Chapter 30

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"You got something to do today" India asked

"Nah just chillin why"

"Can you watch them while I go to my appointment, B said he gone be busy and I don't want them to come" she said

"Sure I got you" I said as she got up and got dressed and left.

"Where's my mommy going" Mal said

"To the doctors she'll be back soon"

"You not my daddy and my mommy got a boyfriend" she said

"Ok Mal go play or something, you always talk so much"

"My mommy gonna give me another sister" she said


"Mal why you always bothering somebody dang that's why you annoying now" Damar said


"Calm the fuck down" I said they ignored me


"Everybody shut up" Trey said

"Mommy only got them because they killed our brother Trey" she said rolling her neck and putting her hands on her hip stomping her little foot

"Is that real" Trey asked looking up at me.

"No!." I said

"YES IT IS!! I MEMBER IT" she yelled

"STOP LYING ALL THE TIME MAL DANG" Jamar yelled at her.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP" I yelled at them all

"You not my fucking daddy" she said

"Mal Watch yo mouth before I pop you in it" I said

"That why you not brown like me!" She said pointing to her skin

"Did the bitch just try to call me white" I thought to myself

She went in her room and closed the door and I went back in mine and did the same. When I woke up India was back.

"Where's Mal and Trey" she asked taking her clothes off

"Probably in her room they bad asf man" I said. She walked out and checked her room.

"O why is some of they clothes gone with they bookbags. Stop playing with me" she said getting serious

"She must've left then, everybody was arguing and I went to sleep" I said.

"WHY WASNT YOU WATCHING THEM" she yelled as she started crying

"Them ain't my fucking kids you should have took her with you fuck" I said not meaning to say it but it was to late.

"You know what O FUCK YOU" she said getting Damar and Jamar dressed and going to find Mal and Trey.

She came back almost a hour later with all the kids and she took all her stuff out our room and moved it.

"Listen India I'm sorry about earlier I was just a little mad"

"You're fine, you right, them my kids my responsibility just take care of yours and we good G" she said

"So you gone be petty"

"I'm not being petty I'm just telling you that I don't need you to do shit for mine! Worry about the one I'm carrying and we good" she said grabbing the rest of her stuff and leaving out. A few hours passed and B came in with his boys and noticed it was to quiet

"What happened" he asked me

"India wet to the doctors and I was watching the kids and Mal started talking about baby O and how D&J wasn't her and Trey brother and they was all arguing and shit and she called me white nigga, she went in her room I went in mine she packed her and Trey shit and ran away then India came and we argued and I told her them ain't my kids and it was all bad from there"

"You gone stop playing with me my nigga deadass" he said. I know he was pissed but I didn't care

"India you have to talk to Mal, she starts school tomorrow and you don't need her saying anything" b said to O

India POV

I was annoyed so I didn't say anything to her yet. This was why I didn't want another girl.

"Mal we need to talk" I said


"Ok, Mal sit the fuck down so we can fucking talk" I said and she listened

"Why I gotta talk to you like that for you to listen huh?"

She ignored me

"Listen Whatever happens in this house or outside of school stays outside out school. Don't tell anybody anything that we do ok"

"What's going to happen"

"They will take you away from me because they think I'm a bad mom and you'll never see me, your brothers or uncle B every again"

"Is Mari ever coming back mommy" she said sounding sad

"Is that why you don't like Jamar and Damar? Because you think they took Mari from you?"

"They did" she said

"No they didn't, I'll explain everything when you're older ok?" I said

"I'm sorry" she said as she started to cry

I wish she could just understand everything but I know if I told her she would run her mouth to everybody she walked by.


Mal has now been in school for almost a month and she's already gotten in trouble four times. I was over it at this point I didn't want to hit her but I had started beating her ass. Eventually she started acting right, the school called me in and told me that she was smarter than the other kids and already at a first grade level if it was ok that she be moved up. I was happy and of course I said yes. And today was the day I find out what I was having at my gender reveal party.

"Heyyy boo, we missed you" Bri and Ashley said giving me a hug

"Awe, I missed you guys too"

"How's everything going" Bri asked


"Same here" she said smiling. "So what do you want this time, a boy or girl"

"A boy.! I can not have another girl, I can't stand it" I said

"Awe she looks like a sweetheart she can't be that bad" she said smiling at Mal

"She can be a sweetheart but that girl is bad as fuck as soon as she open her damn mouth I be ready to take her head off" I said

B came in with a box. Everybody gathered around and started recording as it was time to find out what I would be having. O stood next to me holding one side and everybody counted to 3.

When the box open and pink balloons flew out I started crying and throwing a fucking fit.

"NOOOO, I DONT WANT A FUCKING GIRL. I WANT A BOY!!" I yelled as I fell out

"Are you serious right now" B asked

"I WANNA GO HOME NOW!" I yelled at him. Everybody just looked at me as if I was crazy and I just sat in the grass crying. I was really upset about having a girl Mal was more than enough.

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