Chapter Sixteen

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Dawn laid awake in the early morning hours, lazily tracing one of the many tattoos that Happy had on his arms and thinking about the night before. She'd known that Happy would be good in bed. It was obvious in the confidence that just exuded from him, but she hadn't known that he would blow her mind.

Harmony hadn't been far off the night before when she said that Dawn had been a professional. While Dawn had never been a prostitute, she had always used sex to get what she wanted. Her mother had always joked that Fawn got the brains and Dawn got the sex appeal, but Dawn didn't agree. She thought that Fawn was beautiful, just shy and quiet around men, whereas Dawn could be the life of the party when she wanted to be, but also had times that she was quiet and reserved. She liked to sit back and take the temperature of the room before acting.

Happy had taken what Dawn had known about sex and a relationship with a man and turned it on its head. She wasn't sure what to do with him now that they had finally slept together. Other than Eddie, she'd never really stuck with one man for any length of time. She had a feeling that there would be no shaking Happy Lowman, not if he didn't want to be shaken loose. She grinned as she thought that if the night before was anything to go by, he wasn't planning on going anywhere.

She was brought back to reality by the man himself stirring beside her. He lifted his head from the pillow and looked at her. "What's wrong, Dawn?"

Dawn shook her head and leaned over to kiss him. "Nothing's wrong, why?"

Happy smirked as he pulled her over on top of him, running a hand through her hair. "Because I could hear you thinking in my sleep. What's got you awake so early?"

Dawn sighed as she crossed her hands on his chest, letting her chin rest on top of them as she looked into his eyes. "I was trying to figure out where we go from here, and if I wanted to go there."

Happy nodded, letting one hand rest on her hip as the other rubbed circles on her back. "Well, I can tell you this. I don't know exactly where we're headed, but I know wherever it is, we're going together." He suddenly rolled so that she was pinned under his powerful body, her hands in one of his above her head on the pillow. "I'm not going anywhere, little girl and neither are you."

Dawn lifted a brow and smirked up at him. "Is that right?"

Happy nodded as he gave her a smirk back. "Yeah, it is. If you leave, I'll come find you and keep you tied to this bed." Dawn couldn't help the shiver that ran through her at the thought, making Happy laugh. "That wasn't meant as a reward, little girl."

Dawn winked and watched as his face registered that she was flirting. "A girl can dream, can't she?"

She gasped when he suddenly ground his very hard cock into her center. "I got something for you to dream about, Dawn."

Her laugh turned to a moan when he leaned in and bit her hard on the neck. "Oh! Yes, baby, yes you do... "


A few hours later, Dawn and Happy walked out into the main room of the clubhouse to find everyone there having breakfast and talking. Tig glared at the two as they sat down at the table with him, Harmony, and Opie. He shook his head as he saw the bruise on prominent display on Dawn's neck.

"You two finally finished? I had to listen to that shit all night."

Dawn blushed as Harmony snickered. "I didn't think we were that loud."

Tig rolled his eyes. "Yeah, maybe not, but I'm in the room next door."

Dawn choked on the coffee that she had just taken a sip of as Happy chuckled. She looked at him and smacked him in the chest. "You knew he was next door?"

Happy smirked and shrugged. "I assumed. He's been there ever since I came here."

Dawn dropped her head into her hands and shook her head. "This is so embarrassing."

Harmony took pity on her sister and threw an arm around her shoulders. "Don't feel too badly, Dawnie. Dad's walked in on me and Opie. A few times."

Opie chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, that's a mood killer, let me tell ya."

Tig snorted as he lifted his cup to his lips. "Didn't do much for me either."

Clay walked through the room, waving a hand at the guys scattered around. "Finish up your breakfast. Church in fifteen."

The guys started finishing up and heading for the chapel. Happy stood up to go but leaned down and gave Dawn a kiss. "You gonna hang out until we're done?"

Dawn nodded and he gave her a wink before falling into step beside Opie. When the chapel doors closed, Tara and Harmony scooted their chairs closer to Dawn and leaned in, Harmony being the first to speak.


Dawn frowned at her sister. "So what?"

Tara rolled her eyes and grinned at Harmony. "How was sleeping with Happy?"

Dawn shrugged. "Eh, it was ok, I guess." At the twin looks of surprise, she snorted and shook her head. "It was fucking mind-blowing! What did you think I would say?" She sighed. "He's amazing, in all ways, but... "

Harmony frowned. "But what?"

Dawn shook her head. "I don't know how to do this." She motioned at her sister and Tara. "You know, the relationship thing. I don't know how to do that."

Harmony shook a finger in Dawn's face. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare try to run from this! You finally have something good. Don't fucking blow it."

Dawn grinned as she reached out and tugged on Harmony's finger. "Calm down. I'm not running. Happy wouldn't let me even if I wanted to. I just don't know how to adult."

Tara chuckled and reached over to pat Dawn on the arm. "Don't worry, we'll help you whenever you need to figure something out."

Dawn nodded gratefully because she had a feeling that she would need the help.

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