Picnic Sketch (Tadashi x reader)

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This gave me some inspiration on what I was doing the other day. And oh boy my dad's backyard is so big and great to have a bbq party or something for the summer! I hope I can put up a swing in the branch. That would be so fun!

(F/G) - Favorite genre (music)

It is a beautiful and peaceful afternoon in your backyard. You're at your parents house to spent your week before going back to your apartment and do your own thing. But things been being hectic having your younger siblings driving you crazy and teasing you for being a geeky nerd, and other personal moments by going through your phone.

I sigh in frustration and grab a few things. A sketchbook, phone, blanket, and snacks that were hid away from your siblings. I head to the back and open the door. I first hear the birds chirping and loud barking as I prepare my very own picnic under the two trees besides me. I sit down and begin to relax and go into my very own void. Playing my playlist of (F/G), sketching new character designs and inventions, and also eating some yummy snacks.

About fifteen minutes later, I was startled by the door sliding open and I see my mom calling it me. "(Y/N)! You have friends calling for you at the front. They want to be let in, should I?"

"Who are they first?" I raise a brow. "Tadashi?" Mother replied. My eyes widened. "Yes, yes! Let him in!"


"Tadashi what a surprise! to see you!" I beamed. He sets his hat down and his shoes are at the front door. "Yeah. Thought I'd stop by at your place after awhile."

"You're sweet Tadashi." I smiled as he rubs the back of his neck with the a blush. I went back to sketching and he lure over my shoulder. "That a nice sketch." I nod. "Yeah. I want to gee up my drawing skills by drawing in eye than on screen. Just want to improve my shading. That's all." I pull out my thumb to measure the object in front of me, sticking my tongue out. I feel something salty on my tongue. I turn my eyes to see him holding a chip onto my tongue. I eat it like a frog and pout a bit. "What were you planning?"

He chuckled. "Just thought you're hungry from all that practice." I put my sketchbook down, lean towards him, and gave him a peck on the lips. He kisses back no doubt till I hear a bit of rustling by a tree. I cringe and pulled out a nerf gun. I aim it at the tree and shoot up above, revealing a bucket on a branch. Once it's hit, it gets knocked down and fall behind the tree as it makes a thud.

The little sibling runs out of its hiding spot while giggling and ran off. Me and Tadashi had a good laugh as the small child runs into your lap and nuzzles its face afterwards. "(Y/N)-Chan you're so mean!" It cried. "That's what you get for trying to spy on me and Tadashi, dummy." I giggled as it pout and ran inside.

"Sorry about that Tadashi. (S/N) has been pretty much on a fit for not getting ice cream." I said. "I'm pretty sure they will make good friends with Hiro." Tadashi said. "Oh really?"

"Really." I laughed. "Very well then." I nod. Some silent comes around while sketching. I stop for a stretch and see Tadashi reading. Maybe I should draw him. I flip another page of my sketchbook and began drawing him.

He chuckles and I flinch from his rich laugh, it sent me cold shivers. "If you want to draw me, you better make it good."

"I'm trying but you moving won't do any better." I huffed. Tadashi chuckled and threw his hands up in the air. "Okay okay." He laughed.

Some time later, I finally finished and began shading and coloring his eyes and hair. I put it down and lean down for a better position. Once it's done, I lean back and sighed. "There." I huffed. Tadashi picks my sketchbook up and scratch his chin. I played with my fingers for his response. "Wow, it looks great."

"Thanks." I smiled. "Here's your reward." Tadashi takes out a small gift and puts it in my hands. I open it and my eyes sparkled. I stand up and pulled out a keychain of the Oathkeeper, one of Roxas' keyblades. "My arm is complete." I huffed out of my nostrils. Tadashi chuckled as I began walking around fighting with it. "I thought of adding cool feature to it, try to hold it out and wait for it." Tadashi instructed.

I hold it out and waited. I was techincally holding it out on how Riku summoned his keyblade to fight Anti-Aqua. The keychain suddenly expand and it appears in my hands as if it's a real oathkeeper. I scream in excitement and laugh evilly. "I am the chosen one!" I rapidly swing it around till I attempt to slide my water bottle. It gets knocked down and I jump. "This is the best gift you ever gave me. I will cherish this forever!" I beamed and tackle Tadashi to the grass as my keyblade turns back to a cute keychain.

"Glad you liked it." Tadashi breathed heavily. I giggle and kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss. I break the kiss and lay my head down onto his chest, dangling my legs above him. "I'm guessing you enjoy my company?"

"Yep. Thank you Tadashi for making my day." I beamed. "Anytime babe." He kiss me one more time and we got back in our feet. "I say we've been out enough. Wanna go inside and maybe repay your siblings some ice cream?"

"Sure, why not?" I smiled. We head back inside and repaid (S/N) some ice cream.

Oof this was a crappy ending tbh. The Roxas keyblade was just a random thought while I was outside just to let you guys know.

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now