Chapter Eleven

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Dawn let herself into the house, trying to be quiet because of the late hour. She and Happy had been gone since after breakfast and it was now past midnight. He'd taken her up the coast, stopping here and there to stretch their legs or for him to show her places that he liked to go to. They had dinner at a tiny out-of-the-way seafood shack and talked and laughed for hours, just getting to know each other.

He'd told her about his mother and how he had come to be a member of SAMCRO and she had told him about what it was like to grow up as one of Tig Trager's daughters. It had been so easy to talk to him, to just laugh and have a good time. She was sorry to see the day end and had blushed scarlet when he kissed her on the cheek before roaring off into the night. She grinned to herself now as she tried to be quiet walking through the living room, only to be surprised when one of the lamps by the couch switched on and Harmony was grinning at her from her place on the couch.

"Do you know what time it is young lady?"

Dawn rolled her eyes as she flopped down beside a giggling Harmony and threw a pillow at her sister. "What are you doing up?"

Harmony shrugged. "Max just went back down and I figured I'd sit here for a little while and see what time you came dragging in. Have fun?"

Dawn grinned as she let her head fall softly to the back of the couch. "I did, I really did. Happy's so... he's larger than life, ya know?"

Harmony chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, most of the guys are that way, really, but Happy has his own kind of cool going on."

Dawn snickered and nodded. "Yeah, he really does. He's so easy to talk to. I mean, we sat and talked for hours about our childhood and all that stuff."

Harmony grinned and nudged Dawn's leg with her foot. "You like him."

Dawn blew out a breath and turned her head to look at her sister. "Yeah, I do, but should I? I mean, we just met a few days ago."

Harmony shrugged. "Hey, don't go by me. I fell for Opie the second I met him. Sometimes it just happens that way and these guys... they do some shady shit during the day, so maybe when they find someone they want, they don't see a reason to wait, ya know? They're more intense about love and relationships. And horribly protective, like, oh my god! I'm sometimes surprised that we are allowed to go to the bathroom without a prospect outside the door."

Dawn laughed as she stood up and held out a hand to Harmony to help her up. "You're probably right, but honestly, it could just be me. I don't know how he feels. We didn't talk about the mushy stuff."

Harmony grinned. "He's interested, Dawnie. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be coming out here every day to give you a ride."

Dawn snapped her fingers. "Speaking of, he won't always be available and once I start school, it's just going to get more complicated. Do you know where I could find a decent used car for cheap?"

Harmony thought about it for a moment before nodding. "I might, yeah. Monday, we'll use our lunch hours looking around, ok?"

Dawn nodded as Harmony switched off the light and they both headed to their bedrooms.


"You don't need a car."

Dawn rolled her eyes as Harmony stifled a giggle and Happy glared at both of them like they were unruly children.

"Yeah, I do actually. I need to get to Lodi to arrange my class schedule and you and Harmony won't always be available to run me around for work."

Happy stared at her like she had two heads for a moment before looking around at the group watching their argument. Jax, Chibs, Opie, and Bobby all looked like they were trying not to laugh as Tig seemed to be on his side. "Am I the only one that didn't know you were going to school?"

Dawn looked at him. "Yeah, looks like it. I mean, I haven't exactly kept it a secret."

"Why can't you go to Charming Community?"

Dawn sighed, crossing her arms in front of her chest as Harmony and Gemma did the same on either side of her. "They don't offer the classes I need. Lodi isn't that far, Happy. I'm a big girl and quite capable of driving myself to and from home and school."

Happy turned to look at Tig, nodding. "I guess it would be ok to let her go. We got an extra prospect that we can send with her?"

Dawn took a step closer and planted the palm of her hand in his chest, pushing slightly. Of course, she wasn't strong enough to move him, but it got his attention. "Listen here, Lowman! I don't need your permission to go to Lodi or anywhere else, and I'm sure as hell not taking a prospect with me!"

She wanted to smack his face when he suddenly smirked at her and took a step closer, poking one long finger in her chest. "There's that fire. I knew it was there somewhere." He then shook his head. "You're not going alone so you don't need your own car, period. There are too many horny guys on a college campus. No. End of discussion."

He turned and started to walk away, seemingly satisfied with how they ended things. Dawn turned to Harmony and nodded toward the door. "You ready to go?"

Harmony smirked and nodded as Gemma chuckled at the two women. Opie drew his old lady to him for a hug and kiss. "Where you two off to? Getting something for lunch?"

Dawn shook her head. "I thought we just established that we were going car hunting?"

Happy's head snapped around and glared at the two women. "What did I just fucking say, little girl?"

Dawn just turned on her heels and let a laughing Harmony follow her out of the clubhouse, flipping Happy off as she went. "Not the boss of me, Lowman!"

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