Chapter Twenty-One

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Happy couldn't help the smirk that came across his face when he saw Dawn's Jeep parked between Gemma's Escalade and Harmony's Camaro. He'd known that she would come back if he just gave her time to cool off. He parked his bike along with Jax, Opie, Bobby, and Tig, getting off to start into the clubhouse. As they got close to the door, Chibs came out and held up a hand to stop their progress.

"Hold up, boys. We need to have a talk before you go charging in there."

Happy shook his head. "Why? Dawn's back, right? That's all I need to know."

Jax nodded, agreeing with Happy. "Hap's right. If Dawn's back, that means their little mini-strike or whatever this shit was is over and we can get back to normal."

Chibs shook his head and sighed as he lit a cigarette. "Not quite, Jackie boy. She's back alright, but they still ain't talking to any of us. They're only here to clean up and get the books straight."

Clay came walking out as Bobby spoke up. "Then what do we have to do to get back to normal? We can't run everything without them, as much as we all hate to admit it."

Clay slapped Happy on the shoulder and shook his head. "As much as I don't want to get involved in your love life, brother, it's starting to affect the rest of us. You're gonna have to take one for the team."

Happy shook his head. "So, what? Apologize?"

Clay shrugged as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, apologize, but you're gonna have to admit that she's your old lady." He tilted his head and grinned. "She is, right?"

Happy growled under his breath as his brothers all smirked at him knowingly. He shook his head and started for the door. "Fucking hell."


Fawn looked up as the door swung open, admitting the rest of SAMCRO. She whistled low through her teeth, making Harmony snicker as they cleaned tables. "Let me take a guess. The tall one with the tattoos is Happy."

Harmony nodded, winking at her sister. "Yep, and the even taller one with the beanie is my old man, Opie."

Fawn just shook her head. "You two always were lucky bitches when it came to men."

Harmony snorted as Happy strode up to them and glared. "Where's Dawn?"

Harmony glared right back as she slapped the wet rag down on the table, causing Fawn to chuckle to herself. "Since you asked so fucking nicely, she's in the storeroom with Gemma writing up the liquor order." She reached out a hand as he started to walk away, grasping his arm. "Hap, she's not ready to talk yet."

Happy just shook his head and gave her a small smirk. "Well, that's too bad, cause I am." He looked down at his feet for a moment, and when he looked back up, the look of sadness on his face made Harmony sigh and squeeze his arm before letting go. "It's been a week, Harm. I need to see her for myself, to make sure she's ok."

Harmony grinned and shook her head. "Ok, but... don't yell at her, ok? She might run off to Costa Rica or some shit this time."

He winked at her and turned to walk away. Fawn looked up from scrubbing the table when Harmony chuckled. "What?"

Harmony gestured over to where their dad was talking to Chibs and Bobby. "Dad and Bobby. They both keep looking over here like they want to make a move, but neither has the nerve."

Fawn rolled her eyes as she laid the rag she was using down. "I'll go say hi to dad, put him out of his misery."

Harmony snickered. "And Bobby? What about him? Gonna leave him hanging like you did all those years ago?" Harmony nudged Fawn with her elbow. "Fawn and Bobby, sitting in a tree... "

Fawn shoved Harmony, making her laugh harder. "Shut up or I'll rip your tits off."

Harmony's eyes widened in mock horror as she clutched her breasts with both hands. "Please don't. Opie likes them where they are."

Fawn looked down her nose at her chortling sister. "You act like such a child sometimes."

Harmony stuck her tongue out, making Fawn grin. "Takes one to know one." She suddenly hip-checked Fawn. "Go talk to dad."

Fawn shook her head and walked over to where her dad was standing, giving him a small grin when he turned her way and took a step in her direction. He held his arms out and she walked into them, wanting to cry when he wrapped her into a tight hug.

"I was starting to think I'd never see you again, baby girl."

Fawn nodded against her dad's chest. "I know, me too. I'm sorry I stayed away so long."

She felt Tig nod against her shoulder. "It's ok, Fawn. You're here now, that's what matters. We need to catch up."

Dawn nodded, lifting her head and smiling at him. "Yeah, we have a few days to do that."


Happy stood in the doorway, watching Gemma and Dawn work for a minute. He marveled at how well the two women worked together as if they had been doing it for years. He cleared his throat and both women turned to look in his direction, Gemma with a knowing smirk on her face and Dawn with a blank expression.

"Gem, can I get a minute with Dawn?"

Dawn cleared her throat. "We're kind of busy right now... "

"I just need a minute, little girl."

Gemma looked at Dawn and nodded before walking toward the door and Happy. She stopped right beside him to whisper. "You make her cry again and I'll cut your dick off."

Happy swallowed hard but said nothing, just nodding as she walked out and shut the door. He reached over to turn the lock so they wouldn't be disturbed before looking back at Dawn. He watched her stand up straight before crossing her arms over her chest and staring him down.

"Alright, Happy, start talking. What is it you think we need to discuss?"

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