Bookshelf - Tadashi x reader

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This was literally in my imagination of having a library scene for some reason and Tadashi might be perfect to be in it. I may have got one of the scene by the animated Beauty and the Beast movie, not the live action.

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I guess you can say I'm a bookworm in these libraries. I'm in the biggest library in San Fransokyo and it's amazing. Novels, poems, textbooks, manga, any genre of the whole world! I don't mind of getting locked in this place if I get occupied around here. I do know this place very well when I was little. My mother is a librarian and always let me read the books during her shift. Best part, I'm home schooled to keep me updated on my books till I felt bored and decide to start going out by starting highschool. I'm now 18 and still finding a university to fit in, but nothing seems to satisfy me.

Another day at the library and I was wearing something quite classy and vintage. It's more of the steampunk side by it's design. It was a white and light brown dress with books printed on the skirt like it's flying, along wearing knee high boots.

I walk in the library smelling the old vintage scent inside of the building filled with the old and new books. I wave at my mom's coworkers as I pass by them each shelf I look through. I found a ladder that seems empty and I have to get on it. It's very tall and I have to be careful climbing up. It has wheels at the bottom. I picked up a nice book at the very top of the book shelf and sat down at the ladder and began reading. I cross my legs and held onto my book leaning back against the shelf. I looked like some witch in midair to be honest. Oh boy I wish I can do that with my imagination.

I was caught off guard, startled by the movement of the ladder. I look down and see a man in a black baseball hat wearing a dark green cardigan, brown pants, mint green converses and have a brown bag. He must have been startled running into the ladder when he looked up at me. His eyes were dreamy and it looks like he saw an angel.

"May I help you with anything?" I asked closing my book.

He stuttered. "I uh- Yeah. I'm looking for some textbooks for robotics but I can't find the right shelf that have it."

He trailed off as I slide down the ladder. I hear him awe in satisfaction and I move a strand of hair behind my ear and turn around. "I think I know where that'll be. Come with me." I smiled and led him to a different book shelf.

I look around to find a ladder and hop on it. I swing my body to give me force to move the ladder to the destination I want it to be. I climb up halfway and reach over a textbook of robotics. It was far but I gladly got it. I suddenly slip off the ladder and get caught off guard falling off. I yelped but then get caught by some strong arm. I peek out of the textbook I was holding to see the man looking down at me in worry.

"You okay?"

"Oh I um- yeah. Thank you." I patted his shoulder and got back on my feet.

I handed his textbook looking down at the ground blushing in embarrassment. "Hey don't feel bad. It was an accident after all." He chuckled. "Oh where are my manners? My name is Tadashi Hamada." He hold his hand up and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you Tadashi. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I let go of his hand and put my hands behind my back. Tadashi looks nervous from him being so tensed. "So, what are you doing to do with that book in the first place anyway?"

"That? Oh just something for college."

"Really? I just graduated highschool and no clue in my future where to next." I said and Tadashi hummed. "I go to an institute of technology. I think you would fit perfectly there."

"Really? ..Do they have a library?" I trailed off. He thought of it then nodded. "They do, but not as big as this place. How did you manage to know where you're going here?"

"If you've been here everyday as a child, I have my ways." I shrugged. "Would you like me to take you to a perfect place to study?"

"Oh yes please." Tadashi grinned and I laughed mentally.

I took him to a glass room at the second floor and showed him a reserved table outdoors with the most beautiful view. He awed. "Wow, this place is incredible."

"Thanks, this place isn't very popular for people to study out here." I said as Tadashi began preparing his things to study. I would leave him be but something about him makes me wanna read him. I wonder what are his thoughts right now.

I sit at another table across him and continued reading my book. I was visualizing every word through my head. How it phase my reality to a greater void of time. I took breaks by looking out the view seeing the poeple walk past the building and hear children laughter in the air. I felt like someone is watching me and I lock my eyes onto Tadashi's. He quaked and turn back to his work. When he get caught, he would even gasp mentally and try to focus.

I would secretly glance at him while taking breaks and so did he. When we lock our eyes once again, I'd giggle and he chuckled. I finished my book just the right timing for Tadashi to finished his. "Would you like me to put it back where it belongs?"

"Thank you (Y/N)." He smiled letting me take the book out of his hands. "You know, I could do with some coffee right now. You too?"

"Do I? Well I'm more of the tea kind of person but coffee works." I shrugged. "The Lucky Cat Cafe is my personal favorite."

"Really, that's actually where I live. Well above the cafe that is. My aunt owns the shop."

"Really?! That's so cool!" I chimed then cleared my throat. I put back where the book belonged and turn to Tadashi. "So it's a date?"

He rubs his neck. "Y-yeah. Will you accept?"

"Are you serious? Of course I'll accept!" I jump with glee and hugged him. "I'll meet you there at noon. It's still early for you to be in here like at 8am." I chuckled.

"Great, I'll see you soon." He smiled.

"Yeah." I wave him off and watch him leave. My mother saw that and she smirked. "Looks like 'Miss. Independent' girl got herself a date."

"Oh stop it mom." I giggled and when back to work.

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now