Chapter 16

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"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" I yelled at my brother
"Fuck that nigga I would of tortured his ass I ain't have shit to do with that. The nurses came running in and made us leave.
"Where's O" I asked walking back to his room with him
"What the fuck you asking me for" he said trying to walk faster than me. As we approached the room I was ready to fuck him up because I know he did it. All this stress was to much for me.
"Omarion I'm gonna fucking kil.." I couldn't finish what I was gonna say because I seen him in handcuffs and a room full of police officers.
"India & Brian Johnson your under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish." The officer said as he handcuffed us and walked all three of us out. We knew to shut the fuck up until our lawyer was there. So nobody said a word. We all split up in the police station. The cops were telling me that my brother and O had snitched and said it was all me but I knew them niggas ain't say a word and if they did they would say they did it before anything. I knew we would be home before the day was over with.
My lawyer finally walked in.
"I should have known it was you who arrested them, you've been trying for years and still have no evidence for anything" my lawyer said to the officer.
"Maybe not now but one day they will slip up and make a mistake" the officer said staring at me.
"Maybe one day right? But for now they're innocent and you know that. Release them and stop harassing my people because we don't need any drama between us sir now do we" my lawyer said to the officer
"Is that a threat" he said as he uncuffed me
"Not at all" I said standing up walking towards him.
"I suggest you leave us alone before you find out what type of work we really do" I whispered as I walked past him. Even if he did have evidence most of these cops were dirty cops anyway that would get rid of it for us. I walked out and met my brother and O. We all left and went to my house. The ride there was silent nobody said anything.
"Did you kill him" I asked O
"Why the fuck would I kill him in a hospital India I didn't do that shit" he said
"Where's Jade" I asked B
"I don't know she had text me and told me she was moving back because the vibe was off out here" he said
"So what was the point in coming" I asked like he knew
"Nigga I don't know and I don't really give a fuck" he said
"So if nobody here killed him then who did" I asked them. Before they could answer my phone started ringing
"I have proof that you killed Marie, your father and your mother" a voice said over the phone. I put it on speaker
"So what is it gonna take to keep you quiet" I asked
"10 million" it said
"You fucking crazy bitch foh" I said
"I'll text you the location you got a hour" it said before they hung up.
"Get ready" B said. And I just listened and got ready.

When we got to the spot nobody was there. Then a bitch walked in
"Somebody knows I'm here so if you try anything they'll know" she said
"You think I give a fuck" I said walking up to her.
"You're not gonna kill me" she said
"Who are you with? The police? Or a dummy? Who would send you in here with no gun and no backup?" I asked. She just looked and didn't say anything
"Who sent you?" I said. She ignored me.
"Ok" I shot her in the leg
"WHO SENT YOU" I yelled. Then shot her in the arm for ignoring me again
"Next time it's to the head WHO FUCKING SENT YOU" I said pointing the gun at her head.
"JOY" she said.
"What the fuck" I said
"Get up your coming with us" O said
Now we had to find our mother and kill her.

It's been 2 months and we haven't found her but we still had the girl. I was in the hospital ready to give birth, I could not handle the pain but ain't no way I was letting them stick that big ass needle in me. This process was soooooooo fucking long. All I could do was cry and a bitch was hungry they keep offering me these fucking popsicles. I had O go get me some food from the cafeteria. And it was just me and my brother.
"You think I'm gonna be a good mom?" I asked him
"You been a good mom" he said
"What you mean boy" I said
"Look at how you love & protect me like I'm yo child or something" he said
"I don't think I'm ready, I never had plans on being a single mother" I said
"Now you know damn well O gone take care of that baby like it's his and so am I" he said. And before I could respond I started screaming "it's time" she was definitely coming. The nurse came in and all I heard was "she delivering" and the room was packed with doctors/nurses. I was holding my brother hand so tight I could of broke his fingers.
"How you feeling" the doctor asked I was ready to whoop his ass
"I can't take this pain" I said crying like somebody had just shot me
"Push on 3, 1-2-3 push" the doctors said. After pushing and pushing and pushing and a whole breakdown my baby girl was finally here. She had my middle name but Mell always said her name would be "Malina" so it was.
Welcome to the world baby. I was with my 3 favorite people.


It's been 4 months and I felt like I was going crazy. O and my brother has been here 24/7 but I was always up all night I couldn't sleep knowing it was people still out to kill us. My babygirl was beautiful she had a head full of hair with flawless brown skin and some big beautiful eyes. She didn't cry unless she was hungry, tired or needed to be changed. I had got my body back except these saggy ass water bags for titties. I was definitely going to Miami to get my girls done ASAP. Somebody started knocking at the door and my first reaction was to grab my gun.
"Who is it" O asked. No answer. My brother looked at the cameras and just seen somebody in all black. O opened the door and it was my Joy.
"You got a lot of balls coming here" B said
"How the fuck do you know where I live" I asked getting pissed
"Man pack all y'all shit you can't stay here no more" O said. I was happy and ready for a move anyway so I did just that. We lived in the same place just a regular move. The boys decided to watch the baby today and even though me and O was back together I wanted Trey. Trey has dick you could only get from him and as long as he had that I'd be back everytime. When I met up with Trey we fucked. I had completely forgotten that I had fucked O raw this morning too but what happened has already happened. I went out and partied that night but I didn't drink that much. When I got home the boys and my baby was sleeping. I went and showered and just when I laid down and closed my eyes she woke up and started screaming.
"Ughhhhhh" I said to myself as I got up and made her a bottle. As soon as she ate she went right back to sleep and I noticed O staring at me.
"Why you always staring" I said
"Why I can't look at you beautiful" he said
"Because you can't" I said climbing back in bed
"Ay when you supposed to get yo period" he asked
"Why" I asked
"Man answer me" he said getting annoyed
"On the 3rd" I said
"Is you gone kill my baby if you pregnant" he asking looking mad
"Why you wanna get me pregnant so bad O, you see me having a hard time being a new mother of 1 already" I said getting pissed. What was this man obsession with me. We had stopped talking and went to sleep. We still didn't decide what we was gonna do with our mother but nothing was making since to me. What was her reason to do that? Or was she really the one that did it?

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