Game of Bliss(2) - Hiro x Gamer!Reader

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Ayeee so where did we left off? Ah yes, you and your team are on your way to SFIT to meet Amaya's brother. Maybe we could meet Hiro's older brother, Tadashi! Be sure to vote, share, and comment for feedback!

The video above is kind of like Amaya but different outfits. This video is just telling you how's her relationship with her brother. And simply a better demonstration on how she beats him up.


We head outside and walk our way to SFIT. All we did was talk about the tournaments we've achieved and some other facts about ourselves. Like Amaya used to play the viola, Hex wants to run a gaming company, James and Jennifer used to bot fight, and as for me? I want to make a series of my characters since I love drawing.(Technically my main goal)

"Here we are! San Fransokyo Institute of Technology!" We look at the building and wow. It's a huge environment to be a university. I look at Hiro's face, he looked surprised.

"Something wrong Hiro?" I asked.

He look back at you and nodded. "Yeah, this is where my brother attend to." My eyes widened with surprise and so was the others.

"Sweet. Maybe Amaya's brother knows him. May we meet him?" Jennifer asked as we all nodded. Hiro grabs your hand and lead the way. His hand is warm and soft. You look at Hiro which it looked like he's blushing.

We arrive at his brother's lab and open his door. I spotted a man with the same ninja cap Amaya has. He wore a white t shirt and have raven black hair. He turned around and see us. "Hey knucklehead. What brings you here to my lab?"

He ruffles Hiro's head and introduced him to us. "This is my brother, Tadashi. And these are the (T/N) I've been telling you about." We all smiled and shake his hand. Just I was about to shake his hand, Tadashi looks at me and said, "You must be (G/N). Hiro has been talking about you non stopped."

I giggle, "I hear a lot of fans talk about us all the time when I'm at a convention. Once a man tried asking my number." We both laugh and talk a lot. Hiro was standing there, a bit jealous on how he made you laugh and feel comfortable around him. I have to say. He looks cute when he pouts. Wait, I'm calling him cute again! Jeez what am I saying?

Amaya's head turn to the window and spotted her brother. She turn to us and said, "Hey guys, that's my brother over there. His name is Brenner."

We all look at the window and see him with his friend. Tadashi look at Amaya in shocked and said, "You're his sister? Gee, everyone says that he's an only child."

Amaya turn her eyes and fakes a smile. "I'll be right back." She exits the door and ran outside to him. We watch her run towards him as he was trying to run away from her.

"AHIAAA!!" Amaya screams.(Ahia - means 'older brother' in Hokkien)

"Oh crap." Brenner runs as fast as he could. Of course, Amaya outruns him and tackles him.

She knocks him down and squeeze him. I open the windows and listen to Amaya scolding him in Filipino.

(I got this reference in the video at 1:11. Also I'm going to have to translate on what she's saying because I cannot speak Filipino since I was born in Europe. Plus barely anyone understands Filipino so here it is.)


Jennifer video tapes the whole thing as we all laugh our butts off. You grab Hiro shoulders while laughing. Hiro stopped laughing and looks at you, blushing. You were shaking him while laughing till it died out. You noticed you were still clinging onto him and apologies. Amaya punches Brenner one last time and got up.

"If I see you do one more sin, I'll kill you." She glares at Brenner as he responded with a shook voice. "Yes ma'am."

She came back and took a deep breathe. "Sorry about that folks. So what did I miss?" We all look at her shocked. Tadashi then respond, "I think you and Gogo would fit perfectly as friends."

"Oh yeah. You haven't introduced the gang to them." Hiro admitted. We all went to meet 4 new people on the way to their labs. Gogo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred.

"Be right back. I'm going to get some drinks at he vending machine." Hiro runs out of the lab and so did James. Just as the two of them were gone, everyone turned to you.

"Looks like we got a new ship coming in the lane." Amaya nudges your arm. "What do you mean?"

"Face it, (Y/N). You saw Hiro's face. You and Hiro are meant to be!" Amaya shakes your arm happily. "And you and Hex are meant to be. I bet you, Amaya." You pull out 10 dollars out of your bag. "I don't want money. I just want you and Hiro be a thing." Amaya joked. Hiro and James got back with drinks in their hands and some candy.

"We're back with some drinks and some good snacks they have in the vending machine!" Hiro opens his bag of gummy bears and stuffs them in his mouth. Tadashi shakes Hiro's shoulders. "Don't eat to much, Hiro. You're going to get a stomach ache if you do."

"Worth eating for. They're delicious!" Hiro shrugged and kept stuffing his mouth with gummy bears. James hands out the drinks and snacks to everyone. Amaya got a Mountain Dew and gummy colas, Hex got just water and fruity mentos, and James & Jennifer got a Sprite Cranberry.

James and Jennifer says it in unison with a deep voice. "Want a Sprite Cranberry?" Hex facepalms. "Stop." We all laugh and chat all afternoon. Just then, Amaya's phone rang. "Oh, that's my alarm for preparing our battle tonight. We got an hour to prepare." We all stood up and get ready.

"Do they let us invite our friends to the backstage?" I asked. "Because I want to invite them as a nice gesture for their welcoming for us here." Hiro's eyes widened. "Really? If I can, I'm gonna lose my mind."

"We'll ask the staffs once we arrive. Right now let's hope for the best that we'll beat the finals." Amaya replied as we all head out Tadashi's lab.

Time skips

We arrive back at the studio and see everyone set up. Some fans also came up to you and asked for a picture. Till then, a girl walks up to you and asked, "You know that kid prodigy at SFIT, too? Are you two dating?" My eyes widened and shake my hands defensively.

"What?! Psh, no he's just a friend I met this morning." Hiro fakes a cough as Honey Lemon and Jennifer takes a picture of the two of you and whispers to each other. "This is so much better than my other OTPs." Jennifer snickers.

Just at the right time, we arrive at the stage. Hex came back with VIP passes and hand them out. "Since we'll be battling at the finals, we're able to invite our friends to the backstage and give them a tour around, too."

"That's perfect! Maybe I can get some ideas for my next bot fight." James exclaims as Hiro and Jennifer nods in agreement. "I thought you three are done with bot fights." Tadashi said.

I laugh, "Sorry guys, but if they hear you, we might get kicked out eventually." They groan and went to the backstage.

Just as we gone backstage, we see the team we'll be up against. Amaya turns to everyone and said, "Alright (T/N), this is the finals. We're going to win this tournament with everything we've got!" We all yell and pump our fists in the air.


3rd part will be the final chapter as up today. And also maybe I can add a bonus part for this series. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this and have a good day!

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