeling we're about to have another resident of Charming."

Tig grinned from ear to ear as he shook his head. "All my girls in one place. That's what I'm talkin about."


At six p.m., Parker Colleen Winston came into the world screaming. Harmony was exhausted and Opie was over the moon with another girl in the family, although his brothers were already teasing him about prison sentences for murdering teenage boys. Gemma was thrilled that she had a baby girl to buy dresses for and Clay was placated by the fact that there was still Abel, Kenny, and Max to fall back on for prospects in a few years. All in all, everyone was content with the day. Now if Gemma could just talk Opie and Happy into proposing, she'd be set.


That's it for Happy and Dawn's story, although we'll be seeing more of them in the next story. Until then, thanks for reading!


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