eight : thunderstorms, cloud snow and a slight drizzle

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it was raining by the time tyler woke up and instead of feeling the moisture of soil, he felt the softness of his bed. confused. tyler always woke up confused.

a groan and a cough left his lips almost at the same time. his throat was dry and he felt cold. he noticed someone sitting by his window sill, looking out at the pouring rain.


"what am i doing here?" tyler wasn't sure if he startled her because she looked deep in thought but she didn't flinch, turning her eyes to him.

"max drove over to the cemetery and picked you up" she spoke monotonously, looking back out at the window.

"okay" tyler rested his head on his hands and stared at the ceiling again. it was quiet, just the sound of rain hitting glass and the wind blowing.

"you know, you're gonna have to stop sometime" madison spoke again, looking at tyler with red eyes.

"what?" tyler asked, confused as always.

"this toxic life you're living, you're gonna have to stop sometime, tyler. we're tired of picking up after your shit. mom and dad died a long time ago, we're all over it. you should be too. stop throwing this pity party and making max worry. he's already got so much on his hands. we all know it's your fault, okay? and we've forgiven you. no need to go about pretending to be sad just for attention. the other day, you made me cry in front of my friends. do you know how embarrassing that was?" each word was laced with venom. each word was a stab to tyler's heart.

so this was it? what she thought he was? an attention seeker. alright, okay. that's - that's fine.

tyler swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, making as if to speak but stopping himself, shaking his head and smiling a bit.

a wheeze-like laugh left his lips and before he knew it, he was full on laughing, laughing to hide the pain, to stop himself from crying.

"get out of my room, madison" his voice broke at the pronunciation of her name.

"only the truth hurts, tyler" she threw a mocking smile in his direction as she closed the door behind her.

the truth, the truth, the truth.

tyler wished he knew the full truth.

he never did go downstairs that day, only once to feed cheetah and grab a glass of water. other than that, he laid on his bed all day and stared at the ceiling through his eyelids with his eyes closed.

tyler realised something as he spent hours laying in the same position.

he realized he wished he was dead.

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