Chapter 2

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When we pulled up I got out, grabbed my purse & we walked in. Everybody was staring as always & after looking for a minute everybody spoke "Hey Indy, Hey Marie, Happy Birthday" everybody said, but I didn't see O. "Thanks y'all, where's O.?" I asked. "He in the back shittin' " T said laughing. (T worked in the tattoo shop). I walked in the back & knocked on the bathroom door and he yelled "who the fuck is it". "It's me daddy" I said low enough so only he would here. He opened the door and pulled me in. "Happy birthday baby" he said kissing me. "Thank you, why you sitting in here.?" I asked with a confused face because I didn't smell no shit & he was fully dressed. "I was on the phone shorty mind yo business" he said staring at me. "Yeah ok boy get fucked up" I responded. "I'm a grown ass man watch yo mouth" he said grabbing my neck pushing me against the sink. I looked him in his eyes and said "show me then". We kissed and I knew he was getting turned on because he was choking me harder and I loved that shit. "Fuck me daddy" I moaned quietly. He took my dress off and put me on the sink and started rubbing my pussy. He whispered "you get so wet for daddy". I wanted to piss him off so he could fuck me already and hard at that. So I whispered "you & everybody else" he choked me hard and pushed it in and said "what bitch".
"Aaaahhhhh fuccckkkk daddy" I moaned throwing my head back hitting the glass.
"Yoooooo" Marie said banging on the door "9-1-1 bitch he pulled up fast" she continued. We knew it was my brother & I was pissed. O looked at me and laughed "I'll see you tonight" he said fixing himself and thanking Marie on the way out. She came in and locked the door.

Marie POV

"Aaaaaahhhhh fucckkkk daddy" I heard my bestie moan as I was about to beat this door in. To bad it gotta end bman would blow this whole shop up with everybody in it. I heard his music from the corner and knew I had to get them. "Yooooooooo" I said banging on the door. "9-1-1 bitch he pulled up fast" I said before they could respond still banging. A couple seconds later O walked out thanking me walking to the front. India was sitting on the sink naked pouting. "Aha bitch get yourself together and come out" I said laughing at her leaving out the bathroom. When I got in the front everybody was sitting around talking and laughing but O & bman looked like they were having a serious conversation. O was FINEEEE especially for a white boy. He was 26, 6'2 he had a lot of hair that was usually in a ponytail, he had grillz, tattoos everywhere with like 3 small ones on his face. They fit him though plus he had a nice body. I wanted to see what all the hype was about but I could never hurt my best friend knowing she was feeling him. He looked over at me and I looked away fast and he kinda screw faced me. A few minutes later India walked out and Bman grabbed her and choked her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU HUH" he said his eyes were black and I wanted to help but we all knew to mind our business especially when it came to them fighting. "Get the fuck off me" she managed to get out. He let go and she fell gasping for air. "What the fuck is you talking about anyway bitch" she said. O got up and walked to the back and I followed.

  India POV

   "What the fuck is you talking about anyway bitch" I said holding my neck. I chose not to fight back because I didn't wanna ruin my day early. I seen O leave out and Marie follow but I didn't think anything of it. "You been on the same job for a whole 2 months. Get it the fuck done I'm tired of waiting. You wanted in right pull yo weight or get the fuck out." He said walking away pissed. He stopped and looked at my "Oh happy birthday sis I love you too my bad for that." He said leaving out. "Fuck you, bipolar mf" I said to myself. Marie and O came from the back he looked pissed and she was looking a little pissed too but I didn't say shit. I ignored him and asked her was she ready to go.

I had just dropped Marie off and was calling juju to see what he was doing so I could finally handle this shit for my brother.

"Wassup fat daddy" I said

"Shit cooling with the boys, what you on baby" he said

"I mean I was tranna come suck you up, who all over there.?" I asked trying to see how much back up we was gone need.

"Same 4 dick heads that's always here, come over baby I need that" he said breathing all hard with his fat ass

"Give me 20 minutes" I said then hung up.

Shit was about to get real

**The girl in the picture above is Marie**

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