Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Eddie, what are you doing here? Do you have a death wish?"

Eddie shook his head and took a step closer. "Nah. I just wanted... can we talk?" He looked behind Dawn to see Gemma and Harmony standing there glaring at him. "Alone?"

Harmony snorted and shook her head as Gemma took a step closer. "Aw hell no! You aren't talking to her alone."

Dawn studied Eddie for a moment before turning to hand Max to Harmony and give both women a look. "Yeah, let's go outside."

As Dawn turned to lead the way out, she saw Gemma take her phone from her pocket. She silently prayed that she wasn't calling who she thought that she was, because she didn't want to see anyone die today, not even Eddie. She let him pass her before shutting the door and walking over to the porch swing. She sat and patted the seat next to her. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Dawn turned to look at him.

"So what was it that you wanted to talk about? How did you even find me?"

Eddie grinned and shook his head. "It wasn't that hard, babe. You weren't exactly hiding." He stared out over the front yard for a few minutes before continuing. "I'm in treatment, getting help."

Dawn whipped her head around to look at him in surprise. "Seriously? I have to say that I didn't expect that. What happened?"

Eddie shrugged. "The usual. Got busted and the judge gave me an ultimatum. Get clean or go to prison." He sat forward and stared down at his shoes for a moment. "Part of that, as you know, is that I have to apologize and ask forgiveness. Out of everyone I've ever known, I did the most harm to you, and you will never know how sorry I am for that."

Dawn nodded. "You weren't sorry at the time."

Eddie scoffed. "Yeah, I know. God, I was such a dick. I mean, at the time, I thought I was in the right, but now that my head's clear and I can see what I did... Jesus, Dawnie. The shit I put you through... I was in love with you, hell I'm still in love with you, and to know what I made you do... it makes me sick to my stomach."

Dawn just nodded and stared straight ahead in thought before replying. "Do you know why I never pressed charges against you after the last time?" When Eddie shook his head, she continued. "You did me a favor that night. I didn't know it at the time, but you saved my life, Eddie. You made it so that I could see past the heroin, to know that there was more to life than what we had. I'm in a good place now, and I have you to thank for that."

Suddenly, Eddie stood up and started pacing the floor. "Don't, Dawn! Don't thank me for beating the shit out of you and leaving you for dead! I don't deserve that."

Dawn grinned and tilted her head. "Yeah, I see your point, and I heard the same from someone else, but it's true. If you didn't do all of that, I wouldn't be where I am now." She nodded to herself. "I forgive you, Eddie. I forgive you for all of it."

Eddie nodded and looked at her, and the look on his face caught Dawn off guard. He had tears falling silently down his cheeks but he was smiling as if the weight of the world had lifted from his shoulders. "Do you think that there's a chance that we could ever start over? I meant what I said, Dawn. I still love you. I think I might always love you."

Dawn sighed and patted the seat again for him to sit down. When he did, she leaned over and laid her head on his shoulder, reaching out to take his hand in hers. "Part of me will always love you too, Eddie, but I have a good man now, and he has my heart." She snickered, shaking her head as she lifted it to look him in the eyes. "Hell, he has my heart and soul. He's it for me."

Eddie nodded silently before leaning in to kiss her on the forehead and stand up. "Well, I guess I better get going then." He smiled at her. "I'm happy for you, Dawn. You deserve a good man."

She smiled at him and nodded. "Thank you, Eddie. You deserve a good woman as well, and someday, when you aren't paying attention, she'll find you."

Eddie nodded and stepped off the porch. "Have a good life, Dawn. You deserve that. Take care."

Without another word, Eddie strode to his car and got in, leaving in a swirl of dust. Dawn took a deep breath as she heard the front door open and Gemma speak. "You ok, baby?"

Dawn nodded and stood up. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna take a walk, clear my head."

Without waiting for an answer, Dawn stepped off the porch and wandered around the side of the house, walking through the woods to the little clearing where a small pond sat. She plopped down beside the water and sat staring for a long while, not noticing the tears that were streaming down her face as she finally let go of the past and all the pain that went with it. She didn't realize that she wasn't alone until she felt strong arms wrap around her from behind. She leaned back into the embrace as she heard the familiar rasp of his voice.

"Gem said Eddie showed up. You ok, little girl?"

She nodded, still staring across the calm water of the little pond. "Yeah. Eddie needed forgiveness and I gave it to him. It was time for both of us to move on."

She felt him nod before his arms tightened around her and held her close. They sat that way for a while, and Dawn finally felt at peace with her world and knew that she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

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