four : thank god it's friday

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tyler woke in a white room with a white door, but the bed underneath him wasn't as comfortable as the one he had in his room.

confusion settled in him and he tried this time to see if he could move his hand. he could. then he tried his lips and it moved too, though it was dry, cracked and painful.


was that a whisper? he couldn't tell but he hoped someone heard. he wanted water. needed water.

where was he? was this a hospital? it could only explain the smell of drugs and syringes. it might've sounded stupid to a third party but tyler had been to a hospital enough times to catch on the smell syringes. just like a doctor would know the smell of blood.


then there was a disruption in the pure white room. it was a brown. a max. he wore khaki tight pants and chequered black and white shirt. even though he looked refreshed, tyler still thought he looked ugly.

"water" tyler hoped his voice wasn't a whisper. it proved not to be when max rushed out and came back with a bottle of water, tilting and pressing it to tyler's lips. the cap of bottle burned tyler's lips a bit but he didn't mind, could barely feel it.

"you okay?" max looked worried, like how he did when he answered the call that day and got the news about his parents.

"yeah" tyler cleared his throat, "i'm fine" he was slowly sitting up, even though he felt a bit weak and swallowing hurt hit throat.

"scared me a bit back then, man. what'd you do to yourself?" max had decided to cut to the chase and ask the question.

"what?" but even tyler didn't know the answer. matter of fact, he didn't even know why he was in the hospital and was going to ask his brother.

"wait, you don't remember?" max was a bit worried now because wasn't tyler supposed to remember? the doctor told him it was nothing serious though so he didn't bother too much.

"remember what?"

"dude, i was gonna call you down for a late dinner yesterday because i got home really late but when i got to the room, i saw you staring at the ceiling and your neck was craned in this awkward way it wasn't supposed to be and i think you were crying. your eyes were a bit sunken and your left hand was digging deep into your stomach while the other one was, well, your fingers were pressing into your palm and they were drawing blood. i screamed your name a lot but you weren't responding, dude. i freaked out and got madison and we drove down to the hospital. the doctor said you were having a mild seizure and you'd be okay in the morning so madison and i took shifts. she's home now but she'll be here soon." max explained even though tyler had to admit, he didn't listen to half of what his brother said.

"what day is it?" he asked hoarsely, pushing his fingers through his head. there were wires connected to his arm and he hated that. it restricted him.


"shouldn't she be in school?" not because he cared about her education, but because he was scared to see her with those haunting eyes that looked exactly like his mother's and that glare that read, 'i blame you for everything'

"doesn't seem like she cares" max tried to lighten up the mood by cracking a joke but tyler wasn't laughing.

"when can i leave?" he asked, already sick of the white and max's awful shade of brown.

"soon as the doctor sees you"

the atmosphere immediately became tense as max said those words. tyler nodded, pretending he was okay. he probably would've been if his mother were here but she wasn't. it wouldn't have been much of a big deal. except for one thing though,

tyler hated doctors.

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