My Brothers Best Friend Got Me Pregnant

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Ok, I'm really excited to write this so please VOTE if you like it and COMMENT if you like it lol thanks so much and make sure to check out my other story. :))))

Also I update every 2 days!!! Sometimes everyday :)))


His hands move to my shirt, pulling it over my head, "Umm... Austin..." I say nervously

"Mhmmm" He says as he tries to unhook my bra strap.

"I don't know if I'm ready... maybe we can talk or play a game instead" We are in the backseat of his black Hummer making out and things were starting to get a bit heated. This happens to be my older brothers best friend Austin, he wanted to give me a ride home and then he began confessing about how pretty he thought I was and how he wanted to have something special with me. This summer we have hung out a lot and he's being really sweet to me. He has been my brothers best friend since they met in 6th grade, I have had a crush on him since then. He never acknowledged my presence until this summer, he would kiss me a lot and hold my hand all the time. He treated me so sweet and I began liking him more and more. We would make out and stuff and touch but nothing like this.

"You like me right?" He asked

"I do" I whispered. "I like you a lot...."

"Ok then whats the problem?" He asked impatiently

"I just..... I don't think I want to do this..."

He started to get angry "So have you been toying with me all this time?.... leading me on just so you could blow me off?" he asked getting really upset. I didn't want to make him upset, I really wanted him to like me.

"I'm so sorry Austin, I didn't.... I don't want you to be upset with me... I'm sorry" He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"If your really sorry then show me" he said while giving me a charming smile. I didn't want to do it, but I really wanted him to like me... so I nodded and sat still and let him do whatever he wanted. When he pushed up my skirt I started to panic but I didn't try to stop him. He pulled my underwear down. He got on top of me and my whole body shut down as it happened. It wasn't what I expected, it wasn't like in the movies at all I thought as tears ran down my face. I wiped them away hoping he didn't catch me crying. When he finished he looked at me and smiled seductively as he kissed my lips, "That was fun" he said as he zipped up his pants and handed my shirt. I couldn't speak so I just nodded as I felt some sticky wetness between my legs, I put on my underwear and my shirt on as he climbed back to the front seat.

"Make sure Jake doesn't find out about this, okay?" He said with serious tone as he glanced at me through the rear view mirror. I nodded and stayed in backseat as he started the car and drove me home. When we reached my house he parked in the front and got out of the car and walked to the front door. I walked behind him, as he unlocked the door since he had the key.

I walked inside and saw Jake at the foot of the stairs coming downstairs, "Hey man!" he called out to Austin "Thanks for bringing her home, I would have come but I have a hot chick in my room waiting to be fucked" I would usually roll my eyes but I wasn't in mood.

Austin laughed "Anytime bro" Jake came down to the foot of the stairs and said "So how was the party? Did you find a pretty chick to bang?" I stiffened as Austin said "Oh yeah" I felt sick to my stomach, I ran upstairs.

"Sarah!" Jake grabbed my arm before I could make it to the top. "Whats wrong?" He looked me up and down checking for any signs of illness.

"Nothing" I said through tight lips. "Sarah, whats wrong? and don't lie!" He said getting a little upset.

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