Chapter Fourteen

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"We're going to what now?"

Dawn stared at Harmony and Tara as they stood outside the clubhouse doors. They could already hear the music and raised voices through the heavy wood doors from inside. Harmony rolled her eyes at her sister as she fluffed her hair.

"We're going to flirt, Dawn. I know you know how to flirt. You used to do this as a professional, after all."

Dawn placed her hands on her hips and stared at her younger sister. "That was just rude and uncalled for. Yes, I know how to flirt, I just don't understand why we're going to flirt with guys from another charter when we have three perfectly good ones waiting on us."

Tara grinned at the squabbling sisters before speaking up. "We're doing some harmless flirting with other men to remind our men that we are red-blooded women with minds of our own."  She adjusted her bra under her blouse, lifting her breasts a bit more before chuckling. "Let's do this. Hopefully, we'll catch the eyes of some new blood before our guys see us."

Dawn muttered under her breath about bad ideas as Harmony opened the door and all three women strolled in like they owned the place. Dawn grinned, thinking that this wasn't so bad. Every man was looking their way with varied looks of shock and approval and she thought that she could get used to this. She spotted Happy but he was immediately blocked from view by three mountains that moved in front of the women. What she had seen of his face was enough to set her blood on fire. The look of pure want in his eyes as he scanned her from hair to stilettos was hot, but the look of wanting mixed with anger as the other men moved in was enough for her to want to jump him right there.

Her attention was brought back to the men when the one standing directly in front of her threw an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.

"Hey, sweetness looks like you're with me tonight."

She was at a loss for a moment until Harmony glared at her, reminding her to flirt with the giant tree in front of her. She smiled prettily and batted her eyelashes as Tara cleared her throat. Tara pulled Harmony and Dawn behind herself as they faced off against the three men.

"Actually, we're with those three guys coming now. We were just late getting here, that's all."

The guy in the middle looked Tara up and down, making Dawn want to roll her eyes, although she was pretty sure that wouldn't go over too well right now. "Well, I don't see crows on any of you bitches, so it looks like you're just more free pussy."

Tara started to reply, but Jax beat her to it as he shoved his way between them all, looking beyond pissed at the new guys. "Actually, she has my crow, you just can't see it." He made sure to give Tara a smirk as he stopped beside her, pulling Harmony and Dawn into each side of him. For her part, Dawn was extremely glad to see Jax and had no problem snuggling into his side for a moment, especially if it was going to get the three neanderthals to go away. "These two ladies belong to Opie and Happy. Now, we're willing to let the name-calling slide since you didn't know but don't let it happen again."

The three bikers began to look understandably nervous when they looked around and saw themselves practically surrounded by the mother charter. The ringleader cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "Hey, man, we didn't know. We see hot women, we know we're at a SAMCRO party, ya know?"

Everyone laughed as Happy stepped closer to Dawn. "It's understandable, but maybe next time ask one of us before assuming, yeah? Saves hurt feelings that way."

Clay clapped each man on the back before sending them off to the bar, leaving Tara, Harmony, and Dawn alone with their respective men. Opie wrapped an arm around Harmony's waist and stared down at her. "Since we almost got our asses kicked, who's idea was the new clothes?"

Harmony smirked. "Well, I suppose if we're going to be technical, it was mine, but I don't really think you were going to get your ass kicked. I mean, Happy could have handled all three of them, easy."

Tara snorted and Dawn tried not to laugh as Happy chuckled and high-fived Harmony while Opie and Jax both glared at her. Opie took her arm and unceremoniously pulled her toward the dorms, Jax and Happy following with their partners. Happy pulled Dawn down the hall until he reached a door and walked in, waiting on her to join him before closing and locking the door behind them.

Dawn watched Happy pace the floor of his dorm for a few minutes before she cleared her throat, making him look over at her. "What's wrong?"

He motioned at her outfit of black leggings and tube top. "Who's idea was the clothes?"

Dawn smirked a little before answering. If he thought he was going to scare her, he was in for a rude awakening. He didn't scare her one little bit. She had too much Trager blood coursing through her veins. "That would be Harmony."

Happy scoffed before taking a step closer. "You always do what your little sister tells you to do?"

Dawn chuckled before shrugging. "Well, I didn't see the harm. I mean, I am single, so... "

Happy cut her off as he stopped right in front of her. "I didn't like it."

Dawn smirked as she looked up into his dark brown eyes, ignoring the frown on his face. "Honestly, I don't care. I don't belong to you Happy. I'm not your old lady, so technically I can do what I want."

Happy shook his head as he wrapped one arm around her, pulling her closer to his large frame. "I don't do the old lady thing, but if you think that means that you don't belong to me, you're fucking crazy. You're mine girl."

Dawn felt a small thrill at his words but didn't let on that she did. She'd dealt with men like Happy before. She knew that even though he said that he didn't do old ladies, he was actually calling her one by saying that she was his. She'd just have to sit back and let him realize it on his own, no matter how long that took. You couldn't push a man like Happy.

She tilted her head and grinned at Happy as she ran a finger down his cheekbone. "Well, I guess if I belong to you, then you should claim what's yours, huh?"

Happy spit the toothpick out of his mouth that he had been chewing on and grinned as he picked her up and threw Dawn on the bed. "Damn straight."

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