Chapter Ten

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When the door shut behind Harmony, Happy turned in his chair and leaned forward toward Dawn, looking her in the eye. He was glad to see that so far, she didn't look upset or scared, so he decided to just jump right in.

"Why didn't you tell us what he did?"

He saw the second it dawned on her that he knew what had happened that night. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Does dad know?"

Happy nodded. "Yeah, and he's willing to go along with you leaving the asshole alone, but you gotta give me more, little girl. Make me understand why I shouldn't get on my bike and head for Vegas, because believe me, I'm ready to do just that."

Dawn sighed again and shook her head. "Happy, I... in a way, he did me a favor, so yeah, I dropped the charges and left him alone. There's part of me that is thankful to him."

Happy stared at her unbelievingly for a moment before shaking his head. "Fuck, Dawn. What the fuck are you thankful for? The dislocated shoulder? The fractured eye socket and cheekbone? The broken ribs? Exactly what out of all of that are you thankful to that fucker for?"

Dawn leaned forward also, bringing herself close to Happy and in doing so made him want to reach out and pull her into his lap. He refrained because he could tell that she was trying to form her thoughts together. She probably wasn't even aware that she was as close as she was.

"It happened the night Harmony left with Max. I was low, Happy. I mean, I had just given my sister the one thing that I loved more than anything. He came home and wanted me to turn tricks and I just... I knew I was pushing him by refusing, but I didn't care. A part of me wanted him to hit me, wanted him to just go ahead and kill me if it would end the misery that I was in, but he didn't kill me. He left me laying at the bottom of the stairwell and a neighbor called the police. When I woke up in the hospital, I didn't know what I was going to do." She grinned a little then, shaking her head. "My doctor was a hardass. She kept me restrained because I would either scratch at my arms until I bled or I would try to yank out the tubes and IVs to get out. She didn't give up on me and finally talked me into going into rehab. So yeah, I'm thankful to him, because I wouldn't be sitting here if he hadn't beat the shit out of me."

Happy sat for a moment thinking about what she had said. For his part, he still wanted to cause Eddie pain, but he could see where she was coming from. Finally, he shook his head and leaned back in his chair, more relaxed than he had been when he arrived. 

"Ok, I get that, little girl, but I'm telling you right now. He comes here, he doesn't leave, understand me?"

Dawn shook her head and grinned. "He's not coming here, Happy, but yeah I understand."

He nodded and stood up. "Good. Now, let's get moving. We're late."


The Next Morning

Harmony blinked a few times when she opened her eyes and saw Dawn's face really close to hers. She looked over at the clock on the table and saw that it was just after nine a.m.

"Why are you staring at me like that at this time of morning?"

Dawn chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, a nervous tick that all of the Trager girls shared. "You need to get up now. Opie's downstairs and he said that if you aren't down there in five minutes, he's coming up and... "

Harmony narrowed her eyes at her sister. "And what?"

Dawn cleared her throat before continuing. "He's coming up and you won't leave the bed for the rest of the day."

Harmony rolled her eyes at that but flung the blankets off to get up. "Why is he even here?"

Dawn grinned as Harmony dug through her drawers to find a clean pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. "Fixing breakfast? Happy has the three kids out back playing... well, I put Max in his bouncer, but Kenny and Ellie are playing tag with Happy while Opie fixes breakfast. He said something about the two of you taking the kids to a petting zoo after we all eat."

"I really need to go to the bookstore today. Taking off the other day to go with you to Vegas put a crimp in my plans for my bookkeeping."

Dawn shrugged and grinned as they headed toward the kitchen. "Well, I don't know but Opie seems pretty sure that you have plans."

Before they reached the kitchen, Harmony could smell bacon and sausage, which made her stomach growl. If she hadn't still been a little angry with him, she might have laughed when she saw Opie, an old apron covering his Harley t-shirt and black jeans, beanie firmly in place on his head. She sighed as she walked by him on the way to the coffee pot, snatching his beanie off of his head on the way.

"No hats in the house."

Opie grinned and shook his head as he looked up from the skillet he was scrambling eggs in. "Good morning to you too." He turned to Dawn and hooked a thumb toward the back door. "You wanna go yell at Hap and the kids? Food's almost ready." Once she nodded and headed out the door, Opie reached over and dragged Harmony to him, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close. "Got a kiss for me?"

Harmony lifted a brow, making him snicker. "I thought we were going slow."

Opie nodded as he leaned down and kissed her nose. "We are, but if we're going to be a family, we need to act like it."

Harmony pulled back from his embrace and gave him a half-smile. "Well, we were a family until you decided we weren't, so it's going to take some time to get back to that."

Opie sighed but nodded in understanding. Before he could give a reply, two kids came barrelling through the kitchen door with Happy and Dawn bringing up the rear. Happy was making faces at Max over Dawn's shoulder as two missiles hit Harmony in the legs.

"Whoa! Hey, guys!"

Ellie looked up with a big smile on her face as she hugged Harmony's waist. "We missed you, Harmony."

Harmony laughed as Ellie moved out of the way so Kenny could take his turn. "I've missed you guys too."

"Well, now you and dad are back together so it's fine." Kenny looked at Opie as he motioned for them to sit at the table. "Did you ask her?"

Opie grinned and shook his head. "Not yet. I was getting ready to." He turned back to Harmony. "Would you and Max like to spend the day with me and the kids?"

Harmony grinned as she poured orange juice for the kids. "I think we could do that. What did you have in mind?"

Opie grinned and shook his head. "That's a surprise."

Harmony snickered as she turned to Dawn. "What are you doing today?"

Before Dawn could answer, Happy did it for her. "We're going for a ride. Be gone all day."

Harmony chuckled at the look of surprise on her sister's face. Dawn may not know it, but Harmony was pretty sure that Happy was going to roll right over her whole "no men" rule.

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