twenty-nine : something you won't forget

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"he's not answering" tyler whispers with worry swimming in his eyes.

"we should just go over there" max offers, equally as worried and running his fingers through his disheveled hair. he hadn't been able to get any sleep the past two days ever since tyler notified him that josh had neither come out of his house nor answered his phone for two days.

"josh told me never to come over to his house" tyler was pacing and trying to get to josh. the number was switched off.

"we gotta see if he's okay, ty" max tells him with that determined look in his eyes. tyler nodded. he needed to see if his best friend was okay. the suspense was killing him.

a few minutes later, max and tyler had walked across the street to josh's house, with max pouding on the door. the door was locked and they could hear loud music coming from inside the house.

tyler had a bad feeling in his gut, like time was running out. desperate for a way to get in, he noticed a tiny ladder leading to a window. he signalled max and with little effort, boosted himself up on the ladder.

climbing, tyler then fumbled with the window and pulled it open, allowing the loud music to escape outside. what tyler saw was so shocking, he had to immediately whip out his phone and record it.

josh's limp body was lying on his stomach on a bed and a man who looked years older was pounding into him, not even noticing that tyler had yanked open the window and was recording.

"dad, stop, please" josh croaked out weakly, attempting to push his dad off him but all he could do was raise his hand weakly.

"shut up, boy. you're a faggot, right? this is what you like, right? take me, take all of me." mark grunted disgustingly, pounding into josh. there was blood everywhere.

tyler stopped recording and immediately jumped in, using all of his strength to push mark off josh. mark was a big guy but tyler was angry.

"how fucking dare you?" tyler asked as he shoved him to the ground and punched him with every word. mark groaned and attempted to stand up but tyler kicked him in his bare crotch. twice.

"fuck you" he spat at mark, hoisting josh on his shoulder out of the room and downstairs to the living room. after the front door was unlocked, he immediately yelled to max, "i've got him let's go"

while they ran across the road to their street, tyler heard mark yell, "fine. take him. i don't want him anyway."

when they reached home, tyler laid josh on his bed and and began to clean him up. it took him only a few minutes to realize.

josh wasn't breathing.

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