After school (Tadashi x reader)

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Apologize for the wait! School season ya know.

Both of you are in highschool, along with Hiro being around ten or over in his school year. Of course. Though of changing some things for the school aince it's both concept of America and Japan, so yeah.

Oh by the way, I am alternating some the GOB gang to be in it. Since they're official characters.

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"(Y/N)! We're going to leave without you!" Jennifer yelled out your house. "Okay! Okay! Bye mom!" I get my shoes and bag then get out the house. "Good morning Jennifer, Amaya."

"Good morning." They say simultaneously. Jennifer looked like some fashionista as Amaya looked quite athletic.
We walk our way to school talking about our schedules. Me and Amaya have Science, language arts, and (elective).

While Jennifer and I have PE and language arts. "We will all meet together in lunch and language arts, I guess."

"Yep." Jennifer replied popping the p. We finally arrive at school and we exchange our outdoor shoes to our school leather shoes. My homeroom starts with history, so I said my goodbyes to Amaya and Jennifer and head to homeroom.

Sitting down, the tables were in rows, and does contain computers in them. I sit at the ends to the wall, because they have an outlet for my phone so that's good. A guy  walks up to me and waved a good morning to me. I look up and notice it's Tadashi, my childhood best friend and crush.

"Tadashi! What a surprise to see you." I smiled. "Yeah, it is. Can I sit with you?" He rubs his neck, bashful. I nodded. "Absolutely. I'm not going to be sitting to any bad snakes with me." I joked.

Class begins with an introduction and all we did is talk about our objectives and our upcoming events. Most of our spare time is just going on your phone or talk silently. I have a lot of my time spent mainly on Tadashi. He's been telling me how Hiro was planning to try run for student council on his freshman year and stuff like that.

"That Hiro is still smart as always." I said with a chuckle. "By the way, what college you might be going to in the future?" I asked. Out of curiosity and want to go to the same school as he is since you two are nerds. "I'm not quite sure yet. But I am planning on going to a university in the city." Tadashi answered.

"Ah, I expect you to go to Havard or something." I laughed. "Havard is hard to apply and not always the easiest. But maybe Hiro will take up the challenge for that. If he's ever going there."

"Right, right." I nodded. The conversation ends and we kept quiet once the teacher is done. Meanwhile I was imagining how is like being in college. Me and Tadashi will get good grades, have fun, make friends, and graduate! Nothing can stop us now! I mentally laugh in the inside till I began to die out of laughter into crying. Thank god I'm not bawling out of the tears or I might get all eyes on me for being emotional.

Class ends and we head to our next period. On and on till it was lunch.

Amaya and Jennifer were eating by the widow close to the outdoor eating and I sit next to Jennifer. "So~ how was it?" Amaya asked. "It was good. I got Tadashi in my homeroom and we shared our schedule. Turns out he's in our PE and math."

"That's great! We should try find Hiro and Tadashi soon. They might need to know we're here."

"Right." I scheme through the crowd and I notice that Tadashi was talking to Wasabi. Wasabi was a little thinner and he was wearing a vest that is dark grey. I wave at them and they fill in the remaining seats.

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now