Don't Say Goodbye (Tadashi x reader)

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Thought of maybe making a sad songfic story. But none of them match till this one song I found. And this song.... Oh my god THIS SONG IS HEARTBREAKING!

If you watch the MV, the ending is was so sad I fricken cried. That damn twist though WHY!! It took me a hard time finding the translation of them, but I manage to find them from a live show with the true translation... I hope.

Messy a little, I know. But I might edit this soon.

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Songfic: Don't Say Goodbye - Daivichi

(I'll be using the MV version than the original audio because it have one verse I need for this one shot.)

Three years ago

  Running through the rainy streets till I stop outside of an open area. It was in front of a cafe. It's closed, but the lights are still on. I squeeze my shirt and wipe off any remaining water on my arms, legs, and bag. I watch the rain pour rigidly on the hard road till the door opens to reveal a tall man. He has such beautiful eyes, ebony raven hair.

"Hello." He said. "Hello." I muttered. The rain pours loudly sang as I get up and look at his eyes more clearly.

This is how I met Tadashi. The kind, cheerful, and optimistic man I've ever fell in love.


  It was late in the evening and you just lock your lab. Heading to Tadashi's lab, you see him at his desk, spinning his pencil. You knock at the side of his door and see him turn. Tadashi smiles at your presence. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, wait hold on a sec." Tadashi gets up and grabs his things through the drawers.

It was the first time that I saw your shaking lip

You watch him gather his things in his bag. Just admiring his displayed work all over his lab.

What words will you say?  Why are you just counting the time?

Tadashi tries to get his hat from another table but went missing till it was found on your head. Big, but cute as you try to do impressions of himself. He chuckled as you examined in front of the glass wall.

Just like the lyric that all the sad premonitions will come true

Tadashi takes his hat off your head and put it on his. You turn and pout. "I was wearing that." Tadashi smiles. "Well it doesn't fit on your head so." You turn your head away. "Hmph. I can grow."

No way. It isn't true. It won't be true. It must not be true

Tadashi grabs your hand and turn you around. You only looked at his chest, still pouting. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Will you forgive me?"

"Nope. You're gonna have to make me." You grumbled. Tadashi poured more and grabs both of my hands. "How about I make it up to you?"

You already left, even your heart and your body left

"Hmm.." I think for anything he can do to make it up. Taking my to a restaurant seems nice but I want it to be memorable. Since we haven't spent much time together for almost a week.

"There's going to be a meteor shower I need to observe for something. It's just for future project ideas. And maybe see it together." I mumbled that last part. Playing with my fingers as Tadashi smiles and said, "Alright. I'll get some blankets and maybe some drinks and have a barbecue at an open field for some quiet observing time."

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now