Chapter Five

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Harmony shut the car off and sat staring at the clubhouse with a frown on her face. Finally, Dawn touched her arm to get her attention as Max fussed from the back seat.

"Do you want me to go in and get dad for you?"

Harmony sighed before looking over at her sister. "No, I'll go. I can't avoid this place forever. You stay here with Max. He might be hungry." She gave Dawn a serious look. "You remember how to feed him?"

Dawn rolled her eyes and grinned. "I was gone but I wasn't that far gone. Yes, I remember."

Harmony just grinned and opened her car door. She wasn't really there to look for Tig. She was looking for Gemma and was glad to see her car sitting there in the parking lot. She was thankful that it was still mid-afternoon, meaning that most of the guys were scattered on business, only a few remaining to work on cars. She would check the office first, then the clubhouse. She opened the office door and poked her head in, seeing Chibs sitting at the desk. He looked shocked when he glanced up and saw who it was.

"Well, look wot the cat dragged in! How are ye lass?"

Harmony chuckled as she stepped closer and was enfolded in a tight hug from the Scot. "I'm good. I was actually looking for Gemma. Do you know where she is? She isn't answering her phone."

Chibs nodded. "Aye, darlin. She's in the clubhouse."

Harmony kissed him on the cheek and nodded before walking back out and heading across the parking lot to the clubhouse. Walking into the dim interior, she let her eyes adjust for a moment before walking toward the bar area. She saw Gemma and Chucky standing there with their heads together over a list of some kind. She cleared her throat and they both looked up in surprise, Gemma being the first to speak.

"Well, well, look who's here. I thought you forgot all about us." She frowned then, looking around as if she misplaced something. "Where's the baby?"

Harmony grinned. "He's in the car with Dawn. He's actually why I'm here. I was wondering if you could watch him long enough for me to run to Vegas and get Dawn's things. It should be a quick trip. She doesn't have much."

Gemma lifted a brow and placed her hands on her hips. "Can't you wait? I mean, I can watch Max, no problem, but I'd feel better if Tig and one of the other guys went with you. What are you going to get Dawn's stuff for? Why is she here, anyway? I feel like there's a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle, sweetheart."

Harmony grinned and pointed toward the door. "I really don't have time to wait or explain. We want to get this done and over with. I'll explain everything when we get back, ok? Can you tell my dad where we went and that if I have a chance, I'll give him a call? I'll get Max for you. If you need more diapers or formula before we get back, dad has a key to the cabin."

Gemma nodded as she followed Harmony out to the car. They made quick work of transferring Max and his things to Gemma and soon Harmony and Dawn were on the road to Las Vegas.


Dawn sighed as she hung up from speaking to Tig and rolled her eyes at Harmony. "That was dad. He said that we are to hit the next rest stop and stay there until he and someone named Happy can catch up with us. He sounded pissed."

Harmony snorted as she shook her head, changing lanes to take the next exit. "Of course he did. I didn't wait for him to play escort."

Dawn chuckled before biting her lip and turning serious. "I don't think he likes me too much. Thinks I'm leading you into trouble of some kind."

Harmony reached over to grab her hand and give it a squeeze as she looked at her with a small grin. "That's because he doesn't know what you've been through or what you've accomplished. When we get back, you two need to sit down and have a long talk, Dawnie. You need to tell him everything, make him understand. It'll all work out, you'll see."


Harmony rolled her eyes in annoyance as her father and Happy got off their bikes and strode toward where she and Dawn were sitting at a picnic table. Tig had started yelling before he even hit the brake on his motorcycle, and Happy was smirking like he enjoyed watching Tig lose it. Harmony watched in amusement as Dawn simply slid the white paper takeout bag toward the two men and continued to eat her burger. Harmony had stopped an exit up and bought dinner for the four of them, knowing the men probably didn't take time to eat before leaving.

"What the hell were you two thinking, leaving without any backup? Anything could happen!"

Harmony shook her head at her father as Happy sat down and proceeded to devour a burger. "I doubt much would happen." She pointed a french fry at him. "I know you'll find this hard to believe, but there are women who actually go places every day without an armed escort. I know, shocked me too."

Happy and Dawn snickered as Tig shot her a dirty look. Harmony just grinned as she ate a fry and took a sip of her milkshake. "You think you're fucking cute, but let me tell ya, you'd be laughing out of your ass if you two got taken, wouldn't you?"

Happy just side-eyed Tig before shaking his head and looking at Harmony. "Look, you belong to two members of the club. You just can't go off anywhere you want without protection."

Harmony glared at the club enforcer. "I belong to one, not two."

Happy just grinned and shrugged. "Then why does Opie have the kid?"

The look Harmony turned on her father would have made a Marine cower. "I don't know. Why the fuck does Opie Winston have Max? That's not who I left him with!"

Tig grimaced and flipped Happy off. "Man, for someone that doesn't talk much, you have the biggest fucking mouth!" He turned to Harmony with a smile on his face, trying to calm his now agitated daughter. "Look, we didn't see the big deal. He was holding him and wanted to know if he could take him so Mary could see Max. "

Harmony just shook her head as Dawn gave her a small smile. "He better be back with Gemma before I get home or there will be hell to pay, old man!"

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