Chapter 9

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Marie POV

No matter how much I didn't like her I still had to much love for my best friend. I know what I did was fucked up but this shit was crazy. India just shot herself. I dropped down but I felt something touch the back of my head.

"Get up bitch" I heard b man say

"What the fuck nigga" I said

"You think somebody stupid bitch. This is because of you she knew what the fuck happened. The plan was to kill you, if my sister die your gone now get in the fucking car." He said staring at me. Right now wasn't the time to argue I knew he would kill me I could see it in his eyes I got in the car and so did O. B man took India to the hospital. We pulled up to the spot and he took me in the basement and tied my hands over my head and the ropes almost lifted me off my feet. As he was walking to the door I cried for him not to leave me there. He just smirked and walked away.

B man POV

I rushed my sister to the hospital when we got there everybody was asking questions and I just yelled and told them to help my sister because of she died so would they. I waited what seemed like hours. It was me, O, Trey, Dayday, Bri, Ash, & Key. I knew she was fucking these 3 niggas, but they didn't know each other and the 3 girls were a couple of her friends.
"India Johnson's family" this cute little white nurse called. We all stood up and walked towards her.
"How is she, is she ok" we all started asking
"She's ok but the baby didn't make it I'm sorry" she said
"Wait what" O asked
"She was 13 weeks sir I'm sorry for your loss" she said
"What, that was my baby" Trey added
O gave him a look like he was gone kill him but I gave him that nigga chill look. He knew he wasn't the only nigga she was fucking and he was gone have to deal with it until they was official.
"I think it would be better if everybody didn't go in at the same time." She said before she walked away.
"Let the girls go in first since they ain't staying" I said signaling them to go.
They were there for about 10 minutes but they had to go they just wanted to make sure she was ok.
We went in the room and O stood there looking at her. Trey and dayday left. I wanted to cry but I never showed no emotions especially not in front of people but I couldn't help it this time. I loved my sister more than anything in the world and to know she could have just died crushed me. I seen O crying with his hand on her stomach and I had to step out for some air.


"How you know it was mine" I asked India
"Because I knew I know what I be doing" She said pushing my hand off her.
"Why you have to do that man.. I know I fucked up but damn that wasn't right" I said trying to hold back my tears but I couldn't, to know I was the reason the love of my life killed our child and risked killing herself was killing me.
"Because I don't want anything to do with you ever again. I hate you for what you did and I don't think I'll ever forgive you for that shit. That baby would mean you would have had to be in my life so no, no thank you. I'm done with you and I mean that.. you can leave now" she said pointing at the door and waving
"You're a heartless bitch India you know that" I said walking away
"I never gave a fuck" she said as I closed the door. I met B in the hall and he asked if we was good I ignored him and kept walking because I was pissed. How could she kill my baby then leave me.? This bitch had real issues.

India POV

After I made O leave my brother came in and honestly I just wanted to be alone right now.

"India" B said

"India" he said getting louder


"What the fuck is you talking about" I said staring at him.

"You think this shit is ok.? What you saying? Fuck me? You know you all I got other than my kids man I fucking love you and to know you was willing to take yo life and leave me here is fucked up" he said crying.

"I'm sorry" I said breaking down. I was ready to tell him everything, it would be a huge weight off my chest but instead I held it in. He came over and hugged me. He stayed with me until he had to leave. I was up all night thinking, I knew I was depressed and maybe I needed help or somebody to talk to about everything but I just couldn't. I didn't want anybody to know shit, so I just cried all night long. This day changed me.

3 weeks later

I been home but I've been resting, they told me when I was ready the Marie was still in the same place. I told them to untie her, feed her, and let her shower and shit. I knew I could beat Marie with no problem and that's what I wanted a fair fighting. I was just gone beat her to death and today was the day. I wasn't feeling completely better I was still in a little pain but everytime I thought of the situation it pissed me off. I showered and put my hair in a ponytail and put a scarf & bonnet on. I put on a sports bra with boy short underwear and a t-shirt with some stretchy shorts. I got in my truck and drove to the spot. I got there and went in and told them to bring her. She walked out and just stared at me.
"You really gonna fight me while I'm pregnant." She asked.
"What baby" I said smirking
"O you gonna let her do this" she asked him. I looked and waited for him to respond.
"That ain't my baby G" he said puffing the blunt and passing it.
"Hit me" I said putting my hands behind my back giving her a chance. She stood there
"Ok" I said after waiting a couple of seconds. She squared up and so did I she swung first but missed and I swung and hit her causing her to stumble back. "Come on bitch" I said getting mad. She started swinging and connected a good 4 punches. I smiled spitting blood out." I like that" I said swinging on her as hard as I possibly could causing her to fall I got on top and started punching her repeatedly until her face was covered in blood. "Stupid.. ass.. freak...bitch" I said in between punches I could tell she was unconscious because she had stopped fighting back and her head was just slumped over. I stood up and started stomping her out. I had blood all over me. And after I knew she was dead her whole face was busted open I couldn't even recognize her. I wanted to cry but I just left went home showered and drunk and laid down.

O: Can we talk India?

Me: Nah I'm good

I turned my phone off. I need a fat blunt and a some dick right now. I knew my hoes was mad at me so it was time to go out and get some more. I put on a little black dress that had a split down the middle showing how nice my titties sit. It was open in the back basically my whole back was out and it covered my ass but it was extra short. It stopped right under my ass if I was to bend over it would be out. I put on some black heels with some clear lip gloss and put my hair in a messy bun.
When I got to the club I seen so many fine niggas I didn't know what to do. I wanted them all. I went to the bar and got some drinks.
"Damn" I heard somebody behind me say. I turned around and seen this tall brown skin man with a bread and some sexy brown eyes he had grillz in his mouth that was shining when he smiled. It looked like he had just got his hair cut, he was buff and had a scar above his eye. And his accent was just making him ever more sexier.
"You must like what you see baby" he said smirking at me.
"I definitely do" I said smiling at him.
"So what's yo name beautiful" he asked sitting next to me.
"India" I said turning towards him.
"Well do you have a man India" he asked
"No sir I don't and I'm not looking for one" I said
"So what are you looking for & its Mell" he said
"Sex. No feelings involved no strings attached" I said
"Well here's my number, text me" he said giving me his number
"I will" I said grabbing my drink and walking away.
"One down, a whole club to go" I said to myself.

I wanted to wait to post but I can't 😂 I know I hateeeee when people take forever to update they stories so here's 9 and I'll be posting 10 tonight to 🤷🏽‍♀️ Enjoyyyy loves 😘❤️

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