Chapter Twenty-Two

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Happy ran a hand over his head and sat down on a crate, letting his hands hang between his widespread knees. He shook his head before looking at Dawn.

"You look good, little girl."

Dawn tilted her head. "Yeah? Well, you look like shit, Hap. Hungover?"

Happy sighed and shook his head. "Nah. Can't drink, can't eat, can't sleep... shit girl, I can't do anything without you there." He looked at his feet. "What do I have to do, Dawn? Beg? Apologize? Tell me, little girl, and I'll do it."

Dawn sighed as she leaned against the shelf behind her. "Treat me like a partner? Act like I'm old enough to know my own mind? I told you once that it didn't matter what we labeled this between us, and I meant it, but Hap... don't treat me like my opinion doesn't matter."

Happy nodded. "I don't know how to do this, little girl. I've never depended on someone else, never needed to. Then you came along and leveled me." He looked at her and her heart hurt at how exhausted he looked. It was like someone sucked the life out of him. "I don't mean to treat you like a kid, but... you're headstrong and I feel like if I don't protect you, then you won't need me for anything."

Dawn sighed as she walked over and pushed on his shoulders to get him to lean back so that she could straddle his lap. She wrapped her arms around him as his head fell to her shoulder. She felt him shudder before his arms came around her like a vice, holding her against him. "Baby, I don't need you to protect me, but for you to think that I don't need you is bullshit, Hap." She tapped on his shoulder until he lifted his head to look at her, and the look on his face took her breath away. At that moment, she knew that he loved her, even if the words never made it past his lips. "When I was at Fawn's, I'd wake up in the middle of the night, gasping for air, and put a hand out to the side, but you weren't there." She put her hands on either side of his face and let her forehead rest against his. "You're like oxygen for me, Happy. I need you like I need air to breathe, baby."

Happy leaned in and kissed her, making her feel instantly like she was home. If she had ever thought before that she loved someone, she had been wrong. She hadn't loved anyone before Happy strode into her life. When he ended the kiss, he stared into her eyes for a moment, as if looking for something. Finally, he nodded to himself and gave her a small smile. "The next time we fight, you can't just leave, little girl. We can't fix things if we aren't both in the same place."

Dawn sighed and nodded. "I know, but Hap... I was furious. I knew that if I stayed, I was going to say something that I couldn't take back. I have a temper and a mouth... " He snorted and she smacked him on top of the head. "Shut up! You should have known that going in. I'm a Trager, for God's sake."

Happy grinned and kissed her quickly. "I do know that. That's part of what draws me in, Dawn. You call me on my shit." He shrugged. "Not a lot of people have the nerve to do that, especially women."

Dawn put her arms around him and hugged him close, content that she could. Finally, she drew back and stood up. "Ok, I gotta get going. Gemma's going to want to get the shopping done before we start on the office."

Happy nodded and stood up, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked out to the main room together. Happy smirked and Dawn snickered as a cheer went up at the sight of the two wrapped around each other. Clay put his arm around Gemma as Harmony literally jumped on Opie, making Fawn laugh loudly. Clay winked at Happy as he slapped him on the shoulder.

"So does this mean that everything can go back to normal now?"

Gemma looked at Dawn and grinned. "I suppose so, as long as you guys remember who's in charge."


Gemma looked at the girls and ticked items off her list. "Ok, Dawn and I will go do the shopping. I already called the liquor order in so it should be getting here soon if you want to handle that, Fawn. Harmony and Tara, can you wrangle the croweaters and get the dorms cleaned and the laundry started?"

As everyone nodded in agreement, Gemma looked at Fawn with concern. "Fawn, you're awfully pale, sweetheart. You ok?"

Fawn nodded as Dawn stepped closer. "You haven't eaten today, have you?"

"I ate breakfast at the truck stop, remember?"

Dawn shook her head. "Yeah, but that was hours ago." She looked around before spotting who she wanted. "Half-Sack! Can you make Fawn a sandwich or something?"

Before he could answer, Bobby spoke from beside Harmony. "I got some banana muffins in the back. I'll grab her a couple and there might be some orange juice back there."

Fawn gave him a small smile as Dawn nodded. "Thanks, Bobby. I'll go get your insulin from the car before I leave." She pointed at one of the now-clean tables. "Go sit down."

Fawn did as she was told but groused the whole time. "Good lord, Dawn. You act like I'm a child. I should know better than anyone when I need to eat something."

Bobby chuckled from behind her as he sat a plate and a glass in front of her. "Yeah, but if you're anything like you used to be, you still have to be reminded. Eat up, sunshine. There's more if you want it. It's a new vegan recipe that I'm trying out."

Fawn eyed the muffins with undisguised glee as she picked one up and took a bite. She moaned around the mouthful of goodness as Dawn laughed and shook her head. "Well, apparently you're in good hands."

Bobby waved her off, never taking his eyes off of Fawn. "Yeah, yeah, she's good. Go do what you need to. Old Bobby's got her."

Fawn almost choked on her muffin as she looked up to see Bobby smirking at her.

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