Docks (Tadashi x reader)

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Mermaid AU.
Edited: forgot to add more details to it.



Tadashi was out on a field trip with his class to learn about robotics underwater. The class are objectively trying to create a power plant that will be used for research underwater. At first it was interesting— especially the myths and rumors of the mystery bottomless ocean.

There were rumors that mysterious sea creature rarely come close to shore. But once they do— it's either to be captured, blurred picture, or killed. It was scary but the chances of spotting one is very low. One story in particular was similar to the Little Mermaid. How a siren fell in love with a prince when she save him. A tragic love story indeed. But it was interesting how fishermen are trying to dig into the myth of sirens, or even other kinds of unique species for research.

It was another day after having a tour around the field trip campus. Everyone was in groups of four to figure out a way to build a robot that can swim the farthest and deepest. Tadashi was grouped up with his classmates along with Gogo and Wasabi.
"I wonder how will this go far for deeper research. Maybe we could find out if the rumors are true." One classmate said excitedly.

"Doubt that. Mermaids aren't real. It's just fantasy." Gogo said bluntly.

"Well not unless we have real proof, Fred. But who knows, they're probably just motivating us to work." Tadashi said then got up. "I'm gonna go and use the bathroom."

"Okay. Be careful about getting lost!" Wasabi shouted.

Tadashi ran to do his business till he got out. The bathroom was located outdoors and near the shore. There was a dock down the steps so Tadashi went to check it out. The dock wasn't too close to the water, mostly were big rocks around them as waves crashed towards them.

His hands were in his pockets and gazed at the endless ocean far away. Not knowing that there was someone else watching him. He feels something wet on his cheek and then again, but not from the sky. He turns to see a dark figure close to the dock.

Something— no. Someone is playing with him. He prepared himself with a small rock from the rocky hill then slowly lay on his stomach, sticking his head over the water. The shadowy figure faded away. Tadashi sat up but when he turned, he sees a head poking out of the water in front of him.

"Eep!" It squeaked. Tadashi gotten startled and was about to run off. You quickly grab him ankle and tripped. Before he could throw the rock, you exclaimed to call him down. "Wait! Wait! I just wanted to talk to you!" Said in a hurry before anything bad happen.

Tadashi calmed down a bit. "W-what are you? Aren't you supposed to get away from me?"

"You humans clearly don't know how to say 'hi, how are you.' Don't you." You said blowing your cheeks to a pout. Tadashi chuckled. "Well we don't see anything that is half human-half fish around here."
You broke into a laugh. "I guess you can say that."

You dove under then jump over next to him. Tadashi watch you leap from the water before landing, amazed by the amount of stamina to jump that high. Tadashi wipes himself from the sudden splash of water then sees you.

You tail was shiny with tainted scaled light (f/c) to dark at the tip, the fins transparent. You have very long hair that covered your chest, and shell necklaces. "What?" You interrupt Tadashi's gaze as he turned embarrassed. "Nothing. Hey, aren't you supposed to not be talking to anyone up shore?"

"Well yes. But this place just feels nice for me and my pod to stay safe from other land. One time my friend Sirius almost got caught in a fisherman's net and mistaken him as a wish granter. Can't you believe that?" You exclaimed.

You and Tadashi began your friendship through out the week. Every lunch time Tadashi would excuse himself for working on his robot, but instead he would come to the secret beach or perhaps the dock late at the evening.

The gang was become suspicious of Tadashi. But when they try to follow him, Tadashi's clever brain outsmarted them and they'll be bamboozled.

Tadashi having to outsmart them again by having someone almost dress up at him walking at a different location driving their attention away from him. As Tadashi ran down to the beach and through the ruined branches, he saw you sitting on a rock weaving another flower crown. You turn and was excited to him again, diving down and close to show.

Having your powers to transform into a human was new for you, but you did more practice and now you can pretend to be a human. As long as you are close to shore, you don't have any problems of get too dry on land.

"Tadashi you're back once again!" You cheerfully said. "Yep, just like yesterday and the day before-"

"Okay, I get it Tadashi. Here." You hand Tadashi a nice and weaved flower crown. "Thank you (Y/N). That's very kind of you." Tadashi said bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck which was his habit. Walking down around the beach, it was the usual talk. Till a question from him was lurking out of his mouth.

"Have you ever tried bringing a human in the ocean. Well you know— turning anyone to a mermaid?"

That was a bizarre question to how he phrase it. You cross your arms and tap your chin. "Supposedly so. But it's much complex than you think." You respond.

"Ah, it's not like I want to turn to one. Just curious and all." Tadashi laughed. With then, they heard a loud scream.

Turning our heads, we found Fred's head stuck out of the open and behind him was his friends.
"Tadashi you were meeting up with a girl? Wow nothing like you." Gogo said once they got out of their hiding spot.

"Guess we can't hide our secret forever. Hi— I'm (Y/N)." You bowed. Not well knowledge of greetings in the human life. But you have your observation.

"Wow hello! You look so pretty! And your necklace. It's so beautiful!" Honey Lemon gleefully said.

The more the whole group talked. The more you had fun admiring everyone's traits and hobbies. Especially all this 'technology' and such. You have your way of interest like flower crowns, exploring ruins, and even steal precious treasure from tourists. Mischievous you are indeed.

  As later it became sunset. It was a shame to see everyone go. Although the last person to be by you is Tadashi. He sat down in the sand as you make another seashell necklace. For him.

"It's a shame that you'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm gonna miss having talks with a normal human being." You said in a sour atmosphere.

Tadashi bit his lip as he look at you staring into the endless sea.
"Maybe once day I'll come back here. and reunite with you. I'll wait for ten. No- 20 years if I had to." Tadashi confessed holding your hand.

Dropping everything you were doing, you look at him with teary eyes.

"And I'll do the same and wait for you too." You wrap the necklace onto Tadashi.
Till you break the gap with arms wrapping each other's embraces with a longing kiss lingering between you. It was blissful having the sun set.

Years and years past, you would walk on the endless beach during the sun setting before you, wait for Tadashi to come back.

And many years she waited.

Till her time has come and be reunited with him again.


Sorry for the bittersweet ending. We can't change his fate ya'll T-T


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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