Chapter 21

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India POV

it's been 3 days since I lost my baby and almost lost my life. They said they was gonna give my baby a funeral and no way I was missing it. I had just fully waken up and realized that my other 2 baby was still out there with them. I started getting up and taking everything off so I can get dressed and go. I could barely stand but there was no time to be getting well because I'd never be ok without my babies.

"Lay back down India" B man said walking in the room with Trey, O, and Tae

"No I have to go get my babies" I said

"We'll get them and handle this you need to lay down and get better" Trey said

"B, if these was your kids you'd be doing the same thing, he just took my baby from me. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't even think straight knowing that he still got my babies and that he took my baby from me" I said putting my sweats on

"You gotta tell us what happened" O said

"Marmar And Mell" I said

"Ms Johnson can we ask you a few questions" the officer said walking into the room

"I don't know anything ok? I was blindfolded and tied up the whole time. I remember going for a long drive and having my kids taken then having my son killed" I said as Tae put my shoes on

"Do you think you might know who would want to do something like this to you?" He asked

"No" I said grabbing my bag and walking out

"We can only help you if you let us" he said

"I'm fine" I said and kept walking.

I took Tae keys and got in the car and sped off to my house. I had a safe in my basement, I opened it and started grabbing and loading guns putting everything in a bag. I needed to shower and everything but all I could think about was getting my babies back.

"Where's the boys" I asked Tae

"Loading the trucks" he said as he helped me

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said as we grabbed the bags and helped them outside.

"Where to first" B said

"His mom and baby mother house" I said

"I'm not killing no kids man" T said

"You don't have to" I said getting in the truck and pulling off.

When we got to his mom house we pulled up to the back and kicked her side door in.

"Where's your son" I asked his mom pointing a gun to her head.

"I don't know" she said crying

"Who else is here" I asked

"The babies, he told me if anybody came to hide them" She said crying and shaking

"Who babies? Where are they?" I asked

"I don't know, there in the attic" she said

"Go see" I said to the boys.

Tae and B man went up to the attic and came back down with my babies. They ran to me and hugged me. I dropped to my knees and started crying. I hugged them so tight I didn't want to let them go.

"Take them and stay with them" I said to T knowing he would protect my kids like they were his.

" mommy will be home soon ok" I said giving them a kiss and waving bye. When I heard the car pull off I took his mother with me. She was gonna die anyway but he needed to suffer like I had to. The next spot was Marmar baby mother house. He had 2 boys that was no more than 2 years old. When we got there it was only his baby mother and the boys.

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