Chapter 14

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"We killed you so how the fuck is you here, you a ghost or some shit" O said grabbing his gun and screwing the silencer on

"Aye put that shit up and let her explain" B said

"Nah I'm a keep my shit out nigga" O said giving my brother that look

"Get to talking, why did you leave us" I said with an attitude

"Why are you pregnant, what happened to you" she said avoiding my question

"You are in no position where asking any fucking questions and you are what happened to me how the fuck you think we was gone turn out? Y'all left us then came back to kill us and now you wanna be here giving hugs and kisses? That's not how shit works you got 30 seconds to start talking before I take this gun and kill you myself" I said getting loud with her

"You don't have it in you" she said

"You wanna fucking see" I said grabbing the gun and pointing it at her head

"Then shoot" she said walking towards it

"Ok" I said and just as I pulled the trigger O grabbed my arm and the bullet missed her


"What's going on in here" the nurse asked

"My bad that was an accident" O said smiling at her licking his lips. She smiled and walked out


"I'm not the little girl you used to know and you're not my mother anymore so when I tell you to do something you do it." I said

"India chill out & Joy get to talking before you piss me off deadass" B said. We sat and waited.

"We left to protect y'all. You're father was in trouble with some bad people and they threatened to kill y'all. They had one of our addresses and they told us that it was us or y'all and they wouldn't stop until they had y'all. So when they took us they had us locked up for a year and a half and when we finally escaped we decided to just let you two be. We didn't want to put you in any danger, we wanted to you have good lives" she said

"You still not fucking explaining how, why, if you dead, how are you here, why you back now" I asked

"Because you killed my sister and your father. After a year of being free we started arguing and fighting because I thought he was cheating. And your best friend asked us did we want to make some "big money" and after I told her we split she asked for him so I gave her the number and she reached out to him and offered 5 million for us to get y'all and kill y'all. Obviously I wasn't going to do that which caused us to have the fight that made us stop talking completely. I found out he was fucking my twin sister and that they were together and going was going to kill y'all so I tried to find y'all first but I couldn't. I didn't stop looking though my friend, the man that was following you had been helping me find y'all and that's how I knew y'all was here. I can't go back and change the past but we can have a better future. I just want my babies back" she said starting to cry

"I don't want you in my life, for a second though I did I was happy to find you but after hearing that you could have came back for us but you chose not to knowing we didn't have anybody is fucked up." I said rolling my eyes

"I'm with whatever my sis with. You gotta go" b said

"I gave you 2 life and this is how you treat me? I need you to right now I don't have anywhere to go" She yelled

"A fucked up life, if y'all would have came back our life would have been so much better, but no we had to steal just to eat. We didn't have anywhere to go either." B said

"I'm sorry" she said

"We get that but that don't mean you can just come back and force us to forgive you" B said

"Well it was nice seeing you to again" she said as she walked out.

"Why you staring at me" I said to O.

"I can't look at you" he said smiling and licking his lips. I just smiled at him

"Come sit on daddy lap" he said patting his lap

"Uh no how about daddy take me to get something to eat" I said

"We out nigga, don't die tonight either" O said as we walked out. We went and got some McDonald's it was late and we had stopped at O house. He kept touching me and I eventually gave in. Right after we finished fucking, Mell was texting me.

LOML 😩❤️💍: Where the fuck you at

ME: I'm on my way now relax

LOML 😩❤️💍: it's almost 3 in the fucking morning who the fuck is you with

ME: Mell I'm grown as hell watch who the fuck you talking to and remember you live in my muthafuckin house I pay every bill in that bitch I come and go as I fucking please

LOML 😩❤️💍: you got 30 minutes to get to the fucking house and I mean that India.

I was gonna leave but he had me fucked up. I went and got showered and put on a pair of his new underwear with one of his white t-shirts and basketball shorts. After about 45 minutes I had him drop me off. When I got to the house Mell was waiting up for me.
"What the fuck did I tell you bitch" he said getting in my face
"I don't know if you had to much to drink or what but watch yo fucking mouth" I said pushing him. He hit me to hard I fell. Did this nigga really just put his hands on me? I got up and hit his ass back and we started fighting. He dragged me to the bathroom by my hair and made me look at what he did for me.
"See I had a nice night planned for you but you just had to fuck it up" he said pushing my head under the water and holding me there for a minute. When he let me up I wasn't even going to argue or fight with him. I grabbed my gun and shot him 3 times.

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