Chapter 18

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After arguing with O I went to my brothers and laid by his pool and relaxed. I was thinking of my babygirl. I couldn't wait for her to get old enough to get her nails and feet done. Couldn't wait to be able to style her hair either. I wanted to make sure all my kids had everything they wanted/ and needed. I was ready to change my life around for them.

"You ready to talk to me" my mom said sitting next to me
"I don't really have anything to say to you" I said
"Tell me how you feel" she said
"What are you a therapist? I'm not telling you shit, you wrong for leaving yo kids like that I don't think I could ever leave my babies" I said
"You never know until your put in that situation" she said
"I know I'd die protecting my babies and if I ever had to leave I'm coming back as soon as I can" I said
"I'm sorry India" she said
"No need to be I turned out fine, I'm happy with my life" I said getting up and walking away. I went in the kitchen and checked my phone I had 5 missed calls and a text from Tae.

Tae 🤤❣️: Call me back when you see this

So I called him.

"Hello" I said as he picked up the phone

"What took you so long" he said

"You questioning me like you my nigga or something" I said

"I can be" he said

"Can be, but you not, but wassup" I said

"When you coming back, a nigga miss yo company" he said laughing a little

"When yo ass come pick me up and I wanna go out to eat" I said

"I'll take you out if you let the baby come" he said

"What" I said

"Better get used to being a family because I'm making you mine" he said

"She's not with me" I said

"So get her and I'll come get y'all" he said

"Fine" I said hanging up and calling T. I told him that I missed her and she had to come home. I packed her bags and I got my bags because he said we would be staying a few days.

I went to pick her up and just figured I'd drive to his house myself. When we got there I had my hands full with the bags and the baby. I knocked on the door and it got quiet for a second.

"Boy it's me hurry up and open the door" I said. And he did just that.

"My bad girl you ain't call no nothing, I thought I was coming to get you" he said as he grabbed my baby and a bag. He had his friends over they was playing the game.

"Um I hope they was on they way out" I said looking at them

"Nah we wasn't you see us playing the game" one of the boys said

"Nah y'all heard baby moms get up and get the fuck out niggas she only gone say shit once" Tae said to them. They all got up and got they shut and left.

"Yeah now you clean this us while I wash my baby up" I said to him pointing at the mess they made

"Damn well ok mom" he said laughing

"Yeah ok" I said. I had cleaned his sink and filled it with water. My baby was so big now. I got her pjs ready and started washing her her.

"Can I help" Tae asked as he walked up hugging me from behind.

"If you wash your hands" I said smiling and giving him a kiss. He washed his hands and washed her hair then washed her up. He said he didn't know how to do pampers so he gave her back. I lotioned her up and got her dressed and she went right to sleep.

"You and her can sleep in here I'll go in the guest room" he said

"Why" I asked

"Well can I sleep with y'all then" he asked

"Yes you can" I said. He watched her while I showered then he showered and came and laid down. We didn't do anything but watch tv and go to sleep. I slept through the night without having to wake up. But when I woke up my baby wasn't there and neither was Tae.
My heart was pounding fast and I started crying.

"TAE" I yelled but I got no response. I was running around looking crazy until I seen them outside in the backyard by the pool. He was sitting there with her sitting in front with her little feet in the water.

Don't ever do that again" I said walking up to them

"Do what" he asked

"I thought my baby was gone I almost had a heart attack in there" I said sitting next to them

"My bad she was crying so I feed her, changed her and brung her out here so you could get some sleep" he said

"Did you burp her" I asked

"Yes ma'am I did" he said handing her to me. I started asking her did she like him as if she understood me and she started laughing.

"See we gonna be the perfect little family" he said giving me a kiss.

Me and O broke up. Ive been with Tae for the past few months. Baby girl had just turned 1 and she was already a big sister. She was excited to meet her baby brothers. Yes I'm having 2 boys. And it was time, we were in the hospital and Trey, O, and Tae was in the room along with my brother and baby. They told them that only 2 people could be in there not including my baby but they didn't care they wanted to know who babies these were.
"How you feeling" Tae asked holding my hand
"It hurts so bad" I said crying
"You'll be ok baby it'll be over soon" He said running his hands through my hair
"Hey India were gonna flip you over and have you put your leg up on this ball. It'll hopefully speed things up." The doctor said putting this big ass ball between my legs. A couple minutes went by and I felt a whole lot of pressure. I knew it was time. I couldn't do anything but scream and push. Then the room filled with doctors and the whole time Tae was there holding my hand. He tried to calm me down but the pain was unbearable. I felt like I was gonna die.
"On 3 do a big push, 1-2-3 push" the doctors yelled
"You're doing good" "you're gonna be ok" I heard the doctors tranna tell me.
"I can't do this, it hurts to bad I can't push" I said crying
"Come on he's almost here babygirl you got this just push" Tae said and I did just that.
"There he is" I heard a doctor say
"Is he ok, am I ok, where's the other one, where's my babies" I cried. I heard my brother say "oooh shit" and I didn't know what was happening
"Fuccckkkkk" I yelled in pain. Ain't no baby these babies was gone come back to back. I felt like I was gonna pass out.
"You have to breathe, then push, don't keep holding yo breath girl you gone kill yourself" Tae said
"How about you push a fucking baby out yo dick and see how it fucking feels stop talking to me" I said not meaning to be mean but I was ready to kill somebody.
I finally pushed my baby out and I was tired. I wanted to just hold all 3 of my babies and sleep.
"I want my babies now" I said
"We can get you cleaned up and move you upstairs and you can get them and get some rest ms Johnson." The nurse said
"I want to see them now" I said ignoring what she was talking about.
When she brung me my babies I noticed the boys just staring at me and I already knew what it was.
"Do you know what you want to name them?" The doctor asked
"Trey and Omarion Jr." I said

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