Orchestra - Hiro x reader

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^ For this story, I thought of this during my rehearsal. You can play any song you choose that fits the orchestra. If you don't know any song for your orchestra, then I suggest this song up above ^ This wont be only strings but also other instruments like flutes, clarinet, tuba, horn, percussion, etc.

So my school's orchestra spring concert is just in the same date of how I usually release my stories. Well technically once a week. My class will be playing Tangents with Strings & Hunger Games. We were about to play James Bond Theme song, but my classmates vote it out because it's 'too hard'. Bruh, Hunger Games is SO SLOW AND BORING! I'll show you a video for it, Maybe in my next author's note.

(F/I) - Favorite instrument

Be sure to VOTE! COMMENT! SHARE! AND FOLLOW! And don't be afraid to send requests at will!


You're rehearsing after school for an upcoming concert tomorrow. The gang can't wait to hear you play along with your friends in orchestra. It's going to be at SFIT. Can't you believe that? Unlike your relationship with Hiro, you're in middle school and he's a college prodigy. Pretty jealous that he is free from school for a year before getting in SFIT. You and him are technically prodigies in your own hand. You can play the (F/I) like a pro.

Just packing up your (F/I) and walked outside. Cars were packed at the front and students walking, biking, and riding home. I wait for Wasabi to pick me up by a pillar talking with some of my friends. Wasabi arrives with Hiro next to him and honk at my direction. "Oh that's my ride guys." I picked up my case.

"Wait, is that Hiro?" Asked by a friend.

"Huh? Yeah. My boyfriend." I replied. They drop their jaws, shocked. "He's the college prodigy everyone was talking about! Wow you're so lucky!" They whined.

"Well I gotta go home and practice. You know-"

"Yeah, yeah. Ling Ling practice 40 hours a day." They said waving their hands and I smiled and we drove off. I took a sigh and Hiro turned to me and smiled. "Hey gummy bear."

"Hey I thought I was suppose to call you that, pump-kin." I teased and we laughed. "I can't wait to hear what you're gonna play at our school." Hiro said and I beamed. "I know right! I hope Honey, Gogo, and Fred will be there."

Wasabi stops at the red light and turned to me. "Of course they'll be there. They love your music."

"Thanks Wasabi." I said and he continued driving.


It's the day of the concert. I arrive at SFIT an hour early before the concert start. I wore a long black dress and black heels. I have my instrument by me and I look at the building.

"(Y/N)! Hey!" A faint voice calls me and I turned to see Aunt Cass waving and the gang behind her. She gives me a big hug. "Ahh! So glad the concert is here. So pumped!" She squealed. She let go of me and let me hug the others.

I hugged Hiro by the side and he kisses my cheek. "You look gorgeous, my little gummy bear." Hiro said flirtatiously. I blush and giggled. "Really? You're talking to someone taller than you with these heels."

"And I'm a year older than you. Also I'm still in progress for growing development." Hiro said with a manly voice. I giggled and kissed him.

We head inside and stood by the stage. "You nervous, (Y/N)?" Hiro asked and I nodded slightly. "Don't worry. It'll take me a while to get warmed up as long as I'm camouflaged with my (F/I) in my group."

"Aw, she's nervous." Honey Lemon said. "Relax (Y/N)! You're going to do great! We know that!" She cheered.

"Hey, breathe (Y/N). You'll be fine." Hiro said. The crowd began to pile up and it's about to start. Honey Lemon took out her phone and we group up. "Okay guys, let's all say (Y/N)!" Honey Lemon said. She took the picture and we did our last hug for good luck.

Wasabi gives me a thumbs up and so did Honey. Gogo gives me one stick of chewing gum and pats my shoulder. "Don't mess this up." And walked off. Fred gives me a fist bump and he yelled out, "Music yeeeah!~" Aunt Cass gives me one more hug and lastly Hiro. "You got this (Y/N)." I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss before heading to his seat.

I head to the stage and set everything up. I helped tuning the students' instruments and they sit at their assigned seats. I talked to my friends beside me till the curtains opened, I turned and sit in silence and so did everyone. The audience claps and I can feel butterflies in my stomach looking at the crowd. It was big. Bigger than our last concert, it was in the gym. My conductor taps the microphone and welcomed them to our orchestra spring concert. She told them what we'll be playing and the effort of using our skills to this day. They clap and applause as she put the microphone away and turned to us.

She glance at everyone and raise her baton. We got into our playing position and our eyes were focused on our conductor and our piece. We begin with the pianist then the strings. It was all calm till we rise up the ranks with the drums and the trumpets. I played my part well, not missing a single note. I glance around whether I'm doing it correctly. I look at the conductor and then the crowd once I've stopped playing. I can see Honey Lemon out the crowd first then the others. Hiro was smiling and trying to find me in the (F/I) group. I continued playing and focus on my sheet. I enjoyed playing throughout the concert. It was fun and powerful. Each part I play, it'd give me good memories for everything I've done with the gang and Hiro.

We finished playing and everyone was silent for a few seconds till they jump off their seats and clap and applause loudly than before. I can hear Aunt Cass yelled, "That's my nephew in-law over there!" While hugging Hiro by the side jumping. His face was red and so was mine. Our conductor let up stand up and face to the audience. We bowed and the curtains closed. We got our instruments and left the stage. Once I got outside, it has gotten dark. Honey Lemon squeals loudly and hugs me tightly.

"We're so proud of you (Y/N)!"

"Thanks. Man I'm gonna miss playing that for awhile." I said and sigh. "Let's go fuel everyone up at a sushi bar. Dinner is on me~" Aunt Cass said musically and we cheered. "Wait, I gotta take my instrument home before we do." I said and I looked for my mom to take it home with her. She gives me a kiss goodbye and I ran to Hiro. I held hands with him and we head to the sushi bar. Plates of sushi were moving in front of us and we picked out what we want. I ordered some appetizers for everyone and we have a good time talking and eating. Honey Lemon showed me the video she took while I was playing. It was great and I have to show her what I took during rehearsal and practice.

My friends were talking non-stop about the piece and the tempo. The piece was quite long but I'm glad we made it through that piece for the concert. Besides, I enjoy listening to it.

I hope I can play this song again.

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now