twenty-two : waging my wars behind my face and above my throat.

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tyler had never been as bored as he was working in the library. he understood that people loved books, and at a time he did too but he couldn't help almost falling asleep on the job.

there were only five people in the library that morning, seeing as most were in school and the place was really quiet. tyler wasn't allowed to use his phone on the job so all he had to do was watch the people who came in, went out or borrowed books and take record of them.

it was like a stalker job but more legal.

"it's good for you to make friends" max advised after he'd dropped tyler off that morning, ruffling his little brothers head and smiling softly.

"i've got josh" tyler reminded as if it were a thing that should've been known. a fine line that shouldn't have been crossed. as if tyler shouldn't have had any friends.

"yeah but you need more than one friend, ty" max smiled encouragingly.

"i've got josh" tyler says again, daring max to speak with that flare in his eyes.

max cleared his throat and backed away a bit, "alright. have fun at work" without as much as a goodbye, he drove off.

tyler scoffed into his hands. as if fun and work mixed. a footstep echoed in the quiet library. looking up, tyler came face to face with a teenager with black hair held up in a quiff.

he walked over to the counter where tyler was and stared at tyler. tyler stared back and gulped.

"w-welcome to marble city library. how may i help you? are you here to return a borrowed book? o-or read or borrow a book?" tyler said it. he said exactly what the old lady ms hathaway had told him to.

she was the main worker in the library but upon tyler's hiring, she went on a small vacation.

"i'm just here to browse through the books. i just might borrow though" smooth voice but not as smooth as josh's, tyler found himself comparing.

"alright. let me just write down-" tyler tried to reach for his pen but he clumsily let it slip from his fingers, hurriedly bending to pick it and bumping his head on the counter on the way. a small groan left his lips.

"are you okay?" the boy asked and tyler nodded. his head hurt a bit but he was definitely okay.

he positioned the pen on the paper but a blush dusted across his cheek when he realized he didn't know the customers name.

"sorry i" tyler swallowed, clearing his throat and maintaining his demeanor, "can i get your name?"

the stranger smiled and said,

"i'm brendon. brendon urie"

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