Chapter 22

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India POV

Tae had took the kids out for ice cream while I cleaned up our house. Raising 4 kids all around the same age was not easy AT ALL. They fought a lot and wanted everything they seen. I was on my way upstairs when I heard my door unlock.

"Who is that" I asked

"It's me and Darnell sis" b said walking in the house.

"I'll be down in a sec" I said finishing what I was doing.

"Take ya time girl" he said. After I finished cleaning up babygirl toys I went downstairs. B was in my kitchen drinking my apple juice out the bottle.

"Ew nigga you can have it now with yo yuck mouth" I said

"I was gone finish it anyway he said laughing

"What you looking for down there" I asked Darnell

"A nigga tranna make a sandwich where the bread" he asked. I pointed to the breadbox I had

"Oh you fancy huh" he said smiling

"Something like that" I said smiling back at him

"Alright with all that flirting and shit niggas, but how you been sis" he asked

"I've been ok" I said

"How you really been and don't lie to me" he said giving me a look

"I still cry at night but what can I really do about it" I said starting to cry

"Go see him, talk to him, don't shut everybody out again, I'm always a phone call away you know I'll drop anything and everything to be there for you India" he said hugging me.

"I have to be strong for my babies" I said still crying

"I know you do, I understand that trust me but I don't want to fall back to where you was and I almost lost you, it's ok to cry, let that shit out" he said hugging me tighter. And I did just that, let it all out

"I lost my sister to depression and after my sister killed herself 3 days later so did my mom, she never talked about it, she let what she was going through kill her, and I know it ain't my business or my place but if you need anybody to talk to I'm here too" Darnell said

"Thank you" I said wiping my face

"I think you need a night of fun, partying always makes everything better" Darnell said

"You right D, Indy be dressed tonight we going out" B said

"I'm always down to party" I said smiling.

"I'm bouta go take a shower and a nap, wake me up when my babies get here and Darnell don't be down here flirting with my sister nigga" he said going upstairs

"I ain't making no promises Nigga" Darnell said to him.

"What games you got for this PS4" he said turning Tae game on.

"It ain't mine but you can look they all in there" I said pointing to the tv stand

"You know how yo play 2k" he asked

"A little, why" I said. He handed me a controller and we played a couple games of 2k. He did not let me win once.

"You trash" he said as I turned on Netflix

"Fuck you, you just a cheater" I said picking something to watch

"You can do that if you want shorty" he said licking his lips looking me up and down.

"Boy please I'll have yo ass in love" I said sitting down next to him.

"Nah you gone be the one all in love and shit" he said

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