Chapter Twelve

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Dawn slammed the car door and looked at her sister sitting behind the wheel. There were three car lots in Charming and they had been to all of them. None would sell Dawn a car. It wasn't that she didn't have the money. No, either the cars weren't in proper working order or they were already promised to other buyers. 

"They wouldn't stoop to this, would they? Please tell me that what I'm thinking is wrong."

Harmony grinned and shook her head. "You know as well as I do that if they thought it would work, they'd try it. For some reason, Happy really doesn't want you to have a car, Dawnie." She got the calculating look in her eyes that anyone who knew the Trager girls would be afraid of. "You know what we could do?"

Dawn started to grin even though her eyes were still sparkling with anger. "Oh yeah. Let's do it."

Harmony peeled out of Charming Motors and headed for the clubhouse. When they got there, she had to run to keep up with Dawn as she jumped out of the car and made a beeline for the clubhouse. When they entered, they noticed that all the guys were there and currently looking as innocent as little lambs. Dawn said nothing, just walked over to where Juice was messing around on his laptop while Harmony went to sit with Opie and Gemma at the bar. She smiled at Juice as she stopped by his side.

"Can I borrow your laptop for a moment or two, Juicy?"

Juice cleared his throat as he looked over to where Happy and Tig were sitting with Bobby and Chibs, pretending to play a hand of cards. "Uh, sure, Dawn. What are you looking for? I mean, I can help you."

Dawn just grinned and shoved him out of the way as she sat in his seat. "I can find it, thanks. How about grabbing me a bottle of water?" While he nodded and headed that way, Dawn clicked on a few tabs and whistled low. "Wow, Juice, you should really learn to clear your browser history." Louder so her sister could hear her. "Hey, Harmony? Come here and look at this." Her sister grinned and walked over to lean over her shoulder so that she could see the screen. "They really went hard, huh? All the way to Oakland."

They heard a few of the guys groan as Harmony chuckled and shook her head while Dawn typed something into the search engine. Tig finally found the courage to speak up as Harmony and Dawn had their heads together, speaking quietly. "Whatcha lookin for, Dawnie?"

"None of your fucking business, dad."

Happy had finally had enough and spoke up in an angry voice. "Watch your tone with your dad, little girl. This wasn't his idea."

Dawn looked at Harmony and smiled the evilest smile. "Do you hear an annoying buzzing sound too or is it just me?" She nodded to herself as Harmony snickered, standing up and motioning toward the door. "You ready? We can call Fawn on the way."

Happy stepped into Dawn's path as Harmony and the rest looked on with interest. "Come on, Dawn! I just did it to protect you."

Dawn finally gave him her attention, reaching up to poke him hard in the chest. "Bullshit! You were trying to control what I do! I had enough of that with Eddie and I'm done with it now. Nobody controls what I do or tells me what to do! You want to have an adult conversation and discuss things? Fine, I'm all in for that, but don't you ever tell me what I'm going to do!" She pushed past him and walked by a smirking Gemma. She inclined her head toward the door. "You coming?"

Happy growled from behind her. "Where the fuck are you going?"

Dawn turned back to him. "I'm sorry, I thought I was clear. None of your fucking business!" She turned back to the now chuckling older woman. "Well?"

Gemma looked at Clay, who nodded with a smirk of his own. "Yeah, baby, I'm coming. Do I get to know where we're going?"

Dawn hooked her arm through Gemma's and grinned. "In the car." She leaned in closer and whispered to Gemma. "You still carry a gun in your purse?" When she nodded, Dawn grinned. "Good. Let me have it."

Dawn, Gemma, and Harmony walked out with the entire club trailing after them, Happy, Tig, and Opie in the lead. Happy was still trying to find out where they were heading. "Come on, Dawn, tell me where you're going. We can go along. We have some downtime right now."

Without speaking, Dawn took the gun from Gemma and proceeded to shoot the front tires on Tig and Happy's bikes, which was met with cursing from the two men. "Now you have something to do during your downtime."

Without another word to the men, all three women climbed into the car and as soon as Harmony had Max strapped into his car seat, they took off, squealing tires on the pavement.


Happy stood staring at the flat tire on his bike, imagining every way that he could punish Dawn when Opie spoke up from his side. "Well, looks like you finally saw the Trager temper come out in Dawn." When Happy glared at him, he smirked and held up both hands. "Hey, you were the one that wanted her to snap back to normal."

Jax snickered from his other side. "Yeah, not only did you see the fire, you got incinerated by it."

Happy shook his head in disgust as he surveyed the damage. "I'm gonna end up beating her ass."

Bobby snorted and shook his head. "Nah, man. You're gonna apologize and kiss her ass. That's what you're gonna do. You were wrong on this one, Hap. These girls don't need to be coddled, they need to do their own thing. Let em."

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