(REMAKE) Like A Cat (Hiro x Criminal!Reader)

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I quickly want to apologize for not updating for over a month. Quarantine got me busy in online school. Anyways:
So I want to remake my LAC chapter, well only one and that's the encounter. Nothing special, but I did add some changes.
Inspired by Jojo part 5 to my surprise.
If the remake is successful, I will continue this saga for Like A Cat. Also Hiro is much older in this story. Probably around Tadashi's age or younger.

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(P/N) = Partners name (Gender neutral so yay!)

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"So, guess we'll be doing a mission together, kitten." Said your partner, (P/N).

   It was a cold night. You and (P/N) are doing a late night mission for your shift. Turns out, you're a 1st class spy and thief. You were transferred from Italy and the boss assign you to go to San Fransokyo with some unfinished business with a client named Sun Chin.

You wore a black leather suit with a small compartment on the thigh to store anything secretive. Over it was a black and dark grey open trench coat, both inside and outside pockets. The additional stuff were a baton, whips, smoke bombs, and other useful tools.

"I was sent to be on the behalf of my co-worker for this mission. Once this mission is done, we're done." You said. "So tell me. What's the catch?" You asked, playing with your baton. (P/N) takes out a file, revealing a picture of an amulet.

"Nothing much than a old steal in the 90's thriller." (P/n) said. You read more of the info about it. Worth tons of mansions from its rarity of its kind. You toss the file back at (P/N). "Heh. It's like taking candy from a baby. These claws can snatch that in one swift." You snickered.

The helicopter lands over the roof and you jump off. "Well good news you came." (P/N) smirked. You put on your helmet and began to walk off. "Oh and (Y/N)!" (P/N) called. You turn and caught something. It was a tracking device. You put it on your waist as (P/N) gets down and opened a good entrance to break in the museum. "Well go get them cat-lady." (P/N) said.

You open the vent and crawled in. Once you're inside, you look around to find any security guards. Luckily, there's only one. But the rest will be (P/N)'s navigation. You take every direction (P/N) tells you to till you reach to the hallway across your objective. Taking a sharp turn, you were bumped into at least five men patrolling the halls in groups.

"Freeze! We caught you red handed!" They shouted aiming their guns at you.

You smirk. "So, we're playing predators vs. prey. How fun." You take out your whip before you threw a smoke bomb in front of them.


Hiro, Baymax, and Wasabi were flying across San Fransokyo. They're going their night shift missions as a team. Till Fred called them in an instant, so they're heading their way to the exhibit.

"You're telling me that we're going to be in a robbery crime next?" Wasabi asked.

"Fred was alerted from his mother that the security locks in their exhibit is down. He messaged us that someone is planning to steal something in there. He insist we come with him." Hiro said. "Gogo, Honey Lemon are already heading where Fred's at. We'll be behind as backup."

Hiro, Baymax, and Wasabi land by a building much taller to see the museum in their sights.

Back to you

Knocking down every guard who ran past you was satisfying. Reaching to the room, the amulet was sorted along with the other amulets. Before you took any step forward, (P/N) interrupted you. "Wait (Y/N). I'm getting a heads up that Big Hero 6 have us surrounded. We also have cops on the way. We may not make it in time."

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now