Chapter 7

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I didn't wanna leave without saying anything but we had an emergency at the shop. After I went and got everything handled and taken care of I was gone go back to India's but Marie texted me.

Marie: "If you don't come over I'll tell her what you did"

O: "man wtf you talking about"

Marie: "come here now"

I didn't really care for Marie but I knew if India ever found out that I even let her best friend only suck my dick she would flip, so to keep the bitch quiet I went.

Marie POV

Of course I wasn't gone snitch but he didn't know that. I wanted this man forever so I was willing to do whatever I had to, to make sure he was in my life. I had to have his baby. And it was time to put my plan in motion.
He got here and made himself comfortable which made it easier for me. I drugged his drink and he was drinking cup after cup after cup. I didn't expect it to be this easy but I had him right where I wanted him. I climbed on top of him and started kissing his neck but then I had the idea to record just in case. I got up and told him to wait there, I went in my room and set it up and bring him in there but now I needed him to take control so he couldn't say I drugged him or made him do anything when the video "randomly" got out.

I started it by kissing him then he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waste. He kissed, licked, & sucked on my neck. I was loving every second of it.

"You like that babygirl" he asked.

"Yes daddy" I moaned back.

"You want daddy dick" he asked looking me in my eyes while undressing me.

"Yes" I said licking my lips.

And like that he shoved himself into me as I screamed because the shit hurted bad. He moved me up in the middle of the bed and climbed between my legs and laid his body on top of mines and went as deep as he could.
"Aaaaahhhhhhh fucccckkkkk. Oh my gosssshhhh" I moaned. I see why this bitch was obsessed with him he damn sure knew how to make a bitch go nuts. "Mmm fuck" he moaned quietly. I tried to push him off but he was to big and to strong. "Move let me get on top" I said. He looked at me for a minute and moved. He just laid back with his hands behind his head. I put my hands on his chest to get on my feet and I rode him until he came. He had a tight ass grip on my waist holding me so he could fuck me even though I was on top. "Fucckk I'm about to cum" he moaned squeezing me tighter. I looked him in his eyes and said "cum in me daddy" and kissed him and just like that I was about to have what I wanted.
When I got off he went right to sleep and I went saved my video and got in the shower. I got out and laid my head on his chest and went right to sleep. Until I heard his phone ringing and seen it was India I answered "hello"

India POV

I noticed Marie been acting funny lately but that's fine because I wasn't gone kiss her ass. "She must be on her period" I thought as I blew her phone up. Whatever. I haven't spoke to O I assumed he was mad at me again but I didn't forget about the ass whooping I owe his ass for chocking me and plus we needed to discuss us and what we had going on. So I called him.
"Hello" some bitch said as she answered his phone. I was pissed.
"Where the fuck is my nigga" I yelled.
"I just put him to sleep, try him in the morning sweetie" she said.
"No bitch now" I said annoyed
"Listen bitch, I don't know why you think you hold so much weight with my nigga but you don't and I'm only gone tell you this one time, leave him the fuck alone or I will find you and I will kill you. He has a whole baby on the way if he wanted you then he would be there instead he's with me, where he belongs, hoe ass bitch" she said before hanging up.
Little did she know I was gone find out who it was. And I couldn't wait to make her eat every word she just said. I hope her hands where her mouth is because I was gone beat the baby out this bitch.

Y'all don't have to be scared to comment 😂 I don't bite 😭
I'll be posting chapter 8 tonight to 🙂

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