Chapter Three

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Harmony sat beside the club lawyer, Mr. Levinson, as Dawn sat across from them looking bored and Gemma walked the floor with a sleeping Max. Harmony grinned as she thought what a difference a full stomach and a clean diaper made for the little fella as he cuddled contentedly on Gemma's chest.

Mr. Levinson slid a piece of paper across the table to Dawn and looked at her seriously. "Sign this and Harmony will have sole custody of Maxwell. By doing so, you give up all parental rights to the minor and will receive no monetary compensation. This is strictly a by the book custody arrangement."

Dawn looked down at the letter then back up at them. "And she can't bring him back, right?"

Harmony rolled her eyes as she heard Gemma mutter an expletive under her breath. The lawyer simply shook his head. "No, she can't return him to you. She will have custody of him from now on. He will be her responsibility." Dawn quickly signed her name before sliding the paper to Harmony for her signature. After taking the paper from Harmony, the lawyer then laid a birth certificate in front of Harmony. "I need you to sign this. Although the custody arrangement will stay in my possession, it's merely a formality. By signing this birth certificate, for all intents and purposes, you are the one that gave birth to Maxwell six weeks ago."

Dawn smirked. "That doesn't sound anywhere near legal."

Mr. Levinson leveled a look at her as Harmony signed the birth certificate. "It's as legal as it needs to be, Ms. Trager. Anyone asking will see that Harmony is the mother of record for Maxwell. That's all that needs to be seen." He shook Harmony's hand and stood up, leaving the birth certificate lay on the table.

Harmony stood with him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Levinson."

The lawyer smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "You are quite welcome, Ms. Trager. Congratulations."

After the door closed behind the lawyer, Harmony placed the birth certificate in her handbag before taking Max from Gemma. The older woman motioned at the diapers and assorted things sitting by the couch.

"I'll go load this stuff into your car while you say goodbye." She turned to Dawn. "I wish I could say it was nice seeing you again, but I'd be lying." She turned back to Harmony to kiss her on the cheek. "Lucky for you I have grandchildren and still know how to install a car seat."

Harmony just grinned and nodded before turning back to her sister. "Do you want to hold him? Say goodbye?"

Dawn looked at the sleeping infant for a moment before shaking her head. "Nah, I'm good." She saw the look Harmony gave her and rolled her eyes. "Look, I'm just not cut out to be a mom, but you are. You'll be great with him. You already are."

Harmony just stared her sister down for a moment before nodding. "Just do everyone a favor and stay away from us, dad included. He's not going to be happy with you over this. Family means everything to dad, and the fact that you were ready to just throw Max away... just stay away."

Dawn simply nodded as Harmony turned and walked out the door, leaving her sister behind.


Dawn slowly let her eyes open, completely confused about where she was and why only one eye was cooperating. She heard a machine beeping and looked to her side to see an I.V. pole and what looked like a heart monitor. She felt movement on her other side and looked up to see a tall man in scrubs standing beside the bed. He must have seen the panic on her face because he smiled understandingly and patted her arm.

"Good morning, Miss Trager. Glad to see you've come back to us. You had a rough night." He saw Dawn's eyes widen as she took in the restraints attached to her wrists and nodded. "Yeah, those were necessary. You kept trying to get up and leave, and we couldn't have that. Why don't I go get the doctor so he can talk to you? I'll be right back."

Dawn nodded as she left the room, letting her head fall back against the pillow. She was starting to register that practically every part of her body hurt, but she wasn't sure why. She tried hard to remember what had happened but she kept drawing a blank. All she knew was that she was at a hospital, tied to a bed, and didn't know why. She looked over as the door opened and an attractive woman around her age walked in, smiling as she approached the bed.

"Good morning, Dawn. I'm Dr. Summerset. Do you know where you are?" When Dawn shook her head, she continued. "I'm honestly not surprised. You're at Valley Medical Center. You were attacked by your boyfriend last night. Can you remember anything?"

Dawn tried to think for a moment but finally shook her head. "I don't, no."

The doctor nodded and patted her on the hand. "Well, that's understandable. You took quite a knock to the head." She rested a hip on the side of the bed and looked Dawn in the eye. "I'm going to be quite frank. I understand that you must be in a considerable amount of pain, but I am unwilling to give you anything for it because of your addiction. I will give you some Ibuprofen or Tylenol, but that's all I'm willing to prescribe. You're going to be with us for a few days at the least, and I'd really like to see you use that time to re-evaluate some things, Dawn."

Dawn sighed, giving the doctor a baleful look. "Tylenol isn't going to help, doc."

The doctor nodded and gave her a small smile as she stood up. "Probably not, but I'm not going to give you something that will make your addiction worse. Now, you must be hungry, so I'll have them bring some food to you. When you've rested a bit more, and you're feeling more yourself, we'll talk more."

Dawn nodded and watched as Dr. Summerset walked out of the room. She stared up at the ceiling, not sure how she would survive the hospital stay.

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