Chapter 19

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She handed me my babies and just as I thought one was white as shit looking just like O. And the other was chocolate looking just like Trey.
"You cheated on me" O said.
"They're handsome sis, good shit" B said
"If you gonna cry and bitch about the situation you can leave, he's yours and obviously this one isn't, you knew what type time I was on when we first started fucking, I didn't mean for it to happen like this but if you gone be a father do that then and worry about your child, same for you Trey" I said annoyed
"Is this even possible" Trey said
"Yes it is actually" the doctor said. She then explained how it happened and I went and got showered and settled in my room and got my babies and went to sleep. Me, baby O, and Malina slept together. Tae and baby T slept on this couch bed. I was happy with my little family.
I woke up in the middle of the night and fed the boys, while Mal and Trey went home and ate, showered and got sleep. The doctors came and took the babies and I just slept.

When I woke up all my babies and my bf was there. I was just to happy on how everything was going.
"Good morning beautiful" Tae said
"Good morning" I said
"You ok?" He asked
"Yes other than being to happy, but I'm fine" I said laughing
"You're brother called he on his way" he said
"Ok" I said
When B came he said some girl with him and she was all up on my kids.
"I'm sorry but did I say you could touch my babies?" I asked her with an attitude
"Um no I didn't think it was a problem" she said rolling her neck
"Well it is, if you ain't gone ask permission at least wash yo fucking hands and don't be all in they faces" I said ready to get up and smack her ass
"Girl please" she said still touching my baby. I stood up and B pushed me back down and took my baby and gave him to me. He but baby O down and choked the girl up.
"If you ever disrespect my fucking sister again I'll kill you now get the fuck out" he said pushing her into the door
"You need to choose better females she could have just died playing with me like that" I said
"I need you to hurry and get up outta here because we got some shit to talk about and handle" He said
"What you mean" I said looking confused
"Some wild shit happen but we can't talk here" he said
"Well now I wanna know" I said
"Mell ain't dead" he whispered in my ear
"What" I said
"It was a set up" he said
"No way I seen blood, why would he set us up, why would he get me pregnant to just leave" I said starting to cry
"I'll fill you in on everything when you leave here, right now you focus on your kids ok, I had somebody here watching y'all and guarding y'all so nothing happens do not let these kids leave this room" he said
"Ok" I said. He kissed my forehead and walked out. I didn't understand none of this and it was some bullshit. I hope nobody was stupid enough to try my kids. I'll shot the whole city without asking no questions. When I said I'd die for my babies I meant that.


"You supposed to be my mans nigga how you let that shit happen" I said to B man

"Ion got shit to do with who she fucking, my job is to protect and provide not monitor her sex life"

"You still fucked up" I said

"Nobody told yo ass to be fucking my sister anyway Nigga stop being a bitch and go see yo fucking son" he said. I ignored him and walked out. I was tired of all these mfs. Fuck India fuck her other baby and fuck that Nigga Trey.

When I got to the hospital she was up and Tae was holding baby O.

"I want a DNA test" I said

"Ok" she responded not even getting mad.

"How do you sleep at night knowing what you do" I asked her

"The same was you sleep at night knowing what you do" she said getting smart

"I kill niggas that's different" I said

"And I fuck them that's better" she said

"You 19 with 3 kids India" I said

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