Chapter 32

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Me & Derick fucked every time we seen each other but we kept our relationship on the low. It didn't matter because my brother was fucking London anyways and today was the day shit hit the fan. O came back with the kids today and everybody was getting together for a kid friendly party.

"How was they" I asked O

"Mal is Mal, Everybody else was good" he said.

"Always" I said.

"Mommy we going to a party" Jamar asked

"Yes so get dressed" I said

After everybody got dressed we all left and met at the beach. It was already full.

"Listen if y'all want to go in the water make sure me or any Adult is around" I said to them as the ran off. O put his arm around me and we walked to Derick, London, B, Ashley, Terrence and Brandi.

"Hey guys" I said as we approached them. Everybody spoke and it got quiet for a second.

"This is O, my baby father and boyfriend" I said "O this is Derick and his wife London and this is Terrence and his fiancé Brandi"

"Nice to meet y'all" he said shaking everybody hand

"Us men need to go talk business so we'll be back" Derick said noticing Brandi was staring at O like she wanted him. They walked away and I grabbed him kissing him making sure she seen.

"I'll kill you if you ever attempt to try anything with him" I said turning and looking at Brandi

"What" she said sipping her drink

"I seen how you was looking at him and yes he's fine who wouldn't want him but he's MINE" I said. She just looked at me for a second before she started talking

"I look at you like a sister you know that right? I would never. He's cute I can look" she said

"Don't look to hard" I said grabbing a drink.

We all went and sat by the water and watched the kids in the water. I noticed Mal and Damar starting to fight which was normal but I knew I shouldn't have trusted them in the water fighting. I seen Damar punch her as hard as he could and when she fell he jumped on her and held her under the water screaming "IM TIRED OF YOU BEING MEAN". I ran and grabbed him and B was right behind me grabbing Mal making sure she was ok.

"Boy what the fuck is wrong with you" I yelled. Before he could respond B punched him in his chest and he started crying. I looked at B and hit him so hard he stumbled.

"What the fuck was that for" he said holding his busted lip

"Don't you ever hit my fucking son like that" I yelled

"THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HOT GIRLS, I don't give a fuck what she did you don't hit your sister and try to drown her" he said to Damar

"Cut the shit, BOTH OF YALL" I said and let them continue to play. I walked back to the girls and took 2 shots

"I don't see how you do it" Brandi said. I didn't say anything.

When it was time to leave the car ride home was quiet. I put Aaliyah and Mal in the shower with me and showed them how to properly clean themselves. When we got out I made the boys shower and let them play the game with O.

"India I need to talk to you" B said

"What" I said walking in his room

"You still seeing Derick?" He said

"Why" I asked

"End it now! Aren't you with O" he said

"Mind your business ain't you with Ashley and still fucking London" I said walking out. When I went downstairs all the kids were sleep and O was just staring at the TV

"What's on your mind" I asked sitting on his lap

"You know I love you right" he said putting his arm around my waste and one on my leg

"Yes and I love you too" I said kissing him on his cheek

"I met someone while I was away" he said. I got up

"What" I said

"I didn't mean to cheat on you, we were finally doing so good I'm happy with you but it's something about her I just can't let go, she reminds me so much of you" he said trying to grab me hand

"Well she's not me Omarion and the fact that you letting a bitch that you just met come between us says a lot. Why can't I just be enough for you for once. I thought I was bad but got damn it seems like every time I feel like we're getting somewhere you fuck it up" I said starting to cry

"You are enough"

"Obviously not if you keep cheating" I said



"What about my daughter India" he said

"That's my daughter, you can make another one with your little girlfriend now go" I said pushing him to the door

"I don't know what I was thinking I'll call her and end it right now" he said grabbing his phone

"O if you're not happy with me then I'm not gonna force you to be with me. Be with whoever makes you happy. I'm not gonna keep your daughter from you, just know that's fucked up" I said. He didn't say anything and I left and went upstairs and closed me door. I sat on the bed and turned the TV on trying to distract myself and not cry but it didn't work. I loved O more than anybody knew. I started crying and I got so mad I started breaking shit. I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning B & O both spoke to me but I didn't say anything. I didn't even noticed I cut my leg with I was breaking stuff.

"What happened" O said walking up to me trying to stop the cut on my leg from bleeding. I ignored him and made all the kids some cereal.

"Come eat" I said to them

"India can you stop so I can help you" he said grabbing my leg. I snatched my leg away from him

"I don't need your fucking help if I gave a fuck about it I would have handled it myself" I said walking away.

I went and took a shower ignoring the pain from my leg. When I got out it was still dripping blood but I did nothing. I got dressed and went downstairs and told the kids to get dressed. While they got dressed I packed some snacks and a change of clothes for them.

"India sit the fuck down and let me wrap your leg up" B said. I ignored him and waited for the kids

"INDIA" he yelled

"WHAT" I yelled back at him

"What's your problem and where the fuck is you going" he said looking at the bags

The kids came back down dressed and ready to go

"To the beach" I said

"With your leg like that" he said

"I'm sure we'll pass a hospital" I said walking out. We went to the hospital then went to the beach and I just laid their and relaxed all day. It was 8 o'clock at night when we left and I when I got home I cooked for B and the kids. O came down.

"It smell good in here" he said and Aaliyah smiled at him. Everybody sat at the table while I made plates and I gave everybody a plate except myself and O.

He just laughed.

"Really" he said to me

"You got a bitch that can cook for you" I said walking out

"Here" Aaliyah said holding a piece of chicken to his mouth.

"You good babygirl you eat it daddy ok" he said kissing her forehead.

"Did mommy eat today" B asked the kids

"No" Mal said. B came and gave me his plate.

"Eat it" he said as he walked away. I didn't touch the plate. I couldn't eat I was still poised about what happened. I was hurt

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