Chapter 5

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B-man pov

I was driving to the spot when my lil sis called me at first I wasn't gone answer. I could even speak before she said "9-1-1" and hung up I sent a text to our gc saying "9-1-1 Indy crib" and sped to her house. When I got there this nigga O was already there searching. Not knowing he beat me here I pointed my gun at him and he did the same. Once we realized we put em down and he said "I searched the whole house man she gone it's blood in the basement". Looking like he was about to cry. I knew him and my sister had something going on but as long as he ain't hurting her I don't give a fuck they both grown. "Watch the cameras while I go see something" I said walking to the safes she had in her house.

I checked the safes and everything was there and even the jewelry she had laying around wasn't touched so what the fuck did anybody want with my sister.
When I went back to O he had the camera paused and asked did I know the bitch on the screen. A nigga dropped a tear, I ain't seen my momma in almost 4 years and this how she come back.? For what.?
"Yeah, that's my momma" I said before walking out and speeding off.

India pov

I woke up in a dark empty room tied to a chair. I had been shot twice in my stomach and I know my father was apart of it because I had been stitched and wrapped up. He was a doctor. I wanted to be strong and show no fear, show no emotions but I couldn't I cried and cried and cried until the door opened. I looked my parents in the eyes and it's like they didn't give a fuck that they had hurt me but this wasn't like them. I knew my brother was gone find me and I was ready to kill both these bitches.
"Hey sweetie" my momma said.
"Fuck you" I said spitting at her.
"Is that how we raised you" my father said slapping me.
He never hit me before I was shocked
"You hit like a bitch" I laughed
He punched me this hard so hard my chair fell over and my lip busted
"Is that hard enough for you babygirl" he said picking my chair up.
"You do hit like a old lady" I said laughing spitting out blood
My mother was just standing there staring at me
"What the fuck you looking at bitch" I said to her
She laughed
"He's coming for you so be ready" I said
"What the fuck are you talking about" Joyce asked
"You'll see "momma"" I said
They left and I was hoping b man would be quick

Marie pov

My bestie been ignoring me since what happened at the shop but I didn't care. I called O and asked him could he come over. He agreed. I hurried and showered and put on a dress with no undies. I wanted him bad it wasn't fair she had everything. I knew we was gone fall out but at this point I didn't care.
When he got there before he could say anything I pulled him in and started kissing him he pushed me off but I wasn't giving up that easy. I dropped to my knees and was taking his pants off. If he rejected this head he was a faggot ain't no way around it.
"Marie what the fuck" he said looking down at me
I licked the tip of his dick and softly sucked it. I spit on it and put my hands around it going in a circular motion and put my mouth on it going back and forth then taking the whole thing in my mouth. "Fuckkk" my moaned. "Mmmmm" I said the vibration caused him to push me back and he said I'm bouta cum, I kept sucking until he came in my mouth and he was still hard. He picked me up and took me to my room and laid me down. His phone started ringing and of course he answered. He listened and said "ok". Put his clothes on and left without saying anything. "What the fuck" I thought.

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