eighteen : my writer just hates the clock

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josh came back with more bruises on monday. he skipped school and found himself on tyler's bed, the young boy rocking him back and forth as josh cried into his shoulder.

tyler had become a coping method but it was okay because josh had  become one too.

his left eye was swollen and his ribs hurt so tyler laid him down and fetched some ice and pain relievers, talking care of him before shuffling josh into his arms and falling asleep with him.

tyler woke up to max calling his name. typical.

“um, maddie and i are going out for a few. you okay on your own?” max asked, eyes deliberately avoiding a sleeping josh on tyler's bed. tyler never let anyone on his bed other than cheetah and now this?

“uh, yeah.” tyler muttered back, too scared to meet max's gaze for some unknown reason.

“there's food in the fridge and money on the counter. have fun” and max was gone but josh was awake.

“hello” tyler heard him say and he couldn't help but smile. of course that'd be the first thing he'd say after just waking up.

“hi” tyler said back and for some reason, his lips stretched into a really wide smile because josh had cute bed head.

“your smile is beautiful” josh complimented, seemingly unaware of his hair looking like a bird's nest and not in an attractive way but it was fine. it was beautiful nonetheless to tyler because it was josh.

and then tyler was blushing, turning away because he didn't want josh to see his cheeks redden. it wasn't like him, it was foreign.

“c'mere” josh gestured towards himself. tyler didn't know what they were as he clambered into josh's arms. they'd been cuddling and smiling and blushing at each other ever since that day at the cliff and it made tyler feel connected to josh, as if he'd known him a long time. maybe he was crazy, but there was just no awkwardness between them and tyler was usually so awkward.

“do you wanna watch a movie?” tyler suggested.

“i wanna watch you and not move” josh flirted and laughed it off, not understanding how words like that made tyler's heart go into loops like a rollercoaster coaster, “but i'll do whatever you wanna. c'mon”

climbing off the bed and not even bothering to dress decently, tyler and josh went downstairs. josh was going to have to go home soon since 'school' got off in an hour but at the moment, he and tyler relaxed on the couch with microwaved lasagna and red bull in their hands, with pitch perfect playing in the back ground.

they weren't really watching it, more like watching each other but they found, that was more interesting.

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