Chapter Twenty-Three

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One Week Later

"Do you really have to leave?"

Fawn looked at Harmony with a lifted brow as she pouted from beside Dawn at the kitchen table. "Yes, I really have to leave. I just had a week of vacation coming."

Harmony sighed as Max cooed and giggled from Dawn's lap. "Well, how long until you can come back? I liked having both of my sisters here, and you didn't really get a chance to catch up with dad... or anyone else."

Fawn shook her head. "Don't start."

Harmony grinned as Dawn just shook her head. "I just think there's something there, ya know? How are you supposed to find out if you're in Spokane and he's here in Charming?"

Fawn looked at her younger sister from over her coffee mug and scowled. "I think the pregnancy hormones are going to your head. There's nothing going on between me and Bobby Munson. Let it go, please?"

Harmony rubbed her as-yet non-existent baby bump and frowned. She had just found out that she was pregnant a few days ago, and was still riding the new-mother high. "Is it a crime for me to want all of my family in one spot and for both of my sisters to be happy with the men they're supposed to be with?"

Fawn looked at a snickering Dawn and sighed. "She's not going to let this go, is she?" She turned back to Harmony. "Look, there's nothing between us, and we aren't supposed to be together. I've never believed in that whole, "love at first sight" bullshit. Yes, once upon a time I had a crush on him, but I was young and it was totally one-sided. He's not interested in me and I'm too old to go chasing after men."

Before Harmony can protest further, the front door opens and Opie, Tig, Happy, and Bobby come walking in, making a beeline for the coffee pot. Bobby stops beside Fawn and hands her a brown paper bag. 

"I made you some muffins for the car ride, so your sugar doesn't drop too low."

Fawn blushed a little, avoiding the triumphant look Harmony was giving her. "Thanks, Bobby. That's sweet."

Bobby shook his head and grinned at her. "It was no problem at all, sunshine. When do you think you'll be back down this way?"

Fawn shrugged as the other men came to stand around the table. "I really don't know. I only get one week of vacation a year, so it's hard to say."

Harmony spoke up as Opie sat down beside her. "I've been trying to talk her into moving down here."

Fawn shook her head as Tig voiced his agreement with his youngest daughter. "And I've told you that I can't. Where would I work? Or live?"

Harmony leaned forward. "I told you that there's a vacant storefront next door to mine. You could start your own bakery instead of working for someone else."

Fawn grinned. "You make it sound so easy."

Bobby smirked at her. "Well, sunshine, it's something to think about anyway."

Fawn just rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Yeah, and I'm sure that I'll give it plenty of thought. Now, I really need to get going."

After ten more minutes of hugs and goodbyes, Fawn finally manages to get in her car and leave. As everyone stands outside watching her car disappear, Harmony turns to Dawn and smacks her on the arm.

"You could have tried harder to persuade her! She always listens to you."

Dawn shook her head. "You should know by now that you can't persuade Fawn to do anything that she doesn't want to do. She has to make up her own mind about things." She nodded her head toward Tig and Bobby. "Why aren't you yelling at them?"

Tig started to argue but Bobby cut him off. "What did I do?"

Harmony pointed a finger in his direction. "You know that you could have tried harder to talk  her into staying."

Bobby shook his head. "She wasn't going to listen to me, Harm."

Happy spoke up from beside Dawn. "Look, she needed to go back. Let it rest. You guys ready to roll?"

Tig nodded. "Yeah, we just wanted to see Fawn off. Got a run to make. See you girls later."

After Happy and Opie kissed their respective women and Tig hugged both, they took off back to town. As the girls were cleaning up from breakfast, they heard the front door open and Gemma yell. "Hey, anybody home?"

Harmony stuck her head around the corner. "In the kitchen, Gem!"

Gemma grinned at both women as she came into sight, picking Max up from his high chair to cuddle him. "Good morning, ladies. I thought if you didn't have anything going on, we'd take a trip into Lodi, do some shopping."

Harmony looked at Dawn, who nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. Let me get Max cleaned up then we can head out."

Dawn shook her head and reached for her nephew. "I'll take him, you finish up here."

By the time she had Max changed into another outfit, Harmony and Gemma had the kitchen back to rights and were ready to take off. They heard a knock on the front door and since Dawn was the closest, she went to see who it was. She knew that it wasn't any of the club because they rarely knocked. When she opened the door, she paled a little and cursed, taking a step back.

"Shit! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Hey, Dawnie. Long time no see, huh?"

Snake Eyes (Part Two Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now