Chapter 33

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It's been a week since it happened. I barely talked to B or O and I haven't ate since and it's starting to show. I was slimming down a lot and I was weak. The smell of food made me sick. All the kids were in school and they started after school so I only made them breakfast and dinner other than packing a lunch and giving them all money.

"Can I come in" B said knocking at the door

"No" I said and he came in anyways

"Derick asked about you, he was worried" he said sitting on the bed

"Tell him worry about his wife" I said turning my TV up so he would leave me alone

"India what did I do to you" he asked getting up and turning the tv off

"Did you know" I asked

"Honestly yes I did but I didn't know you'd be this hurt about it" he said

"I finally had my family, I was finally happy and y'all fucked it up" I said starting to cry.

"I'm sorry" he said coming to hug me. I pushed him off me and grabbed me keys and walked out. It was raining out and all I had on was a hoodie and some panties because my clothes were getting to big. I sat in the car and started it up and drove around. I walked in a store to shop for some clothes that would fit.

"Hey India" I heard someone say and turned around and seen Derick

"Hey" I said continuing to look through the clothes

"Don't you think it's a cold for you to be wearing a hoodie dress"

"Don't you see me shopping" I said getting annoyed

"Slimming down huh? I like you better with the weight" he said smirking

"Good thing I didn't ask you what you liked isn't it" I snapped back.

"What's the matter with you" he asked

"NO GOOD ASS CHEATING ASS NIGGAS IS WHATS THE FUCKING MATTER WITH ME, now if you don't fucking mind don't you have a wife you should be going home too" I yelled at him. Everybody looked at us

"I left her. Found out she was cheating"

"Well then I guess it sucks to be you right" I said walking away.

I got in the car and locked the doors and started crying. I turned the music on and of course that made it no better. I wiped my tears and drove off. I forced myself to eat so I can start getting my weight back up. I lived in a house where I never talked to anybody other than my kids. I stopped cooking for O and would only cook for the kids and myself.

"Can we talk" O asked

"Just did" I said walking past him

"Listen I know you mad but I was wondering if Aaliyah could meet her. I mean if I'm gone be with her she should at least meet my kid" he said

"Don't fucking push it because you would be pissed if I fucking killed her" I said

"She's my child to India" he said

"You know what you're right. Go ahead I don't care" I said walking to my room. I was so hurt, he acted as if he didn't care that I was hurting. Fuck him. I called Derick and he told me to come over. I went to his house and he held me all night.

It was now early morning and I had to get home to get my kids ready for school

"Where you going" Derick asked

"I had to go get my babies ready for school" I said getting dressed

"Will you come back?" He asked

"Maybe" I said putting my shoes on and walking out.

I got home at six and took a shower and went downstairs and started cooking. O was the only other person up.

"Can we please talk India" he asked

"About What Omarion"

"What the problem is" he said

"There is no problem"

"So why you acting like this towards me"

"Because I was just getting the family I always wanted. I was finally fucking happy and I can't even trust you to go on a fucking trip for a month without cheating then to make it worse you didn't even just cheat, I would have been ok with you just cheating but you leave me for the bitch then think you gone have my fucking daughter around her?" I said not looking at him because I knew I'd be ready to fight him

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen like this" he said

"Sorry doesn't fix everything but like I said if you're happy then I'm happy for you" I said knowing that was a lie

"You know that's a lie you barely eat anymore and you don't even talk" he said

"I'm talking now and I eat enough" I said knowing that was also a lie

"India you was wearing a medium in clothes now you damn near in a extra small. You barely eat once a week. That's not ok and don't let me stop you from doing what you need to do to keep yourself together" he said

"You're not the problem Omarion maybe it's just me. My own father didn't even wanna be in my life. My own parents didn't even love me why would I ever think anybody else was. I'm the problem here and that's fucking fine I'll be happy by myself because obviously this ain't it" I said throwing the fork down and running upstairs. I started crying again. I got myself together quick and went back downstairs and finished cooking. I woke the kids up and they ate and got ready for school. I dropped them off and went back home and packed all our stuff.

"Where you going" B said

"To a hotel until I find a house"

"So you gone let it get this far" he asked

"Yeah I'm thinking about moving back and staying with a friend" I said


"Darnell" I said


"We've been talking he misses me and the kids" I said


"Until I find me a house yes really"

"And what about my boys and their relationship with there cousins"

"Have O make them some more cousins they'll live" I said. I wasn't really going to move back but I was going to visit.

I went and paid for the nicest room the hotel had and put our suitcases there and packed a small bag so we can go visit Darnell.

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