Chapter 13

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I woke up in a hospital room and I seen Trey when I first woke up.
"Where's my mom" I asked
"You should rest India, your brother and O are on there way back" He said making me sound crazy
"No, you don't understand I seen my mother, there was a man following me he asked for my name then my mom came, I'm not crazy" I said getting pissed
"India your mother is dead" Trey said. I broke down crying, remembering watching her die in front of me but I knew I wasn't tripping. Or was I?
"SHE CANT BE I SEEN HER, I KNOW WHAT I SAW" I yelled at him as my brother and O ran in the room.
"What happened"
Moms alive" I said
"She think she saw her" Trey said
"Trey do you wanna fucking fight or something stop playing with me like I'm bitch or something I will kill you in this fucking hospital" I said
"Explain what happened" O said
"What he doing here though" B asked
"Pissing me off obviously, I was grocery shopping I was walking around the store and noticed this white man following me and I asked him wtf was he on and he just kept asking my name. So I told him and I told him that if he tried anything I would kill him. Then I heard my MOTHER say "india is that really you" and I turned around and looked her in the eye. I knew it was her. I'm not tripping." I said getting emotional.
"You gotta understand how this don't make since though Indy. I'm not saying you crazy or anything but we killed her" he said low enough for only us to hear.
"It doesn't make since to me either but y'all don't have to believe me I'll find her on my own. Anyway what's going on with Mell" I asked
"We been watching the spot we think we at so we know how to go in" B said
"You good though?" O asked rubbing my hand
"Yeah I'm ready to go" I said getting up
"Um no not until they said you good to go" B said. We waited for another 45 minutes and the doctor came in.
"Ms. Johnson" he said waking me up
"Yes" I said
"You're good to go" he said walking away
"Hey can I talk to you for a second" I asked
"Of course, what can I help you with" he asked
"Alone" I said looking at the boys signaling them to leave. My door was a fine ass white boy, he was tall with short black hair and a beautiful smile. He was skinny though.
"You married" I asked
"No" he said smiling
"Kids?" I said standing up and taking my gown off revealing my naked body
"Uh n-no" he said staring at me. I bent over and picked the gown up and sat it on the bed and gave him my number.
"You gonna use it.? Right.?" I asked
"Of course" he said watching me get dressed. I opened the door and we walked out.
"Thank you" I said walking towards the boys.
"Ready" they asked
"Let's go" I said


When I got home I showered and laid down. I tried calling Mell just because and got no answer. I was scrolling through my contacts and had so many save number and didn't know who any of them was. So I decided to just call O.
"Hey" I said when he answered
"Wassup ma you good?" He asked
"Yeah just need something to do" I said
"Come over" he said
"Alright" I said then hung up. I put on some leggings and a tank top and went over. When I got there all we did was chill and watch movies. He had laid down and I climbed on top of him and laid on him.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked wrapping his arms around me.
"Yes, do you forgive me?" I asked him
"Yeah, I just wish you was still mine" he said
"Ain't nobody ever gone take me from you" I said
"Right because I'll kill em" he said
"Yeah yeah go to sleep" I said as I fell asleep

It's been 2 months. My pregnancy is going fine, my babygirl is healthy and active. I'm almost 6 months. They finally found the spot they had Mell & was putting the plan in motion tonight. My brother and O was back in NY to help. I've been spending all my time with Trey and getting him to help me find whoever was in the store. My birthday was slowly approaching and I wanted to party but I couldn't. So I was hoping to spend it with my man. It's been weird lately I've been getting private calls from some bitch talking about she know I killed Marie. All I was waiting for is for her to tell me what she wanted and where she wanted to meet up so I could kill her too. But anyway I was hungry asl.

Me: Bring me some food please 😩

Trey❤️: Pizza?

Me: And fries please

Trey: ok babygirl

Me: thank you daddy

About 45 minutes later he was at the door with my food. He knew he couldn't stay because I didn't know when the boys would be back. I ate and laid down then I heard somebody banging on my door.
"WHO IS IT" I yelled
"US" I heard O yell back. I was excited. I opened the door and seen Mell and O. They were covered in blood and I was so happy to see him I didn't even notice.
"We gotta go" O said
"What happened" I said
"It's your brother, they don't think he's gonna make it" Mell said
"We don't need you to stress about it though, it's bad for the baby" O said
"What the fuck happened" I asked crying
"It's a long story, we'll talk about it later. I noticed Mell face was bruised bad and he had a cut above his eyebrow and when I hugged him I could tell he was hurting
"You need to be in the hospital too and make sure your ok" I said staring at him
"I'm fine" he said not looking at me
"No you're not and I'm not asking you when we get in this hospital you're getting checked out" I said
"What we having" he asked looking at me finally and rubbing my belly
"A girl" I said looking down putting my hand over his. When we got to the hospital Mell got his own room and was getting checked out and we waited because they said my brother was still in surgery. After about a hour of waiting Jade came in and I just felt somebody rubbing my stomach. I picked my head up and opened my eyes and jumped up to hug her.
"Oh my god look at youuu" she said hugging me
"Look at yall, everybody so grown, wow" I said smiling to hard
"How far along are you" she asked still rubbing my stomach
"I'm almost 6 months" I said
"Awe Congratulations girl" she said
"Who is he" she asked
"Last we heard he was still in surgery" I said. Mell came out and sat next to me and grabbed my hand.
"How you feeling" he asked
" Impatient " I said
"You hungry or thirsty, want me to massage them sexy feet" he asked
"Who is this?" Jade asked looking at Mell
"No I'm ok baby, and this is my boyfriend/ baby father" I said answering them both. We waited for what seemed like hours the visiting room was empty and they was trying to tell us we had to leave but me and O stayed. Mell had to go home and Jade had to go with the kids. I had my head laying on O shoulder and a nurse came in and told us he was finally awake and that we could see him. When we walked in the room O started crying and so did my brother which made me cry.
"Ay man I thought I lost you for a minute" O said hugging him
"Get outta here with all that emotional shit man" B said wiping his tears and laughing. I was still crying, now I see how he felt when he thought he lost me. My brother was my world and I don't know what I'd do without him.
"I'm so happy you're ok" somebody said causing us all to hurry and turn around
"See I fucking told y'all I wasn't crazy" I said to the boys
"Mom?" B said
"It's me baby" she said walking up and hugging him.

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