Chapter Seventeen

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Dawn grinned and leaned in to sniff the flowers on the desk. Every day for the last week, she'd come into work to find flowers. Gemma had no idea where they came from but Dawn knew that it was Happy's doing. She never said anything to him, just enjoyed whatever he left for her. She sighed as she looked at Gemma and stood up. Gemma grinned as they traded places at the desk.

"Are you ready for your first day?"

Dawn grinned. "Yeah, just nervous. I haven't been in a classroom in years. Do you think I'm too old to go back to school?"

Gemma shook her head as she lit a cigarette. "No, I don't sweetheart. I think you're going to do just fine."

Dawn nodded and chuckled as she looked through the window into the garage. "Have you seen Happy? I was hoping to see him before I left."

"Yeah, he left about an hour ago. You were inside with Bobby. He said he'd be back before you had to leave."

Dawn nodded as they both heard the roar of Harleys and walked out to find Happy and Tig parking in their usual spots. She grinned as she saw that both had bags that they were pulling out of their storage areas on their bikes. She walked over with Gemma as Happy met her halfway to her car with Tig bringing up the rear. He held out the larger bag to her, staring down at his feet.

"I knew you didn't have one, so I bought you a backpack."

Dawn giggled like a schoolgirl as she pulled out a black leather messenger bag. She opened it up and giggled more. "You bought me school supplies?"

Happy shrugged and grinned as he finally lifted his head, apparently satisfied that she wasn't going to laugh at him. "Yeah, some pens, pencils, notebooks... ya know, the usual shit. Thought you might need it."

Dawn handed the bag to Gemma and pulled him closer by his kutte. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him deeply before leaning back and smiling up at him. "I love it, thank you."

Tig cleared his throat to get her attention and held out a smaller brown paper bag. "Yeah, and I stopped at the diner on the way back and got you some lunch to take with you." He shrugged. "Nothing special, just a chicken salad sandwich and chips. I think there's a brownie in there too."

Dawn chuckled and hugged her dad before giving him a smacking kiss on the cheek. "You guys are too good to me. Thank you."

Gemma handed her the bag back and Dawn moved to her Jeep with Happy trailing behind, looking like he lost his best friend. "Ok, but look, keep your phone on and if you have any problems or need anything, shoot me a text or call. I mean it, little girl." He shook his head. "I still think we should send Half-Sack with you."

Dawn sighed as she opened the driver's side door and tossed the bags on the passenger seat. "Baby, I'll be fine. I don't need an armed escort to go take classes. Really."

She his a grin when his eyes darkened and he stepped closer. "You know what it does to me when you call me baby, little girl."

Dawn snickered as he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her into his tall frame. "Yeah, but you'll have to hold that thought because I need to leave in the next five minutes or I'm gonna be late for my first class." She pointed a finger in his face as he growled at her and squeezed her ass with his big hands. "You better not let any of these other girls around here help with that either."

He snorted as he shook his head. "Shit, Dawn, you know you got this dick on lock. Now kiss me goodbye."

She closed her eyes and let herself melt into his arms as he kissed her goodbye. Finally, after a few minutes, they were interrupted by Opie laughing. "Damn, Hap, she's just going to Lodi, not off to combat. Ler her fucking breathe. You'll see her in a few hours."

Dawn snickered as Happy broke the kiss to glare at Opie, giving her the opportunity to get into the Jeep. She waved as she pulled out of the lot, excited to start the newest phase of her life.


"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Dawn looked up from the book in front of her to see an attractive young man standing there smiling down at her. She smiled back and shook her head.

"No, it's free."

She went back to her textbook as he sat down beside her. He sighed, making Dawn look over at him. "Sorry, I just hate Psychology."

Dawn grinned and tilted her head in question. "Then why are you taking it?"

The man shrugged and grinned. "Course requirement." He stuck his hand out. "Dax Martinson."

Dawn shook his hand. "Dawn Trager."

He nodded. "Nice to meet you, Dawn. You new here? I've never seen you before."

Dawn grinned. "It's a big campus, Dax." She nodded. "Yes, I'm new."

He grinned and scooted his desk a little closer before taking a sheet of paper out of his bag and writing something on it. He handed it to Dawn and smirked. "Well, Dawn Trager, if you ever want a study partner, hit me up."


Happy felt a weight lift off his chest as Dawn came walking into the clubhouse. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he'd been worried sick the whole time she was gone. He knew that he was going to have to get a handle on that shit because she wasn't going to stop going to school just because he was pouting like a fucking toddler every day.

She walked over to where he and Jax were sitting talking and threw her bag into an empty chair before kissing him. She looked over at the bar where Bobby was and grinned. "You wouldn't happen to have some coffee back there, would you?"

Bobby chuckled and nodded before grabbing a clean cup. "For you darlin, I certainly do."

As she walked over to get it, Happy saw a paper laying on the floor beneath her bag and leaned over to pick it up. His jaw clenched as he read what was on the paper before throwing it on the table. 

"Dawn, who the fuck is Dax and why the fuck do you have his number?"

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